My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 702 Five companies versus five villages

"You don't need to thank me. It's the chief's order to help you. If you want to thank me, just go and thank the chief."

The officer named Lao Bai waved his hand and said thank you to Cai Wenjie. He was just following orders.

After the two expressed their respect for Cai Wenjie, they began to discuss their gains today. Most of their troops were recruits, and only officers were clones, so every time they fought, these recruits would still There are those who are too timid to let go and fight.

"Oh, I'm really convinced. Whenever these new recruits encounter a larger group of corpses, their morale will plummet. There are also a few guys who try to be deserters. In the past, they would have been shot. If it weren't for the end of the world now, I would have destroyed them long ago."

"It's similar here. It's okay to hit Shunfeng Station, and I have a bit of a spirit of giving up on myself. But as soon as the zombies are outnumbered, they turn back to their original form, hiding behind the bunker in despair, trying to keep the zombies away. Pay attention to yourself, well, I really don’t know what to say.”

Most of the second and third battalions are natural recruits. Although most of the recruits perform well, there are always a few that are very troublesome.

"There is no other way. I can only ask them to go to the logistics office to transport ammunition and supplies, otherwise they will cause trouble one day."

"I directly arranged for them to go to the cooking class to help. Those who performed well were directly put into the cooking class, and those who performed poorly were directly moved to the back to raise pigs."

At the outpost in LJ City, Song Yi, the commander, was having a meeting with other officers.

"Before we came out, the chief personally told us that we must capture this city. After a day of fighting, we successfully captured the city and destroyed the mutant zombie hatchery. The chief just called us personally to express his condolences. And he spoke highly of today's battle, and the chief also hopes that we will continue to work hard to win the surrounding areas."

When Song Yi said this, he pointed outside and continued.

"The chief said that tomorrow morning, a transportation team will come to replenish ammunition and supplies for us. After we have replenished ammunition and supplies, we will immediately organize our troops to sweep all the surrounding areas, and at the same time assist the transportation team to clear all the people in LJ City. All available supplies are collected, packed and sent to the Xinguang gathering place."

Song Yi spread out the map around LJ City and said to everyone.

"There are a total of 5 large villages and 23 small villages around us. In order to save time, we will form an infantry platoon as a unit tomorrow and conduct raids on the 23 small villages. After the raids are completed, after the small villages, we will organize the company as a unit. The unit raided 6 large villages, did you hear clearly?"



The first battalion is stationed at a newly built outpost. The outpost's defense strength is acceptable and can withstand the general tide of zombies, so there is no need to worry about safety at night.

the next day

All but one of the other two battalions were returning to the New Light Gathering Ground.

The soldiers of the first battalion, led by the officers, were quickly sweeping the surrounding small villages.

There are not many people in these small villages, and the people left behind are all elderly people, so when these elderly people are infected and become zombies, their physical fitness is very worrying. Even if they heard the big bombing in the city yesterday, There is no way to rush over, so we can only wander here.

But even so, the soldiers showed no mercy. As long as they encountered them, they would just pull the trigger without any discussion.

Most of these small villages have a population of only a few dozen people, so a platoon of soldiers can quickly wipe out an entire village.

"Report! There is nothing abnormal in the north of the village!"

Gu Lun

"Report! Two weakened zombies were found in the south of the village, and they have all been killed!"

"Report! Thirteen weakened zombies were found in the east of the village, and they have all been killed."


In less than five minutes, the entire small village was swept away by the soldiers, and all the corpses were gathered together and burned to the ground.

At the same time, four strong men jumped out of a transport truck that was operating with the team. They immediately ran to each house and loaded everything that could be used into the transport truck.

For example, rice, flour, corn, potatoes and other grains, or pots and pans, kitchen knives, batteries, whatever can be used will be moved onto the transport truck. As long as there is room inside the truck, it will not stop.

By the time all this is done, almost half an hour has passed, and then these teams will set off to the next village to continue the above operations.

In about two hours, all the nearby small villages were cleared, and each team was reunited.

Five large villages are just enough for five companies to be divided into one. Seeing this situation, the company commanders of these five companies invariably exchanged intriguing looks.

"How about we have a competition, which company can clear a village in the shortest time?"

"That's exactly what I meant!"

"What's the bet?"

"Hey, how can this be called a bet? What we are going to do is a competition, so it must be a competition reward."

"That's right. How about we let the two slowest companies be responsible for cleaning the other three companies' dirty clothes and dirty socks every day, and they have to be washed by hand!"

"I agree"

"I have no objection"

"Okay, that's settled! Let's make a deal, the two slowest companies among us will be responsible for the dirty clothes of others every day, no regrets, no cheating"


After the five company commanders made the agreement, they immediately led their companies to the five large villages.

Although the rewards of this competition are a bit childish, all five of them are full of self-confidence, and they will go all out even in such a childish competition.

Perhaps because they don't want to wash the dirty socks of other companies, every soldier can't help but speed up and want to be the first to reach the mission destination.

Even if they are one minute faster, they can kill more zombies and complete the mission as quickly as possible.

Especially the captain of the second company. When their company first arrived in this city, they served as the cover force of the artillery and did not directly join the battlefield. This made him a little embarrassed in front of other company commanders, so he decided to show his power in this place to let them know that his second company is the strongest.

The five big villages they were going to attack were Long'an, Longxing, Longjiang, Longxin, and Longshan. The population of these big villages was over 500 households, and the number of zombies in them would definitely be much greater than those small villages.

However, these were not a problem for the five companies, each of which had an exoskeleton. As long as they had enough ammunition, these zombies were just moving targets.

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