My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 728: A Great Start but a Bad End

Under human control, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that was originally hovering at high altitude immediately dived straight towards the mutated zombie of the operator like a kamikaze troop from a certain country.

The controller mutant zombie had discovered the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flying in the sky a long time ago, but it didn't pay attention to it, even now, it didn't pay attention to that thing in the sky at all.

When the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft began to dive down at an extremely fast speed, it only moved its position slightly and took no other precautions at all.


As mentioned before, the drone carried a five kilogram TNT bomb, so when the drone exploded, the huge power directly blew the mutant zombie into pieces.

The zombies dozens of meters around were also blown to pieces. The zombies that were originally neat and uniform were instantly turned into a mess. Countless ordinary zombies immediately dispersed and became a mess after getting rid of the control of the mutant zombies. of.

"Hurry up and switch to military satellites! Let's see how it goes."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ⓣⓦⓚⓐⓝ.ⓒⓞⓜ]

After losing the sight of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, Zhao Hu immediately asked the operator to switch to military satellites and use the military satellite's perspective to view the results.

Following the images transmitted from the military satellite, Zhao Hu immediately discovered that a crater of more than ten square meters had been blown up where the mutated zombies were. At the same time, he also discovered that the surrounding zombie groups were in a mess and had long lost their neatness. action.

"It seems that we should have avoided a hard battle. The thing controlling the zombies was killed by an unmanned reconnaissance drone, and the zombies returned to their original state."

Although Zhao Hu had dealt with the threat in advance, the group of zombies that had been heading straight towards this direction dispersed because they lost their leader. Tens of thousands of zombies were completely in chaos, except for a small group of zombies. Some of the zombies are still moving in the predetermined direction, while other zombies are moving in different directions.

Although this result avoids a big war, even if these zombies don't come now, they will definitely cross the river in the future. Rather than doing this, it is better to take the initiative to annihilate these zombies now.

Although Zhao Hu's Second Battalion could not cross the river directly, he still had twelve armed helicopters. In order to avoid possible wars in the future, the twelve armed helicopters, under Zhao Hu's authorization, immediately crossed the river to eliminate the zombies. group.

Zhao Hu's second battalion continued to stand by, reporting everything that had just happened and waiting for the next arrangements.

new light gathering place

Although Cai Wenjie had not slept a wink all night, he was still full of energy. After receiving Zhao Hu's report, he thought for a while and then ordered Zhao Hu to take his troops back to his station to rest, but he must always pay attention to TM On the other side of the Yalu River in the city, we want to avoid something like yesterday happening again.

"Sure enough, the strength of three battalions is still not enough. Expansion! We must expand!"

After careful thinking, Cai Wenjie was ready to expand the strength of the three battalions again. However, there were not many people suitable to join the army in Xinguang Gathering Area, so he could only use points to exchange for clones to expand the army.

Fortunately, after half a month of non-stop fighting, Cai Wenjie already has enough points in his hand to arm thousands of people.

Because Cai Wenjie plans to expand three reinforced battalions, which are six companies into one battalion, the redemption points for the clone soldiers alone are as high as an astonishing 22 million points. If weapons, equipment and exoskeletons are included, , almost 50 million is needed. If it weren’t for the accumulation of many points in previous battles, Cai Wenjie would have gone bankrupt by now.

Perhaps it is because the country has also developed a set of exoskeletons. The exoskeletons sold in the mall have been reduced in price. A set of exoskeleton armor worth 100,000 points is now only sold for 10,000, which is equivalent to a direct discount of 90%. Compared with Bai Bai Same as what was sent.

If it weren't for the soldiers in the second and third battalions who had been trained for a short period of time and didn't have much experience, Cai Wenjie would have equipped them with exoskeletons.

"...Forget it, the second and third battalions performed well, and we should prepare a set of their own exoskeletons for them."

Originally, he wanted to postpone the day when the second and third battalions were equipped with exoskeletons, but when he thought that these people were natural persons and had their own family members in the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie decided to take advantage of this opportunity to prepare an exoskeleton for them.

However, in this case, it will cost about 15 million additional points, which is almost reaching Cai Wenjie's limit.

"Oh, the old ones won't go away, and the new ones won't come in. The money spent is money, and the points are the same. Just spend it, and you can earn it back later."

Cai Wenjie comforted himself, and then started shopping in the mall.

Although it felt good to buy and buy, Cai Wenjie still felt very distressed when he saw that the points disappeared by almost 70 million.

Fortunately, among the current Xinguang gathering areas, except for the battalion and the company, they have all gone to garrison the border of the autonomous prefecture, so the three exchanged battalions do not need to worry about placement issues.

When Cai Wenjie exchanged these troops, he exchanged them at an empty airport. At the same time, he sent out the natural soldiers in the first company and asked them to protect the people who went shopping for goods in the ruined YJ City, so that these people would not You will be surprised by the sudden appearance of three battalions.

When Cai Wenjie arrived at the airport, he looked at the empty runway. With a wave of his hand, a group of fully armed clones suddenly appeared on the runway.

A total of 2,160 clone warriors stood densely packed throughout the airport runway. They uniformly saluted Cai Wenjie in front and shouted loudly.

"Hello, Chief!!!"

The huge sound immediately spread throughout the Xinguang Gathering Area, and basically all the residents in the Xinguang Gathering Area heard such shouts.

Although I was startled for a moment, after hearing the content of the shout, I became accustomed to it.

After all, Cai Wenjie is recognized as the number one person in the current New Light Gathering Center and the spiritual support of everyone. It can be said that the current New Light Gathering Center is only possible because of Cai Wenjie. Without Cai Wenjie, the New Light Gathering Center would fall into a strange situation. situation, people will become suspicious of each other and guard against each other, but as long as Cai Wenjie sits in the Xinguang gathering place, people here can live and work in peace and contentment without worrying about their own lives.

If Cai Wenjie leaves the Xinguang gathering place, or goes out for a few days, the popularity of the entire Xinguang gathering place will be visibly reduced, and even in the end everyone will lose their smiles on their faces and start to doubt each other. After all, now But in the last days, no one knows whether others will harm them.

This is also the biggest reason why Cai Wenjie doesn't often go out to lead the team in person.

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