My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 703 Trap?

The encirclement and clearing of the five large villages went very smoothly because there were no mutant zombies and the terrain was advantageous. The soldiers cleared these five large villages in almost less than an hour.

Among them, the second company was the fastest company to complete the surrender, followed by the third company, the fifth company, the sixth company, and the slowest company was the fourth company.

In other words, one month from now, the Sixth Company and the Fourth Company will be responsible for the dirty clothes of other companies, especially those dirty socks, which are simply biochemical weapons.

However, this is not important. What is important is that an emergency assembly order suddenly came from the outpost.

Therefore, the company that had just cleared five large villages was directly recruited back without even a chance to communicate after the game.

After all companies returned to the outpost, Song Yi, as the commander, immediately summoned five company commanders to start a meeting.

"According to the intelligence we collected, there is a human stronghold 160 kilometers away from us. Although it is not an official gathering place, there are many people in the stronghold, at least a thousand people."

Song Yi said, projecting the satellite map on the screen, then pointed to a place and continued.

"Look here, this is the location of the human stronghold. It is the place we checked through the coordinates they provided."

After everyone looked at a point marked on the map, they all felt very different, because the marked location was not on land, but in the river, and it was still in the center of the river.

"This is the most special thing about this human stronghold. They claim that the people there used many flat-bottomed boats and wooden planks to form a space of about 25,000 square meters, which is almost the same as four football fields. big.

Because the stronghold was built in the middle of the river, it can be said to be a natural barrier. Ordinary zombies or mutant zombies cannot break through the river to reach this human stronghold.

This is a distress message our correspondent received from somewhere, please listen to it first."

With that said, Song Yi directly released the distress message he received.

"This is the Tianhe stronghold in JS Province. We were attacked by some mysterious underwater monster! We are trapped here with no way to get out. All movable ships have been destroyed by the monster. I hope you can hear this message. Other strongholds around can come and help get rid of this monster. Please, we will give corresponding rewards. Our location is xxx, xxx..."

After everyone heard the content clearly, Song Yi continued.

"I have already reported this matter to the chief. The chief asked us to handle this matter on our own. If we need supplies or other support, we can just ask for it. These are the chief's original words, which means that the initiative is in our hands. "Here, this is why I have to hold an emergency meeting. Tell me, do you think we can help you with this?"

As soon as Song Yi finished speaking, the captains of the second and third companies immediately stood up and answered loudly.

"Help! We must help! As soldiers, we cannot sit idly by when others ask for help. This matter must be taken care of."

"I agree with what the second company commander said. Besides, since the commander didn't express his disapproval, he definitely wants us to rescue people, and at the same time he definitely wants to investigate us, so we must go, and even do it as quickly as possible. Hurry over quickly and destroy that so-called mysterious monster."

The words of the third company commander can be regarded as a reminder to others that Chief Cai Wenjie must not sit idly by and ignore these survivors, especially when there are sufficient troops, weapons and ammunition. As for why they are allowed to handle it on their own, he must want to pass this. times to examine their strength or something else.

So I have to go there this time, and I have to handle this matter neatly.

Gu Ye

After hearing the words of the third company commander, the fourth company commander and the fifth company commander, who had not yet expressed their attitude, also agreed to send troops. However, the sixth company commander did not express his position. Instead, he frowned and looked at the map carefully.

"I don't agree with what the third company commander said, and we can't send out troops so hastily. Instead, I think this distress message is very suspicious, so I object to sending out troops like this. I think we should first send out unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to carefully check all places nearby. Check it again to avoid any unexpected situations.”

The Sixth Company Commander said this after carefully observing the location of this so-called human stronghold.

"You mean, this distress signal is a trap?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Facing the second company commander's incredulous question, the sixth company commander nodded seriously.

Then, before the second company commander could continue to raise doubts, the sixth company commander stood up and came to the map and continued.

"Please see, although this human stronghold is in a river, the surrounding areas are all dry rivers. As far as I know, this river dried up a few years ago. Now it is just a wasteland. Obviously To tell such a lie in the middle of a wasteland, I have to wonder if these people have any ulterior secrets."

The words of the sixth company commander directly woke up the others. Song Yi even looked a little ugly. He really didn't expect this to happen. In order to confirm the sixth company commander's conjecture, Song Yi directly ordered the use of military satellites for real-time reconnaissance. The so-called Tianhe stronghold.

Although the clarity of military satellites is not as good as Cai Wenjie's system satellites, compared with civilian satellites, the clarity is naturally much higher.

So, when the military satellite started shooting according to the coordinates in the message, the picture there was very clear.

It was just as the Sixth Company Captain said, there was no water source at all, and the so-called base in the message was just a rotten wall made of various rotten woods, there was no so-called human base at all.


Seeing this scene, the Second and Third Company Captains were about to explode with anger.

"Too much bullying! Too much bullying! Where did these cowardly rats come from to fool us like this!"

"Battalion Commander! Continue to scout around here. I think this group of shameless guys will definitely hide nearby. No matter what their reason is, we must respond strongly."

Compared to the furious Second Company Captain, the Third Company Captain's reaction was more radical. He felt that he had to find this group of people and teach them an unforgettable lesson, otherwise it would be difficult to relieve his hatred. No, it was to prevent other innocent people from falling into their trap, so they had to teach them a lesson.

At this time, the Sixth Company Captain, who was carefully checking the military satellite on the side, suddenly said.

"Stop! I think I saw something."

The captain of the sixth company came to the display screen, pointed to a place and said.

"Zoom in on this location."

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