My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 738 A Critical Moment


After a series of detailed discussions, the mission of this operation was carried out by the Tianbing Tianjiang Mecha Corps.

The meteorite landed 24 kilometers south of Yalujiang TM City, which happened to be a county with a population of just over 10,000. The meteorite landed in the middle of the county, so if you want to safely recover the meteorite, you must kill all the zombies in the county.

Of course, this is in the absence of the air force. It happened that although Cai Wenjie did not have large strategic bombers, he had as many unmanned bombers as he wanted. With the latest transport aircraft, this operation would become extremely simple.

Soon, the airport was filled with unmanned bombers one after another. These unmanned bombers began to take off slowly under the control of the operators.

Every 24 unmanned bombers formed a formation and began to fly quickly to the destination this time.

A total of 192 unmanned bombers were dispatched this time, each carrying 6 rockets under its wing, which means that the unlucky county will be attacked by 1,152 rockets this time. So many rockets can bomb the entire county several times.

After all the unmanned bombers take off, it is the turn of the transport planes to take off. This time, 12 transport planes will take off, and there will be four armed helicopters to escort them.

Among the 12 transport planes, eight transport planes transport ordinary Tianbing mechas, and three of the remaining four transport planes will transport a Tianjiang mecha together. The remaining one needs to transport the target items, so it is empty first. (-_-) (-_-)

Under remote control, the unmanned bomber quickly flew over the Yalu River and arrived at the target city or county.

In the face of disaster, even the most powerful country will become a paradise for zombies, and this place is no exception. There are no survivors in the entire city, and they have all become a group of zombies who only know how to crave flesh and blood.

"The drone bomber has reached the target point, start bombing!"

192 drone bombers, in formations of 24, began to bomb the city in batches.

As rockets were fired one after another, there was nothing else in the whole city except the explosion.

A large number of zombies were blown into pieces by rockets, and those buildings that were not zombies were blown into pieces and turned into ruins.

If the zombies below were still ordinary humans, this would be tantamount to a massacre, or even hell, but now the humanoid creatures below are zombies, so the operators of the drone bombers have no burden at all, but feel very satisfied.

After about half an hour, the whole city has become a ruin, with no living creatures. It is impossible for zombies or other creatures to survive under such a large-scale bombing. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Confirm that all drones have finished dropping bombs and are returning home"

"Received, the transport plane is heading to the destination to start the recovery operation"

After all the drone bombers started to return home, the twelve transport planes began to fly to the destination in the city center. After arriving at the designated location, the twelve transport planes began to drop the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

"Confirm that there are no threats around, and start dropping"

The twelve transport planes dropped a total of eight Heavenly Soldiers and one Heavenly Generals, and then began to wait for safety instructions from below.

These Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were also driven by real people, mainly because this matter was too important, so real people were used for the first time.

"Sky Soldier 1, Sky Soldier 2, the two of you go check if there are any living zombies around, if there are, give them a second blow, to ensure that there is no threat when the transport plane descends later"


"Sky Soldier 3, Sky Soldier 4, the two of you assist Sky Soldier 1 and Sky Soldier 2 in completing the reconnaissance"


"The rest of the people, start cleaning up the surrounding garbage and digging out the mission items"


Because the covering bombing just now also landed here, although it can avoid the mission target, it is still buried underground by the debris of the surrounding buildings, so if you want to get the mission items, you must first clean up the ruins above.

Fortunately, they are all mecha bodies, and cleaning up building debris is not difficult for them. Soon the building debris here was cleared, revealing a small crater.

The depth of the crater is not too deep, only about three meters, and there is a meteorite about the size of an ostrich egg lying inside. The surface of the meteorite faintly emits a blue light, which is very strange.

"It seems that this should be what we are looking for, Tianbing 8, check the radiation value"


The Tianbing mecha with 08 graffitied on it, holding professional tools in its hands, began to perform various tests on the meteorite.

After about three minutes, Tianbing 8 stood up from the edge of the crater and turned back to report to Tianjiang mecha.

"Report! The values ​​of the meteorite are normal and can be moved!"

"Okay, go and get that special container"


After the special container was placed around the crater, Tianjiang mecha half-knelt and took out the meteorite in the pit, carefully placed it in the container, and at the same time picked up the lid next to it and covered the top of the container.

"Target storage completed!"

"Received, descending"

The transport plane hovered in the air and began to slowly descend. Just when the transport plane landed at a certain height and was about to lower the rope to lift the container, an accident occurred.

I saw a car wreckage hit the body of the transport plane according to the principle of parabola, hitting the engine of the transport plane. The engine that was hit immediately began to emit thick smoke, and the entire transport plane began to become unstable.

"Help! Help! Help! The engine is damaged! We are going to crash!"

When the transport plane was about to fall, the Tianjiang mecha jumped directly and caught the transport plane that was about to crash with both hands. Then the jet behind it sprayed huge flames like a rocket engine, allowing the Tianjiang mecha to land steadily on the ground.

The Tianjiang mecha landed on the ground, slowly put the transport plane on the ground, and turned directly to look in the direction where the abandoned car was flying.

Following the gaze of the Heavenly General Mecha, the other Heavenly Soldiers Mecha and the transport planes all discovered a power-type mutant zombie in a ruin a few dozen meters away. Unlike the ordinary power-type mutant zombies, this mutant zombie was larger in size and more mutated, and was basically about to lose its human form.

However, this seemingly stronger power-type mutant zombie was not in a very good condition.

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