My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 746: The Wall is Broken

The mutants, who were lying on the ground to reduce the chance of being hit, suffered more casualties than those standing under the precise shooting of anti-material sniper rifles and mortars. Google Search Reading

Perhaps they noticed this, so the mutants stopped lying on the ground and stood up and launched a fierce charge against the military base.

At this time, the number of mutants had dropped sharply to more than 400. There was still a chance for more than 400 mutants to break through the defense line. As long as they charged at the gap when the heavy weapons were reloading, they could still close a lot of distance.

In fact, the mutants did this. As long as there was a gap in the firepower network, the mutants would desperately move forward. If there was no gap, they would just lie down on the spot or move left and right to avoid the shells.

In this case, after paying a certain price, these mutants successfully approached not far from the first line of defense. The soldiers could even clearly see the expressions on the mutants' faces.

At this point, the mutants no longer hid and rushed directly towards the soldiers. Even though the walls of the military base were very high, they could not stop the mutants from climbing over the walls.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒]

"Quick! Start the high voltage electricity! Electrocute them!"

After seeing the mutants successfully approach the wall, the commander of the armored company immediately ordered the activation of the high-voltage power grid on the wall. As the switch was turned on, the high-voltage power grid arranged on the entire wall was suddenly filled with high-voltage current. Those mutants who had climbed the wall or touched the wall were immediately twitched by the high-voltage current, and their entire bodies began to burn.

Just relying on this method, dozens of mutants were electrocuted to death at once, and dozens of other mutants were not electrocuted, but they were also twitched by the high-voltage current and lost their combat ability.

Seeing this, the remaining mutants stopped moving towards the wall and stopped in front of it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldiers used mortars and heavy weapons to kill more than a dozen mutants.

However, this was only temporary. The mutants who reacted directly picked up their fallen and twitching counterparts and threw them at the wall. The huge force of the mutants directly caused the wall to shake.

After seeing that this method was useful, the mutants also began to pick up various things on the ground and smashed them into the wall. Stones, concrete, corpses of their own kind, trees, anything useful was picked up by the mutants and smashed against the wall.

It must be said that the mutants' brains are very useful. Under their constant destruction, the concrete wall could not withstand the continuous destruction and began to crack. As more and more cracks appeared, part of the front wall collapsed, revealing a gap leading to the base.

"Block that gap! Don't let them in!"

In an emergency, a 59 modified version of the tank rushed out from the back and rushed directly towards the gap in the wall.

Those mutants who were scrambling to get in through the gap saw a steel behemoth rushing towards them. Although they thought about resisting, how could they resist a steel behemoth weighing dozens of tons?

The mutant who had just entered a few seconds was knocked out by the tank, and several other mutants who wanted to break in were also knocked to the ground by the tank and crushed into meat patties.

The gap in the wall was successfully blocked by the tank, and those mutants did not seize the opportunity to rush into the base.

"Good job! Keep destroying that group of mutants!"


Although the gap in the wall was successfully blocked, the problem was that the high-voltage electricity on the wall was broken because of the appearance of the gap, and it was impossible to continue to supply power.

Simply put, the high-voltage power grid failed! The mutants discovered this problem immediately. Since the high-voltage power grid lost its original effect, the mutants naturally would not continue to choose to smash the wall, but directly began to climb over the wall. The three-meter-high wall was not difficult for the mutants who were originally two meters tall on average.

At one time, a large number of mutants climbed in from all corners of the wall. Even if the soldiers opened fire on the mutants at the first time, they could not stop them.

"Everyone! Get out of the defense line! Use armored vehicles to form a temporary defense line to continue to block the mutants."

There was no other way. For safety reasons, they had to abandon the first line of defense. The distance between the first line of defense and the wall was too close. Once there was an accident, the entire line of defense would be in danger of extinction. Instead of waiting to die, it was better to retreat actively and rely on the armored vehicles in the rear to form the second line of defense.

It turned out that his order was issued very timely. After climbing over the wall, the mutants ran to the original first line of defense without any effort. If there were still people in the defense line at this time, they would face a massacre.

Soon, the soldiers relied on armored vehicles and tanks to quickly form a second line of defense a hundred meters away from the wall. However, because they had evacuated in a hurry, many heavy weapons were not transferred out in the first place, which resulted in the firepower of the second line of defense being much weaker than that of the first line of defense.

In addition to the weapons on the armored vehicles, they could only rely on a dozen anti-material sniper rifles and dozens of rocket launchers.

Fortunately, there were less than a hundred mutants left at this time, and as long as these weapons were fully utilized, they could still be completely wiped out.

After seeing that there was no one in the first line of defense, the mutants who climbed over the wall immediately abandoned this place and ran wildly in the second direction.

Most of the mutants were still very reckless, but a few mutants did not rush over directly with the other mutants. Instead, they bent down and picked up the heavy machine guns that the soldiers had not taken away in time, and imitated the soldiers' actions to hold the heavy machine gun and fiddled with it towards the second line of defense.

It seems that this mutant wants to use human weapons to deal with humans, but because the mutant does not know how to use firearms, he can't find the trigger of the heavy machine gun at all. Even if he points the muzzle of the heavy machine gun at the second line of defense, he still can't shoot bullets.

After fiddling with the heavy machine gun for a long time and failing to make it fire, the mutant threw the heavy machine gun in his hand aside in anger and prepared to go up and fight directly.

After the heavy machine gun was thrown out, it happened to get stuck on a steel bar after hitting the ground, and this steel bar accidentally pressed on the trigger of the heavy machine gun, and the muzzle of the heavy machine gun happened to be aimed at the mutant who just threw the gun.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The mutant who threw the heavy machine gun would never have thought that he would be killed by the heavy machine gun he threw out.

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