My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 704 Action Preparation

After zooming in on the location pointed by the sixth company commander, everyone discovered that it was actually a natural cave.

Moreover, the outside of this cave clearly smells like living people. This can be seen from the bonfire that has not yet burned out.

Outside the cave is a very large valley. Although the structure inside the valley cannot be seen from space, it is obvious that there are living people in the valley, and it seems that they have lived for a long time.

The road leading from the valley to the outside world is only a small road less than four meters wide, which is narrower than the road at Xinguang Gathering Area, and the only road is interspersed with a large number of wooden horses and wooden walls. , it seems that it was built to prevent zombies.

"Found it! It seems that these people's lair is here."

"How about we just send unmanned bombers to scare them?"

"It's not that good. Our weapons are not made to tease others. If you want to hit, hit hard. There is no need for a small fight. I propose to send a company directly to kill the culprit, and the others will be brought back to collect."

Just as everyone was discussing how to deal with these people, the images transmitted from the satellite made many officers feel angry rushing to their foreheads.

In the transmitted picture, a group of men holding homemade sharp weapons were dragging a woman who looked disheveled and dirty. Regardless of the woman's resistance, they took her directly to a pit outside the valley. At the edge of the hole, he kicked her hard, and then walked away laughing.

There were more than a dozen zombies in the pit. After seeing the woman who was kicked down, they attacked as expected, and in less than a few seconds, more than a dozen zombies were eaten out of the woman's body. Wound.

Although the woman struggled desperately to get rid of the zombies' control, it was too late. Fifty-two seconds after being bitten by the zombies, the woman transformed into a new zombie, and the zombies that were originally in the pothole also He stopped biting, turned around and left the woman's side.

Zombies will not attack other zombies, except mutant zombies, but judging from the current situation, there are probably no zombies that can mutate in the pit.

And one important thing is that, without exception, these zombies are all transformed from young women. In addition, the clear footprints on the back of their clothes mean that everyone knows that these zombies are probably transformed by human factors. Zombies.

This corpse pit is where these scumbags abandon women after playing with them, and the most infuriating thing is that there are still the bones of children in this corpse pit, which means that there is no need for any special explanation.

"Scumbags like this have no reason to live in the world anymore. I propose to directly send out a group of unmanned bombers to conduct a blanket bombing!"

"No, if there are still innocent people caught and imprisoned by them, are you going to blow them up too?"

"Then how about we directly send troops to attack the place? Cooperating with the drone bombing, we should be able to ensure that the place is destroyed without harming the hostages."

"I think..."

After intense discussion among everyone, a reliable plan was finally completed.

For this mission, you need to apply to Cai Wenjie for the deployment of three transport aircraft. At night, the transport aircraft will be used to transport the second company to the opponent's lair for airdrop, and then cooperate with unmanned bombers to conduct a raid, from the inside of the opponent's lair from the inside out. Carry out clearing operations and simultaneously find and rescue trapped personnel.

When Song Yi reported their plan to Cai Wenjie truthfully, Cai Wenjie's answer was as simple as two words.


After receiving the approval, Song Yi and others immediately began to make preparations. At the same time, they immediately controlled the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and rushed to the valley 180 kilometers away for reconnaissance.

At the same time, immediately arrange for the soldiers of the second company to rest to avoid accidents caused by sleepiness at night.

The time soon came to eleven o'clock in the evening. The transport plane departing from the Xinguang gathering place had arrived at the outpost. The commander of the second company and all the soldiers were ready to go out.

"This mission must only succeed and not fail. If it fails, you will take your soldiers to clean the toilet for a month! Hand-wash the kind, and be careful not to cause casualties!"

"Don't worry, battalion commander, I promise to complete the mission!"

As the executor of this mission, the second company commander did not feel any problem. This time the opponent was neither a swarm of zombies nor a mutated zombie. It was just a group of humans holding sharp weapons. Whether they had thermal weapons was also a question. , if there are any casualties in the face of such an opponent, he, the commander of the second company, will not have to do anything anymore.

"Everyone is welcome! Board the plane!"

Following the order of the commander of the second company, the soldiers of the second company began to board the plane uniformly.

Soon, three transport planes took off from the outpost and began to head for the enemy's station 180 kilometers away.

At this time, in the enemy's station, that is, in the valley, hundreds of half-clothed women were being forced to have sex with equally naked men. They were screaming, laughing, crying, and all kinds of sounds were heard. In the valley.

"Hahaha! Don't run, little girl, can you run? Come here!"

A strong man with a bald head and tattoos grabbed a young woman who was trying to escape, and then forced her into a lewd manner. A pair of pig hands ran up and down the woman's body, which really brought out the image of Brother Pig to the fullest.

No matter how much the woman resists, the difference in strength and size is there, and there is no way to break free. And it seems that the stronger she resists, the more excited the opponent becomes.

Things like this are nothing here at all. After all, some people are even more outrageous than this. If a woman dares to resist, she will die.

What happened in the valley was clearly seen by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft hidden in the dark. Similarly, the soldiers of the Second Company in the three transport planes that were coming here also saw it clearly through the screen.

"These scumbags really deserve to die"

"Originally, I wanted to be merciful, but it seems that it is not necessary. It is not a pity for these guys to die."

"Company Commander, it's not too much for me to apply for the use of heavy machine guns later."

The soldiers looked at the tragic situation on the other side of the screen, and each one began to feel angry. They all expressed that they would not show mercy. One soldier even wanted to use a heavy machine gun, which showed how angry they were.

"Okay, don't say it anymore. You can do whatever you want when you get there. But one thing is, don't kill Hongyan. We still have to save people. If you accidentally kill the person you want to save, be careful. I will let you I have to clean the toilet for a month, the kind that I wash by hand.”

"Don't worry, company commander, we are not murderers, how could we kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

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