My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 744: Unbeatable

As mentioned before, ordinary firearms are ineffective against mutants, and the weapons held by the scouts are among the ordinary firearms. Therefore, a five-person reconnaissance team was brutally killed by the mutants, and the only one survived His life is not long and he is about to reach the end of his life.

In front of this warrior stood five mutants who had mutated from power-type mutant zombies. They did not kill him, but watched him die quietly, as if they were watching an ant struggling to its death, watching with relish.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒]

"You bastard, sooner or later someone will avenge me!"

Just when the soldier couldn't bear the humiliation and was about to commit suicide, a burst of rapid gunfire suddenly came from the distance.

The five mutants in front of the soldiers were torn into several pieces of flesh by the shells in an instant. The entire upper body was directly blown away, leaving only the lower body still strong.

There is only one thing with this kind of power, and that is the machine gun on the infantry fighting vehicle.

Sure enough, after the mutants were eliminated, the roar of armored vehicles was heard from a distance, and an armored company composed of a mixture of infantry fighting vehicles and tanks appeared in front of the dying soldiers.

However, the soldier now has lost too much blood, and his head is too muddled to distinguish friendly forces. But the only thing he realizes is that the mutant who killed all the members of his team has been killed. This alone can make him smile. Jiuquan. ♦♦  ♦♡

When the medic from the armored company quickly came to the soldier, the soldier had closed his eyes forever, but from the slightly raised corners of his mouth, it could be seen that he had no regrets when he died, only after revenge. of satisfaction.

"He died, take him back."

After carefully checking the soldier's condition, the medical soldier just shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no hope of saving him. All he could do now was to take the body of his comrade back for cremation.

After the medics carried the comrade's body to the medical vehicle at the back, the commander of the armored company immediately ordered the convoy to move forward at full speed.

Although he had easily killed those mutants just now, as the commander of the armored company, he still discovered something different, that is, the power of the cannon seemed to have declined, no! It should be that the defense capabilities of those mutated zombies have been enhanced.

According to past surprises, those zombies or mutated zombies were all blown into pieces when they encountered machine gun shells. But this time, although the monsters were finally killed, the two fragments and pieces of meat were The gap between them was so big that it was difficult for him not to notice.

"It seems that the mutated zombies this time are a bit difficult to deal with. We must be prepared for a fierce battle."

It has to be said that this armored company commander has a very high awareness of precautions. He can accurately judge the difficulty of this operation just by looking at the difference between fragments and pieces of meat.

It's not far away, fifteen kilometers, and for an armored company, it's only a few minutes away at most.

Soon, all the infantry fighting vehicles and tanks of the armored company successfully arrived at their destination, a national-level research institute. To be more precise, it should be the national-level research institute that had fallen.

Before the armored company could react, a large group of mutants appeared from all directions and quickly advanced towards them.

Fortunately, the commander of the armored company had already issued a high-alert order, so when the mutants emerged, some infantry fighting vehicles with faster reactions had already begun to attack these mutants.

As the first infantry fighting vehicle began to violently attack the mutants, other infantry fighting vehicles and tanks also began to attack.

Although they resisted vigorously, some mutants were able to successfully break through the circle of fire and reach the infantry fighting vehicle.

What's worse is that the mutants before these breakthroughs are all mutated from power-type mutant zombies, which means that these mutants have stronger bursts of power.

I saw a mutant that was almost three meters tall. It directly lifted up an infantry fighting vehicle with brute force and threw the infantry fighting vehicle aside. Although the infantry fighting vehicle did not explode, it also lost its corresponding combat capabilities.

After successfully overturning an infantry fighting vehicle, the mutant immediately rushed to other infantry fighting vehicles, preparing to repeat the same trick, but the turret of a tank had already locked onto the mutant.


With the sound of a cannon, the mutant who had successfully overturned an infantry fighting vehicle was immediately blown into pieces and was too dead to die.

Although other mutants cannot overturn an infantry tank by themselves like the strength mutants, several mutants can still overturn another infantry tank by working together.

Of course, their ending was the same as that of the power mutants, being blown to pieces.

However, the sound of fighting here still attracted the mutant community within the institute.

When a flood of mutants poured out of the doors and windows of the research institute, the commander of the armored company immediately determined that this was no longer something they could solve.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately! Don't worry about those two infantry tanks. Pick up the people and we will retreat."


No matter how urgent the situation is, he will not abandon his comrades. The infantry tank can be abandoned, but the people must be taken away. This is a matter of principle.

The infantry fighting vehicles and tanks of the armored company used heavy firepower to block the surging mutants as much as possible, while quickly rescuing people. After picking up everyone, they did not want to fight anymore, and directly dropped several incendiary bombs to form a sea of ​​fire, using the sea of ​​fire to try to stop the mutants from moving forward, and they evacuated here as quickly as possible.

During the evacuation, the armored company commander immediately reported to the military base, explained the whole process, and finally reminded them to be prepared for the battle.

Because these mutants actually ignored the sea of ​​fire, even if they were covered with flames, they did not stop their steps. Even most of the mutants rolled on the ground when they were contaminated with flames, using wet mud to extinguish the flames on their bodies, so that the flames had less impact on them.

Looking at the mutants chasing closely, the armored company commander realized that if he did not get rid of these mutants in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Order all vehicle crews! Release white phosphorus smoke bombs and anti-personnel mines! Make sure to get rid of these monsters"

"Yes! Captain"

As the order was issued, the tanks began to replace the special white phosphorus bombs, and then aimed at the road they came from and fired. The special white phosphorus bombs exploded in the air, forming white phosphorus fog one after another. At the same time, the infantry fighting vehicles also began to release a large number of anti-personnel mines, evenly arranged on the road. As long as the mutants broke into the white phosphorus fog area or the minefield, they would be tortured beyond recognition.

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