My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 732: Survivors of Country E

Because the number of workers at each construction site exceeded 4,000, it only took one day to dig the required foundation and build temporary dormitories.

Because we have to stay here for a short period of time, dormitories are essential.

As for the problem of food, it is also very simple. Cai Wenjie directly designed special canteens in three places, and the food problem was solved by the army's cooks during the construction of the base.

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As for the materials, part of them were transported by air or land from the Xinguang gathering place, and the other part was exchanged by Cai Wenjie on the spot. After all, it would be a waste of time and fuel to transport thousands of mouths from the Xinguang gathering place. It is better to let Cai Wenjie exchange them directly. Of course, in order to hide it from ordinary people, the necessary style must be done.

After a week, the food base was basically completed. Now it is only necessary to turn the land into arable land. In the past, people or oxen were used to turn the land, but now they are basically replaced by machines.

As it happens, Cai Wenjie also has more than a dozen such machines, which can turn the soil and cultivate in the shortest time. However, in some places, the machines cannot be used, and the cultivation can only be completed by manpower or hand plowing cattle.

More than a dozen machines are distributed to three places on average, and each grain base will have four such machines, which makes people's cultivation speed faster.

In less than a few days, the tens of thousands of acres of fertile land in each grain base were reclaimed and sown with grain seeds.

Most of the workers who participated in the three grain bases became farmers, and they will specialize in planting and harvesting grain and raising poultry in the future.

Of course, it does not mean that becoming a farmer will not be able to return to the Xinguang gathering place. In order to avoid the outbreak of homesickness, Cai Wenjie allows the workers of the three grain bases to return to the Xinguang gathering place and reunite with their families once a week.

The means of transportation is the weekly supply convoy. After the supply convoy delivers the supplies to the grain base, it will pick up the farmers who apply to go home to visit their relatives.

Of course, this kind of opportunity to visit relatives is not something you can do whenever you want. If you want to return to the Xinguang gathering place, you must apply one day or three days in advance. After all, the number of people is too large, so you must have a planned visit.

Of course, if there is an emergency and you have to rush back to the Xinguang gathering place, that is another matter. If there is really something urgent, a transport plane will be sent from the Xinguang gathering place to fly to the grain base as quickly as possible to pick up people and return to the Xinguang gathering place.

After about half a month of preparation, the three grain bases officially went into production, or more accurately, into planting.

A large number of grain seeds were buried in the soil by machinery or farmers. These grain seeds will germinate, grow, and mature within a few months.

Of course, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bean sprouts, and various vegetables will mature and be harvested in a short time.

While Cai Wenjie was obsessed with farming, a few hundred kilometers away from the Xinguang gathering place, a group of fighting people from Country E were holding various AK series weapons or directly holding engineer shovels to fight a large number of zombies at close range.

Perhaps because Country E was too cold, the zombies here were a little slow in their movements, and even the mutant zombies were affected to a certain extent.

The mutant zombies, which should have killed all around, were actually evenly matched with humans under various influences. In a one-on-one duel, they could not kill humans in a short time. If it became a two-on-one situation, it was very likely that the mutant zombies would be killed on the spot.

The number of humans on the side was not even a hundred, at most about fifty or sixty people, but they could rely on AK and engineer shovels to block the zombies that were about four or five times more than themselves. It was incredible.

In the end, these people wiped out the zombies on the opposite side at the cost of hundreds of bullets and three people being injured.

As for the three wounded, there was only one thing the others could do, which was to kill them before they mutated, at least to keep them in human form and die, instead of turning into new zombies to harm people.

"Thank you for your heroic sacrifice, don't worry, I will take good care of your family, goodbye forever"

A man who looked like the leader of this group of people said his final goodbye to the three wounded, then pulled the trigger of the AK in his hand at the heads of the three people.

With three gunshots, three more lives disappeared from this world.

Before everyone had time to grieve, they were interrupted by the leading man.

"There is no time to grieve for you. The battle here will attract zombies from afar. We must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise their sacrifice will become meaningless"

After saying that, the man took a last look at the three bodies lying on the ground, and then left here with the others without looking back.

Ten minutes later, these people came to a subway station. If they wanted to leave the city, they had to cross most of the city. If they wanted to cross most of the city, they would definitely encounter a large number of zombies. It was absolutely impossible to cross the city with their current weapons and equipment, so they planned to use the subway passage to move.

"This... Are you sure we should go back the same way? At least we can survive for a few months in the original place..."

"How many months can we survive if we go back? Then, in the end, we don't have to leave anywhere. Since we have to leave sooner or later, why not leave when we still have the energy to spare? Okay! Don't say it! We have to leave today Only through this passage can you reach the other side of the city.”

Perhaps feeling that his tone was too strong, the leading man sighed, and then spoke softly.

"Zombies' eyesight is not very good. They can't even see things one meter away in the dark. As long as we work together, we can pass through the subway tunnel safely, so don't be afraid."

Of course, men know that there must be something ghostly in the subway tunnel, but there is no way to quickly reach another part of the city without using the subway tunnel.

Of course, he did not dare to break into the subway tunnel without any preparation. He gathered people and took out five somewhat worn night vision devices from his large backpack. Judging from the degree of wear and tear of the night vision devices, it was estimated that It must be an old thing from a few years ago.

"Although there are only five night vision goggles, they are enough. The captain of each team will take one, and then take the lead into the tunnel. The others will follow their captains and move forward. Remember not to turn on the lights until absolutely necessary!"

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