My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 730 Food Base

The mutant fish and sharks that have become extremely manic, no matter whether it is food or something, as long as it dares to wander in front of them, they will fiercely pounce on them, pierce the prey's body with their bones, and then use their sharp teeth to They bit off a piece of meat hard, but they didn't eat the piece of meat they bit off. Instead, they just shook their heads and threw it out. Google search reading

It's obvious that they just want to tear apart everything in sight, not to hunt.

Now, the zombies in the cruise ship are in dire straits. Originally, even if half of their bodies were bitten off, they could survive as long as their heads were still there, but now all the mutant fish and mutant sharks are attacking them indiscriminately.

Even those mutant zombies known as land tanks can only be torn apart by the mutant fish if they fall into the sea.

Of course, some zombies are lucky enough to avoid these mutant fish or sharks, and when this zombie accidentally touches those chemicals, it also grows all over its body like those mutant fish and sharks. Bone spurs.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

But, unlike those manic mutant fish and sharks, this zombie that mutated due to exposure to chemicals did not fall into madness. Instead, a trace of clarity suddenly flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by confusion.

After growing bone spurs on its body, the mutant zombie also has the power to resist against mutant fish and mutant sharks. If those mutant fish or mutant sharks want to eat the mutant zombie with bone spurs, their heads will definitely be pierced. In this way, Some of them are not worth the loss, so these mutant fish schools and mutant sharks deliberately avoid these mutant zombies.

Soon, the mutated zombies covered with bone spurs emerged from the sea, and subconsciously began to breathe heavily, as if they were about to die from suffocation in the sea.


The mutated zombie with bone spurs subconsciously touched his neck, as if wondering why he couldn't speak, but soon he realized one thing, that is, he was no longer the human being he once was, but a human being. Zombies are mutant zombies covered with bone spurs.

Unexpectedly, in addition to making living things grow bone spurs, that chemical substance can actually restore people's consciousness before death. Although I don't know how long it will last, it does have this effect.

Unfortunately, this effect of restoring human consciousness is very short-lived. In less than ten minutes, the mutated zombie that restored human consciousness lost human consciousness again and turned back into a normal zombie. No! It should be a mutated zombie with bone spurs.

However, the effects of this chemical substance will never be known to the world, because these chemicals have sunk to the bottom of the sea and lose their original effect after years or decades.

The sea is a restricted area for humans, and it is impossible to salvage it even if you want to.

a few days later

Cai Wenjie arranged the three newly recruited battalions not far from the first, second and third battalions respectively. In this way, even if an emergency or crisis occurs, timely support or rescue can be carried out.

Now that the weather has warmed up, it's time to sow seeds. Now that the zombies in the entire autonomous prefecture have been cleared away, even if there are fish that slip through the net, they can't make big waves, so farming food is urgent.

Cai Wenjie is now planning what kind of food to grow in that area. Although the north is not as ripe as the south, it has the best black soil in the country. No matter what kind of food is grown, the best food can be grown. .

Cai Wenjie decided to find several good places throughout the autonomous prefecture and build several grain bases dedicated to producing grain. Each grain base must have at least 10,000 acres of fertile land, and a special place must be planned to raise chickens, ducks and fish. In order to prevent viruses To infect these animals, it is necessary to implement closed-breeding methods to ensure that there are no accidents in these chickens, ducks and fish from birth to slaughter.

Although Cai Wenjie had previously carried out the extermination of animals in the Xinguang Gathering Area, Cai Wenjie did not kill them all. Instead, he left two pairs of male and female seeds and raised these animals for people to eat when conditions permit.

"The location of the grain base must be carefully selected. You cannot choose a place where birds do not poop just for the sake of safety, nor can you ignore safety issues for the sake of grain production. To put it simply, you must ensure that it is safe enough, as much as possible. Choose fertile land, got it?”

Cai Wenjie came to the conference room of the People's Center and held a meeting with a group of key people from the Civil Affairs Center. The content of the meeting was to discuss the location of the food base.

A young man raised his hand after hearing Cai Wenjie's words. It was not until Cai Wenjie nodded to speak that the man continued.

"In this case, why don't we establish a food base around the gathering place? The land around us is also black soil, and the most important thing is that it is close enough and safe."

"You are right, but food cannot be grown around the Xinguang Gathering Area, because we need to expand the Xinguang Gathering Area in the future. If the surrounding land is used to grow food, how can we expand it? So don't think about it here. Think of other places.”

At this time, another person raised his hand.


"Chief, I think it is better to use the most advanced technology and hydroponic cultivation to grow food than the traditional planting method. This can save space and produce more food while ensuring safety. It is a win-win situation, Chief."

The one who proposed this proposal was not someone else, but Deng Jie, an acquaintance of Cai Wenjie. Since finding her brother, Deng Jie has become more cheerful and gentler every day.

After listening to Deng Jie's proposal, Cai Wenjie really thought about it seriously, but after thinking about it, he decided not to adopt it, or not to adopt it for the time being, because this planting method is not suitable for the current Xinguang gathering place.

Why did Cai Wenjie propose to build a food base? In addition to wanting to be self-sufficient, another point is to solve the employment rate within the Xinguang gathering place.

As the nearby zombies were cleared, the people gathered in Xinguang were no longer satisfied with having enough food every day. They wanted more. Now the points system of Xinguang gathering place has replaced the currency. It can be said that as long as you live in Xinguang gathering place, you can't do without points.

Previously, there were only a few ways to earn points, and most of them were controlled by the Civil Affairs Center, so it was still difficult for ordinary people to earn points.

Now Cai Wenjie is going to use the grain base to create a job opportunity for the people in the Xinguang gathering place. If Deng Jie's method is used, it means that people will lose a lot of job opportunities, which is not good.

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