My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 733 Mutated Zombies in the Tunnel

After everyone was ready, the leading man began to lead everyone into the underground subway station.

As people get closer and closer to the underground subway platform, the surrounding environment becomes darker and darker. When they cannot see the surrounding environment, people begin to hold hands to avoid falling behind.

At the same time, the leading men all turned on the night vision goggles on their heads, held the engineer shovels in their hands, and watched the surroundings vigilantly, fearing that a zombie would suddenly jump out from the corner and attack them. When people walked to the platform in fear and groped in the dark, they realized belatedly that they were not attacked by any zombies along the way, or in other words, they did not even notice the shadow of a zombie.

Everyone who walked to the subway platform without any danger could not help but breathed a sigh of relief when they found that there were no zombies on the subway platform.

"It seems that all these zombies are afraid of the dark. It's really outrageous that there aren't any zombies in such a gloomy subway station."

"Okay, wouldn't it be better for us without zombies? Shut your mouth and let's get on the road quickly."

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"I know, I know"

Perhaps it was because no zombies were found around, everyone breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously. Although they were still very vigilant, they were much more relaxed than before, and everyone no longer suppressed their emotions. They started talking quietly. ♦♦  ☞♦

"Do you think we can really succeed this time?"

"To be honest, I don't know. We are still about 100 kilometers away from the border of country Z. During this period, we have to pass through two such cities. If there is no suitable transportation, I estimate that we will probably be all over the place halfway. The army was wiped out..."

"Hey, do you think Country Z really has zombies under control? Rumor has it that Country Z is the safest country in the world now, because Country Z is the only country that has escaped a nuclear bomb attack. No, to be more precise, it is the only country. A country that escaped nuclear bombs on mainland China."

"Why are rumors called rumors? That's because these are false information that have not been verified. It just so happened that I got accurate news before. It is said that in the north of the Eastern Continent, an army has indeed cleared away the zombies in an area, ensuring that Wherever it is safe, people can trade and plant freely...

Although I can't believe it 100%, I guess it's about the same. I guess the security of that area is true, but the free trade or growing food is a bit untrustworthy."

"No matter what, it's better than our current situation, isn't it? I hope they can accept us by then."

"This shouldn't be a problem. After all, the relationship between our two countries was very good before, and I heard that there are also our people there. At worst, we can just go and join them."

Just when everyone was dreaming about the future, the leader at the front of the team suddenly stopped.

"It's a mutated zombie! Everyone squat down immediately and don't make any noise! ​​Quick!"

In almost less than an instant, everyone obeyed the command and squatted down directly. Even if they could not see anything now, they still knew one truth, that is, they must obey the command if they want to survive.

As for those people with night vision goggles, they immediately grasped their weapons and were ready to fight at any time.

Through the night vision device, they could clearly see that there was a claw-shaped mutant zombie deep in the subway tunnel that was groping forward. Because it could not see the road in front of them, the claw-shaped mutant zombie was on all fours. , walked forward slowly.

And its walking speed is not slow, almost as fast as a person jogging. If this continues, the claw-type mutant zombie will pass by them without noticing them.

But this is an ideal situation. The reality is that when a claw-type mutant zombie feels that something is blocking it, he will directly choose to take a detour. Even if something is placed on the ground, he will take a detour. .

This resulted in the movement trajectory of this claw-type mutant zombie being very weird, and it was impossible to predict his actions in advance.

As time went by, the claw-shaped mutant zombie got closer and closer to them, and even ordinary people who were not equipped with night vision devices could detect abnormalities based on their hearing.

The five people standing at the front had their engineer shovels raised high. As long as the claw-shaped mutant zombie dared to get close to their attack range, they would never show mercy and would try their best to decapitate it with a shovel. shovel it off.

Perhaps sensing their murderous intent, the claw-shaped mutant zombie less than ten meters away from them suddenly stopped, and then his empty nose began to sniff vigorously.

Just when the five people at the front thought that the claw-type mutant zombie had discovered them with its sense of smell, the claw-type mutant zombie suddenly sneezed loudly, and then continued to move forward as if nothing was wrong.

Although the people behind could not see, their sense of hearing and smell were still normal. The movement of the claw-shaped mutated zombie walking and the rotten smell on his body all told people that this monster was passing by them.

Soon, the claw-type mutant zombies safely passed through the area where people were without finding anyone.

Just when people were thankful that the claw-type mutant zombies hadn't discovered them, an unexpected accident happened. A woman who looked bloated fell on the rails because of her long squatting posture. Unfortunately, a metal ornament on the woman's body happened to hit the rails and made a crisp sound.


Although the sound was not loud, in this quiet environment, even the smallest sound would be amplified more than ten times.

"It's bad!"

Obviously, the claw-type mutant zombies were not deaf, so he naturally noticed the crisp sound at the first time.

"Everyone lie down!"

The leading man and the captains of the four teams immediately asked the others to lie down, then held their weapons tightly and rushed towards the claw-type mutant zombies. The second captain holding a riot shield rushed the fastest.

And the claw-type mutant zombies heard the sudden footsteps and shouts, and realized that there was their prey inside.

Although they couldn't see the surroundings, the claw-type mutant zombies still relied on their hearing and began to wave their claws instinctively.

The claw-type mutant zombies couldn't see, but that didn't mean they couldn't see wearing night vision goggles. Looking at the five people waving their claws crazily, they began to disperse tacitly, and then each of them surrounded the claw-type mutant zombies that were attacking randomly.

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