My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 745: Defensive Battle

Although these two blocking methods were effective, they only delayed the attack for more than ten minutes.

However, for the armored company, these ten minutes were enough for them to return to the military base.

As for the military base, after receiving the report from the commander of the armored company, it immediately entered a state of first-level alert. All the soldiers entered a combat state. They set up a circular defense line around the military base, and dozens of searchlights directly illuminated the military base. The environment near the base looks like daytime.

A large number of heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, and rocket launchers were moved to the walls and deployed. At the same time, the remaining armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, etc. in the base were all driven out to block areas with insufficient firepower.

Mortars, howitzers, and rocket launchers are all ready for bombing at any time.

There are also armed helicopters, unmanned attack aircraft, and integrated surveillance drones in the sky, all of which have taken off and are ready for battle.

Now we just wait for the armored company to come back.

A few minutes later, the armored company appeared not far from the military base, and they were rushing here as quickly as possible.

The sentry who discovered this situation immediately opened the base door and let in the armored company.

Time was running out, so the commander of the armored company jumped out of his command vehicle and headed straight to the command room.

"You came just in time! Please explain to me carefully what these zombies are about."

The person in charge of this military base is a colonel, who is at the same level as Cai Wenjie.

"Captain, these zombies came from the research institute. When I arrived at the research institute with my team, these mutant zombies suddenly appeared and attacked my team. Our investigation team was also affected by these mutants. And the whole army was wiped out..."

After hearing the explanation, the regiment leader just sighed. He was very responsible for the annihilation of the reconnaissance team, because he was the one who ordered these soldiers to go to the reconnaissance research institute. If it weren't for his order, these soldiers would have died. Will not die.

"Oh, let's not talk about this anymore. Those mutants will be close to our base soon. You have fought with them before. Tell us about the strength of these mutants."

"As for the strength of these mutants, I can only say that they are very powerful. Their strength is almost several times that of ordinary mutant zombies. Just a secondary mutated power type can overturn a fully loaded infantry fighting vehicle. If two The combined force can even overturn our main battle tanks, and these mutants can completely ignore ordinary gun attacks. Unless they are large-caliber weapons, they cannot be hurt at all..."

The commander of the armored company told the commander in detail the details of the previous battle with the mutants, especially some of the characteristics of the mutants in extremely detailed detail.

"You mean, these mutants can be regarded as bulldozers with armor, right?"

"Uh, yes!"

"In that case, correspondent!"


"Let those soldiers in the defense line who are only equipped with ordinary weapons withdraw, let them go to the warehouse behind to equip heavy weapons and then return to their positions."


"I leave the base's first line of defense to you. Don't let those mutants break through our defense line."

"Don't worry, Captain, as long as I still have breath, I will never let those things come in."

After the armored company commander assured the regimental commander that the defense line would not be breached, he immediately returned to his post and waited for the arrival of the mutants.

At this time, the artillery troops in the rear had already begun the first round of shelling.

Countless howitzers and mortars, assisted by unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, began to cover the rapidly approaching mutants.

Thousands of mutants were directly killed in the first round of bombing, and hundreds of mutants were injured. No matter how powerful the mutants were, they were still carbon-based organisms. Facing a powerful and wide-ranging attack, Howitzers and mortars were simply useless.

The remaining mutants were not frightened by these shellings, but continued to run towards the military base.

However, as soon as there is a first round, there will be a second round. When the artillery in the rear adjusted the angle again, they immediately started the second covering bombing.

However, compared with the results of the first round, the second round of coverage bombing did not cause too many casualties.

The main reason is that the distance between these mutants has been very large, so sometimes a 100-millimeter howitzer shell can only kill or injure one mutant, and some even miss even one of them. .

In this case, the results are indeed not very good.

When these mutants broke through several rounds of coverage bombing and arrived near the military base, there were only more than 600 Qiange mutants left, and most of the more than 600 mutants had suffered a little. Hurts, but not a big deal.

"It's a mutant! Fire!"

The commander of the armored company in charge of the first line of defense immediately asked the soldiers in the defense line to attack after seeing the mutants.

A large number of heavy weapons and armored vehicles began to fire shells and bullets at the mutants frantically, and a dense firepower network suddenly covered the entire battlefield.

After traveling a long distance, the mutants were originally preparing to storm the military base. However, under the dense firepower of the soldiers, let alone a storm, they could not even get close to the defense line and were directly suppressed in place.

Except for the swollen mutants, the other mutants immediately lay down on the spot, trying to avoid the fire of heavy weapons.

That's right, these mutants didn't resist and started to lie down to avoid heavy firepower. It must be said that this is a big improvement for mutants.

The human warriors were also shocked by the behavior of the mutants, but they changed their strategy at the first time. Although lying in place can avoid the frontal attack of heavy firepower, it also means that these mutants have become fixed targets one after another.

For these fixed targets, it is simply a great opportunity for the soldiers holding anti-material sniper rifles. Moving targets may be difficult to hit, but it is too easy for fixed targets.

Not only the soldiers holding anti-material sniper rifles are ecstatic, but the mortars in the back are also ecstatic. Although they can't use howitzers because the distance is too close, mortars can just be used for close-range artillery. Originally, the power of mortars is a bit smaller than that of howitzers, so unless they hit the mutants directly or explode at a very close distance, they can cause effective damage to the mutants.

But now these mutants are lying motionless, which gives the mortar a perfect opportunity. As long as the data is correct, one mutant can be killed with one shot.

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