My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 751 Surgery

The two-meter-tall, one-hundred-kilogram crawling mutant was completely eaten up by the alien mutant in less than three minutes, leaving no bone residue.

But in the same way, in order to eat the crawling mutant, he withstood all the attacks of the soldiers, including but not limited to close-range shooting from shotguns, explosions from grenades, flames from incendiary bombs, and various blunt or sharp blows.

However, after suffering so many beatings, the alien mutant still successfully ate the crawling mutant completely. After eating the crawling mutant, the injuries of the alien mutant's body were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, the muscles were reorganizing, the wounds were healing, and the bones were growing. It can be said that the damage the alien mutant received during the feeding was not enough to defeat it, mainly because there was no rocket launcher, otherwise it would have been blown to death long ago.

"No, we can't stay here any longer. If we continue like this, it will definitely affect the platoon leader's surgery. We must guide it to other places."

"I'll go! I'm the fastest runner here. I'll lead them away. You stay and continue to protect the platoon leader."

After saying this, a soldier took off his heavy protective clothing, picked up a pistol, several magazines and a grenade, and ran towards the alien mutant not far away. He pulled the trigger while running, pouring bullets on the head of the alien mutant, trying to anger it.

"Hey! Come here, big fool! Coward! ***..."

While constantly mocking the alien mutant and trying to anger it, the soldier was lucky enough to hit the left eye of the alien mutant with a bullet, and directly blew up the eyeball of the left eye.

Now, the alien mutant, who was originally indifferent, suddenly started to chase the soldier like a stimulated lion.

"Hide quickly! Don't let it notice you, brothers! I'm leaving first!"

After hearing the soldier's last words, the other soldiers fell silent involuntarily. They knew in their hearts that they would never see each other again after this separation. Perhaps they could reunite in the Martyrs' Cemetery in the next few decades.

The alien mutant chased the soldier and disappeared in the corridor. Although the figure could not be seen, the faint curses and howlings all indicated that the soldier was not dead and was still trying his best to hold the alien mutant back and buy time.

At this time in the lounge, the platoon leader's operation was at the most critical moment. The medical soldiers were clearing the blood accumulated in the trachea at the fastest speed. Only by clearing the blood first could the platoon leader breathe normally.

Soon, the blood in the trachea was cleared out by the medical soldiers. After confirming that there was nothing blocking the trachea, the medical soldiers immediately began compression-type cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Only when the platoon leader could breathe independently could the next operation be performed.

After a few minutes of compression, the platoon leader's heart began to beat again, and his breathing returned to normal. Now all the medical soldiers had to do was to straighten the trachea and suture the wound.


The operation was very successful. In this situation where there was nothing, the medical soldiers completed the operation and pulled their platoon leader back from the underworld. However, because there was no medicine here, the platoon leader had to be transferred to the military base for reexamination immediately, and the wound had to be disinfected as soon as possible, otherwise it would be bad if it got infected.

"Is there anyone outside? Come and help me move the platoon leader to the sofa."

"Here I come"

Hearing the voice of the medical soldiers coming from the lounge, several soldiers on guard outside immediately opened the door and rushed in.

Seeing the platoon leader lying on the bloody table not far away, with his chest moving up and down, they knew that the platoon leader was saved.

"Quick, lift the platoon leader to the sofa. When will our infantry fighting vehicle arrive? We have to transport the platoon leader back quickly, otherwise the wound may worsen and even the gods cannot save him."

"Don't worry, I have contacted the base. They said that the infantry fighting vehicle to pick us up is on the way and will arrive in about three minutes."

As soon as the voice fell, the roar of the engine sounded outside the lounge. As a veteran who has been dealing with armored vehicles for more than ten years, he can judge what type of armored vehicle it is just by the sound of the engine.

"It's our infantry fighting vehicle! Quick! Lift the platoon leader over!"


Just as they were about to lift the platoon leader away, they suddenly felt a huge explosion in the distance, which was so powerful that the entire institute began to shake once.

"This is the explosion of C4, Xiaolong died..."


"Let's go, the platoon leader is not out of danger yet"

Everyone fell into silence. They carried the platoon leader without saying a word and walked out of the gate of the institute.

In addition to the infantry fighting vehicle that transported them, three tanks also came here and were forming a T-shaped formation to protect the infantry fighting vehicle.

They clearly saw from outside that a huge explosion occurred on the top floor of the institute, which seemed to be caused by explosives such as C4 bombs.

This raised their alertness to the highest level, and all weapons were ready to fire at any time.

At this time, they also found four people, or three soldiers and a wounded person, walking out of the entrance and exit of the institute. After confirming their identities remotely with the camera, the medical staff on the infantry fighting vehicle immediately rushed out to meet the wounded.

"Are you all right? Are you injured?"

"We are fine. He is our platoon leader. He just underwent an operation and has not woken up yet. You guys should go and see what happened."

"Don't worry, we will take good care of him. It's not safe here. Let's go back."


Because the situation is urgent, the medical staff carried the platoon leader away first.

"Let's go too."

"No, you go back first. We still have things to do."

"He is right. You go back with the platoon leader first. Xiaohu and I still have some accounts to settle. If possible, it would be best to replenish some supplies for us."

Since the safety of the platoon leader has been guaranteed, there is only one thing they can do, that is to avenge their sacrificed comrades and completely kill the heteromorphic mutant.

They firmly believe that the heteromorphic mutant cannot be killed by an explosion of that level alone. The heteromorphic mutant must not be dead! For the sacrificed comrades, for the platoon leader, and for their base, this heteromorphic mutant must die!

In the end, the two of them still got the necessary supplies, especially big-kill weapons like bazookas, two of which each of them took, as well as several C4 bombs. Although it was certain that the alien mutant had been seriously injured, they still carried these bombs just in case. Even if they failed, they would die together with it.

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