My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 729 Secondary Mutation

The three newly exchanged camps were arranged by Cai Wenjie in the new large military camp. He originally wanted to arrange them in the previous military camp, but Cai Wenjie overlooked the most important point, that is, these soldiers' personal belongings that have long existed in the military camp, and they can't throw away other people's things for new people, so in the end they can only spend points to exchange for a large military camp.

This large military camp can fully accommodate the food, clothing, housing and transportation of soldiers of a division, and it is also the military camp with the fastest and highest morale improvement.

It can be said that living here does not need to worry about the army bombing or riots and rebellions.


At the same time

In an official gathering place in a coastal city hundreds of kilometers away from YJ, a huge cruise ship suddenly appeared on the sea.

If this was before the end of the world, a huge cruise ship would attract some people to come and watch, but most people would ignore it. After all, living around the seaside pier for so long, what kind of ships have not been seen, and what is so strange about a slightly larger cruise ship.

However, it is the end of the world, especially the sea, which is the world of mutant creatures. Even warships dare not go too far out to sea, for fear of being noticed by the giant mutant creatures under the sea and rushing up to overturn the hull.

So, when the patrolman of this official gathering place found this huge cruise ship, he couldn't help but get excited. This giant cruise ship can float from the sea. Does it mean that warships can also go out to sea to fight?

In excitement, the patrolman ran and ran directly to his superior to report what he found.

"What did you say! A cruise ship is approaching? Are you sure you didn't see it wrong!"

"Squad leader! You know me. I hate lying the most in my life. How could I lie to you!"

"If what you said is true, then this is a big deal. Come on, take me to see it!"

"Okay, I'll lead the way"

When the patrolman and his squad leader rushed to the wall, there were already several ordinary people with good eyesight. They came to the wall and waved their arms excitedly at the huge cruise ship.

Sure enough, after reaching the wall with a wide field of vision, the squad leader saw the huge cruise ship. Seeing that the cruise ship was intact, the squad leader immediately became excited.

"Great! There are ships on the sea that can sail safely, so can our warships?"

Before he could finish, the patrolman suddenly seemed to see a dark shadow on the cruise ship, and it seemed that there were survivors on the cruise ship.

"Squad leader! There seems to be someone on the cruise ship!"


After hearing the patrolman's words, the squad leader immediately took the telescope from the patrolman and looked at the cruise ship. It would be fine if he didn't look at it, but he was shocked when he saw it. The figure the patrolman mentioned was suddenly a zombie.

When the squad leader saw the zombie through the telescope, he only felt regret in his heart. If there were no other living people on the entire cruise ship except zombies, then it would be reasonable that the cruise ship was not attacked by underwater monsters.

"What a pity, this is a zombie cruise ship, it is of no help to us"


"Don't sigh, you continue patrolling, I will report to the superiors, let the superiors decide the fate of the cruise ship"

Although the cruise ship is indeed very large, it is not attractive to them at all. After all, there is no way to go out to sea, and the cruise ship is probably full of zombies. If the cruise ship continues to approach here, it is very likely that the zombies on the cruise ship will be transferred to the land.

How could these zombies occupy the safe area they have finally cleared again?

About ten minutes later, a YJ18 anti-ship missile was launched from the missile vehicle behind this official gathering place. Because it was a supersonic missile and the cruise ship was relatively close, the missile accurately hit the side of the cruise ship less than a minute after it was launched.

After the missile hit, a huge hole was directly opened on one side of the hull. At the same time, the huge impact force directly caused the cruise ship to lose balance. As the hull swayed greatly, a large amount of seawater poured in from one side of the hull, causing the cruise ship to lose weight again. The entire hull tilted directly to the right, just like the Sewol ferry sinking incident in a certain country, and it capsized.

A large number of zombies crawled out from every corner of the cruise ship, but because the hull was too tilted, the zombies that had just crawled out all slid into the sea.

Perhaps they felt the movement of the cruise ship, and a large number of mutant fish and mutant sharks began to emerge in the sea. They didn't care what fell down. As long as it fell from the cruise ship, they would definitely take a bite first, especially mutants like sharks, which would be eaten one by one.

Although most sharks would spit out the zombies after tasting them, it was too late. The shark's terrifying sharp teeth and bite force were enough to bite a zombie in half. The zombies that were often spit out either lost half of their bodies or only had a half corpse without an upper/lower body.

The cruise ship was very large, and it would take a long time for such a large cruise ship to completely sink into the sea. Since then, people in the official gathering place on the shore have had a new way to pass the time, which is to guess when the cruise ship will completely sink to the bottom.

However, what these people don’t know is that there are chemical substances secretly shipped by the R countrymen in this cruise ship. Once these chemical substances leak, there will be great danger.

If an ordinary zombie touches this chemical substance, it will undergo an unexpected mutation in a short period of time. Even a mutant zombie that has already mutated will mutate again and become a brand new mutant zombie.

Unfortunately, the anti-ship missile just now has blown a big hole in the area where these chemicals are stored, and the boxes of chemical substances are poured into the sea like dumplings.

As mentioned earlier, as long as something falls from the ship, the mutant fish and mutant sharks will bite it immediately, even if it is not alive.

Therefore, those mutant fish and mutant sharks are the first creatures to come into contact with these chemicals. The mutant sharks of these mutant fish and mutant sharks are the first creatures to come into contact with these chemicals. When they come into contact with these chemicals, they start to tremble constantly as if they have touched high voltage electricity. At the same time, the bones in their bodies begin to grow wildly.

Soon these bones pierced the surface of the mutant fish or mutant sharks, and they stopped only after they grew about 20 centimeters.

These mutant fish and mutant sharks that have bone hyperplasia due to contact with chemical substances have become extremely ferocious. Originally, they were not interested in zombies at all, but now...

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