My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 734 Subway Station

The people who surrounded the mutant zombies did not use guns, because they knew that if they fired in this tunnel, they would definitely attract a large number of zombies around, and they would be the ones who would suffer.

However, the lack of guns did not mean that they had no way out. The man holding the explosion-proof shield quietly approached the mutant zombie who was waving his claws wildly in front of him from behind, and then hit the back of the mutant zombie's head with a shield strike.

The claw-type mutant zombie who was attacked from behind would naturally not let go of the human who dared to attack him. He turned around and chopped the shield horizontally with his claws, bursting out some sparks.

However, before the claw zombie continued to attack, his back of the head was chopped again by something hard. Although this knife failed to cut off the claw zombie's head, it also left a deep knife mark that kept bleeding out.

The claw zombie, in pain, immediately turned around and wanted to fight back, but as soon as he turned around, he was attacked again from behind. After a while, the back and back of the claw zombie's head were already bloody and it was estimated that a few more cuts would completely cut off the claw zombie's neck.

After so many tortures, the claw zombie finally realized that if he continued like this, he would die here sooner or later.

Realizing this, the claw zombie no longer hesitated, jumped directly on the spot, found a direction and rushed over fiercely.

Fortunately, the route chosen by the claw zombie happened to be one of the few gaps in the encirclement, and it easily escaped from the encirclement of five people, but unfortunately, the direction of the claw zombie's escape was a wall.

The claw zombie's head came into close contact with the wall, and the force was so great that it even made a loud bang. The claw zombie that hit the wall fell down without a sound.

If you look closely at the head of the claw zombie, you can see that there is a hole in the head of the claw zombie. Through this hole, you can clearly see the brain inside, and a steel pipe that is not too long is inserted into the hole, directly crushing the brain inside.

This is also the main reason why the claw zombie can never get up again. It is impossible to stand up again if the brain is crushed.

Seeing the mutant zombies that died by hitting the wall, the five people were speechless, but overall this ending was very good, at least there were no casualties among them.

"Okay, let's go, try to reach the other end of the city before dark"


The team set off again. This time there were no accidents. They passed through the long tunnel without any danger and came to the other end of the city.

"As usual, let one person go up to investigate the surroundings. I went last time, this time it's your turn."

"Okay, okay, I'll go, wait."

A tall and thin man, holding a machete, walked up the stairs carefully. He lowered his head and began to poke his head around the subway platform like a mouse.

After observing the left and right several times, he whispered to the back.

"Safe! There are no zombies here."

After confirming that there was no problem, everyone quickly boarded the subway platform. Although it was also dim here, it was already brighter than the tunnel. At least people could recognize their surroundings without wearing night vision goggles.

"Go check if the entrance to the subway station is locked."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Soon, the person who went to check the subway station intersection came back.

"The entrance to the subway station is not locked, and there are not many zombies outside the subway station. There are probably only a few dozen. Do you want me to take people to kill them?"

"Be quick"


The leading man looked at the time and found that it was already 5:30 in the afternoon.

"It's almost time. It seems that this is the only way to do it today."

Unlike the pitch-black inside the tunnel, the moon shines in the city at night, so it will not cause visual trouble to the zombies. Instead, it will stimulate their ferocity, making them faster and stronger in a short period of time.

So there is no choice, they can only spend the night in this subway station today.

"Go and lock all the doors. We will spend the night here and continue our journey tomorrow morning."

"Then, what about those people who just left?"

"Take the rest of the people to help. Be sure to make a quick decision. Come back to me as soon as you have dealt with the zombies."


The people began to get busy under the command of the leading man. They piled up the entrance of the subway station with debris to prevent the zombies from noticing the abnormality of the subway station. At the same time, they locked all the other exits with chains to prevent the zombies from accidentally pouring into the subway station.

The men who were fighting the zombies outside successfully dealt with the zombies lingering near the entrance of the subway station with the help of the reinforcements. According to the order, they immediately returned to the subway station after dealing with the zombies. At the same time, they locked the iron door at the entrance with iron chains. Together with the debris just piled up, the inside and outside of the subway station were completely isolated.

The people in the subway station chose a place to temporarily light several bonfires for heating, boiling water and eating.

At the same time, they also piled up a lot of debris in the tunnel to prevent any zombies from rushing out of the tunnel without warning and biting people.

Their team is not short of food and drinking water, and they will not go hungry in the next week. Although the dinner is not very rich or delicious, it is enough to fill people up.

"Alas, it would be nice to have a bottle of vodka at this time. This dry thing is really hard to swallow."

"Me too."

"How about we..."

"Stop it! I don't want to be scolded by the captain. If you want to steal, go by yourself! Don't drag me in."

"I'm just thinking about it. Don't think too much. How could I steal wine, even if the wine is crystal clear, not sweet, bitter, or astringent, and has a light flavor, and there is only the stimulation of burning flames in the mouth..."

"That's enough! Stop talking! Do you want to make me greedy to death, bastard!"

"Why, it's okay not to drink, but you can't think about it? I'm just talking about making you greedy to death, a drunkard"

Just as the two were torturing each other, a group of zombies gathered outside the subway station, or more accurately, a certain number of mutant zombies.

They looked at the blocked iron gate of the subway station, and pushed the locked iron gate with their hands in some confusion.

Unlike ordinary zombies, mutated zombies with a certain degree of judgment know that the night will be very cold, so when night falls, these mutated zombies will gather inside the subway station to avoid the cold wind, but today their previous fixed safe haven was actually locked!

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