My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 739 Waiting for rescue

This power-type mutant zombie has penetrating wounds all over its body. Its arms, chest, belly, thighs, wherever you can see it, there are more or less penetrating wounds. It seems that it should have been caused by rocket fragments. have to.

According to the IQ of the mutant zombie, they will definitely hold a grudge. It is estimated that its original target should be the unmanned bomber that injured it, but the unmanned bomber came and went quickly. By the time it reacted, the unmanned bomber had already flown away. 's disappeared.

But as a mutated zombie, it definitely couldn't swallow this breath, so he focused on the transport plane that had been flying in mid-air, and wanted to take out his anger on the transport plane.

But because the height of the transport plane was too high, he couldn't reach it at all, so he could only lurk in the ruins while avoiding the search of the heavenly soldiers' mechas while silently waiting for an opportunity.

Fortunately, hard work paid off, and it finally had an excellent opportunity, and then what happened just now happened.

Originally, the attack just now should have brought down the transport plane, but the timely rescue of the Tianjiang mecha saved the transport plane that was supposed to fall, which made it very uncomfortable.

The mutant zombie must take revenge, so when it found out that its attack failed, it stood up without even trying to hide, hoping to use its own strength to crush them.

Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶


After the mecha general discovered the troublesome power mutant zombies that day, he picked up his giant sword without saying a word and ran towards the ruins where the power mutant zombies were. ♦♦  ♦♡

At first, the power-type mutant zombie did not panic when it saw the Tianjiang mecha rushing towards it. However, as the distance increased, it seemed to find that the iron lump on the opposite side was several times larger than itself, and the iron lump was several times larger than itself. The thing in Liao Da's hand seemed a bit dangerous.

A distance of less than tens of meters is nothing to the Tianjiang Mecha. In less than a few seconds, the Tianjiang Mecha crossed a distance of tens of meters and arrived at the ruins where the power mutant zombies were. middle.

Taking advantage of the moment when the powerful mutant zombie was stunned, he directly clenched the giant sword in his hands with both hands, and then spun it like a windmill.

One lap! After just one turn, the giant sword in the hand of the Heavenly General's mecha cut off the head of the power-type mutant zombie. But everyone knows that when turning in a circle, it doesn't just turn once. In the next few turns, the power will The mutated zombies are like sliced ​​bread, cut into pieces one by one.

The powerful body of the power mutant zombie is no different from cutting tofu to the giant sword, it is very smooth.

When the mecha finally came to a stop, only two calves were left in the body of the power-type mutant zombie, and the rest were cut into pieces and buried in the ruins. ඏ ♦ ♦♦

Although its head was cut off, the power mutant zombie did not die suddenly on the spot because its brain was not damaged, so it still survived.

But even though it is still alive, there is only fear in its eyes and no other emotions.

There is no way, any intelligent creature, even with just a little bit of intelligence, cannot calmly accept the scene of his body being cut into pieces, especially this power mutant zombie.

Looking at the more than ten meters tall Tianjiang mecha, this powerful mutant zombie only had one thought in his mind, run! Run! Get away from this monster as quickly as possible.

The powerful mutated zombies called monsters by humans would one day call the Heavenly General mecha a monster. It was simply a trick of fate.

The Tianjiang mecha stopped circling, looked at the wreckage with only two calves left in front of it, and seemed to let out a breath of bad breath. It trampled the two remaining calves into a pulp, and then turned around. Left around the ruins.

During this period, the head of the power-type mutant zombie that fell aside even stopped breathing subconsciously for safety reasons. Although he had lost the ability to breathe, he still did this action subconsciously until the Tianjiang mecha left the ruins. , and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Heavenly Soldier 1! Heavenly Soldier 2! Let's see how I deal with you when we get back! The same goes for you two, Heavenly Soldier 3 and Heavenly Soldier 4!"

"I'm sorry, captain, we were negligent."

"Okay! Go check on the driver and the meteorite!"


Perhaps because of self-blame, the pilots of Tianbing 1 and Tianbing 2 checked the driver's condition very carefully. At the same time, the pilots of Tianbing 3 and Tianbing 4 were also carefully checking the meteorites and the containers containing them to see if there were any Damaged or something like that.

Fortunately, after the final inspection, except for the transport plane pilot who had a slight concussion, there were no other problems.

"Fortunately, everything is fine. It's just that this transport plane can't fly normally in a short time. We can only use another transport plane to move the meteorite. But in this case, we will not be able to evacuate safely, especially the Tianjiang mecha. He is really It’s too heavy. If there are not three transport planes working together to transport it, there is no way to take it back.”

"It doesn't matter, don't worry about me! Send this damaged transport plane and our mission target back safely first. I can walk back even if I have to."

"How about we send a distress signal to the Xinguang gathering place? The chief will definitely send a new transport plane over."

"That's all we can do. You take away the transport plane and the meteorite. I'll wait here for rescue from the New Light Gathering Area. That's it. You guys go first."


After formulating a series of plans, eleven transport planes carrying the Heavenly Soldier mechas and meteorites left the ruined city and began flying quickly towards the gathering place of New Light.

The Xinguang gathering area also learned the detailed situation. Cai Wenjie directly dispatched other transport planes that were still on standby without saying a word, ordering them to bring back the Tianjiang mecha that was trapped in place.

While the Tianjiang Mecha was waiting for rescue, he suddenly seemed to hear some cry for help.

The pilot of the Tianjiang mecha immediately started looking for the sound after hearing the call for help.

"I didn't expect that some people could survive such a scale of bombing."

Unfortunately, no matter how hard the pilot of the Tianjiang mecha looked around, he could not find the source of the cry for help.

"It's weird, it's obviously around here."

The pilot of the Tianjiang mecha searched around and found no man asking for help, which made him begin to wonder if there were some other mutated zombies using imitated voices to attract him.

However, the mecha conducted a thorough search of the city that day and could not find anyone else.

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