My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 740 Secondary Mutation

Almost half an hour later, support from the Xinguang gathering place arrived. In addition to the four transport planes used to lift away the Tianjiang mecha, there were also two armed helicopters that escorted the entire journey.

The evacuation operation went very smoothly. Although the pilot of the Tianjiang mecha was still a little concerned about the cry for help just now, he had no choice. He searched around and couldn't find it, so he had to give up.

other side

Cai Wenjie, who got the meteorite, immediately found the major without saying a word and handed the item to him.

"I got what you asked for and give it to you."

"Thank you. If that's the case, I'll go back first. Thank you for your help."

After getting the meteorite, the major's eyes were not only excited, but also a little anxious. Although he didn't know why, Cai Wenjie always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Cai Wenjie had no choice but to say goodbye to this. Major, watched him leave.

Before Cai Wenjie could think carefully about what was wrong, the transport plane troops that went to pick up the Tianjiang mecha came back, but these transport planes seemed to be carrying other things besides the Tianjiang mecha.

Time went back thirty minutes ago. When the transport plane went to pick up the Tianjiang mecha, the Tianjiang mecha gave up the search and unexpectedly found a boulder with blue light in a deep pit. It looked like It is exactly the same as the meteorite discovered before.

The pilot who felt a little curious controlled the Tianjiang mecha to dig out the boulder from the deep pit. He took a closer look at what kind of boulder it was. This was the body of the meteorite! The meteorite the size of an ostrich egg just now was probably separated from this huge meteorite. Looking at a break point on the huge meteorite can prove all this.

This discovery immediately made the pilot of the Tianjiang mecha feel excited, so when the transport plane picked her up, he forced a transport plane to take the meteorite back together.

Then the current scene appeared.

"In other words, this is the body of the meteorite, and what the major took away was only a small part of the body?"

"Yes, Chief, look at this place, it just matches the position of the meteorite fragment just now."

Cai Wenjie took a closer look and found that this was indeed the case.

"But what exactly does this thing do? Glow?"

Cai Wenjie, who was a little curious, immediately had the meteorite brought to the research institute for a thorough inspection to see what was so attractive about the meteorite.

The test results came out quickly. After testing according to conventional methods, the researchers found no problems. All indicators were within the normal range. This meteorite did not have much impact on the human body, and even if it did, it would be ignored. of radiation.

Just when the researchers were about to send the test results to Cai Wenjie, they suddenly discovered that the zombie experimental subjects locked in the cage began to mutate.

The speed of this mutation was very fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, this ordinary zombie experimental subject completely lost its basic human shape and turned into a creature similar to an African hyena.

"What's going on!"

The sudden situation caused all the researchers present to press the emergency alarm button.

Suddenly, the entire institute sounded alarms and sirens one after another.

As the siren sounded, a large group of armed men rushed to the research institute as quickly as possible. You must know that the research institute has the highest priority besides Cai Wenjie himself and his family.

Therefore, when the alarm sounded, the entire institute was surrounded by heavily armed soldiers in less than half a minute.

"Commando team is ready! Get the researchers out first, don't worry about the rest! Start taking action!"


Not long after the commando team members broke into the research institute, new support arrived one after another from outside. Armored vehicles, tanks, and even armed helicopters also rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Even Cai Wenjie heard the noise and rushed over.

"What's wrong! What happened?"

"Report to the chief! The status is not clear yet, but the commando team has already broken in. I believe the researcher will be rescued soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion inside the institute.

"This is the explosion of a rocket launcher. Are they in trouble?"

Cai Wenjie quickly heard that it was the sound of a rocket launcher exploding. If the commandos were to use rocket launchers inside a research institute with expensive equipment, they must have encountered some big problem.

After thinking about this, Cai Wenjie immediately mobilized the newly returned Tianbing mecha troops and asked them to go to the research institute to support the commando team.

Soon, the Tianbing mecha arrived at the outskirts of the research institute, and immediately rushed into the research institute after understanding the situation.

The institute is very large, almost as big as four football fields, but there are not many researchers in the institute, and the total number of people in the institute is only about twenty at most, but! Apart from researchers, the largest number of people in the institute are various experimental subjects. Basically, except for those very rare mutant zombies, the institute has collected almost all samples of mutant zombies and mutant animals so far.

And among these samples, in addition to the most basic corpse samples, there are also living samples. Due to the strong requirements and suggestions of researchers, most of these living samples are complete, which means that once these mutants break free... .

Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie urgently summoned all the soldiers in the Xinguang gathering place, and also assembled all the armored vehicles on standby, and armed helicopters and unmanned bombers took off urgently.

Although it felt a bit of an overreaction to mobilize all the armed forces of the Xinguang gathering place just to deal with a group of mutant zombies in the institute.

However, this is Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place, and his family is here. Once there is an accident that causes his family to fall into crisis, then Cai Wenjie will not even have the opportunity to regret it, so all threats must be strangled in the cradle.

Even if it means directly losing a research institute and all the researchers.

This is Cai Wenjie's true inner thoughts.

In a laboratory inside the institute, the commandos and several researchers who rushed in earlier were forced to be trapped in this laboratory. Outside the laboratory, there are several secondary mutated claw zombies and speed-type mutant zombies.

After these mutant zombies came into contact with the blue light emitted by the meteorite, they actually underwent secondary mutations, and the mutation speed was very fast. They turned into another form almost in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, after the second mutation, the mutated zombies have significantly improved their physical strength, speed, and power.

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