My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 701 High-end Community

The city's cleanup work went very smoothly. The soldiers did not encounter any problems during the cleanup work. They quickly found the zombies hiding in every corner and eliminated them thoroughly.

When the cleaning work of the entire city was completed, it was around 7:30 pm.

The entire city was cleaned up by soldiers, who found all the zombies still hidden in the nooks and crannies and killed them directly.

This time, at least nearly 900 zombies were cleared during the general cleaning. At the same time, mutated zombies trapped in a container were also found, and they were also eliminated by the soldiers.

Now, the final task is to destroy the corpses of these zombies in a unified manner to avoid spawning any strange mutant zombies.

At the same time, soldiers from the other two battalions in a county almost 30 kilometers away were currently engaging in a firefight with a group of corpses of a certain size.

Originally, this county was the area under the responsibility of the Second Battalion, but the soldiers of the Second Battalion failed to eliminate the zombies in this county after several hours of fighting. In order to avoid unexpected situations, the commander of the Second Battalion could only ask the Third Battalion for help.

After receiving the news, the commander of the third battalion immediately abandoned the area he was responsible for and ordered his troops to provide support to the county where the second battalion was located.

Of course, this action has been approved by Cai Wenjie. Otherwise, even if it is the battalion commander's order, the clone officers under his command will not carry out it. Instead, they will continue to attack the area they are responsible for according to the plan formulated by the original leader Cai Wenjie.

However, the officers of the second and third battalions, including the battalion commander himself, are all clones of Cai Wenjie, so naturally there will be no problems.

When the third battalion sensed the area where the second battalion was, it did not directly join the second battalion. Instead, it appeared at the rear of the battlefield, that is, the rear of the zombie swarm, and began to attack the zombie swarm from front to back with the second battalion. A fierce attack from the rear.

The appearance of the third battalion relieved the second battalion, which was fighting the corpses on the frontal battlefield. The news of the appearance of reinforcements made the recruits who had been tense relax for a while.

"Brothers! Our reinforcements have appeared behind the corpses, now! We are at an unprecedented advantage! Brothers, kill!"


Under the shouts of an unknown soldier, the recruits immediately burst out with a strong will to fight and began to pull the triggers desperately against the zombie hordes.

Under such high morale and flanking attacks, the number of zombies dropped sharply, soon falling to three thousand, and this number continued to decline.

Almost an hour later, there were no zombies on the battlefield that could stand up. The few who were still alive escaped because their legs were broken and they were unable to stand. However, escaping does not mean that they will survive. , according to tradition, after each battle, the battlefield must be cleaned up, the zombies that are not dead must be dealt with, and the corpses must be gathered and burned together.

By the time everything was dealt with, it was already half past nine in the evening. Night was the stage for zombies. For safety reasons, the three battalions decided to rest for the day and spend the night on the spot.

Now the first battalion is spending the night at the outpost in LJ City, while the second and third battalions are resting in the county town they just captured.

Fortunately, the Second Battalion and the Third Battalion did not destroy the surrounding buildings when they were fighting, so they quickly found a suitable place to spend the night, a small high-end community. Although they don't know why such a high-end building was built in the county. Community, but there are ready-made walls or iron fences in the community, which can play a certain protective role. Even if a few fish slip through the net and attack the community, these walls and iron fences can block it for a while, giving the soldiers standing guard a Gain valuable time.

This high-end community is full of empty buildings that no one lives in. It looks like it has just been completed and has not been officially delivered, so there is no need to worry about zombies lurking in the community.

The only drawback is that there is no electricity here. If you want lighting, you must use your own diesel generator. As for other things, there is no shortage of them.

To be on the safe side, they brought three days of rations with them this time. In addition to the most basic compressed biscuits, they also brought a variety of ready-to-eat military rations. Anyway, they would not go hungry during these three days. Queen of Heaven, she would have returned to the New Light Gathering Place in three days, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Listen, we will be working the night shift with our comrades from the Third Battalion this time. I don't care how other classes perform, but in my class, if you dare to embarrass yourself in front of others, I will let you know when I go back You don’t even know what the monitor’s care is!”


"Okay! The 10-12 sentries are from our class. Cheer up! Don't embarrass me in front of others."


Although the community is not large, a large number of sentries and patrol teams are still arranged. As for sentries, there will be a fixed sentry almost every 100 meters, and the number of people standing guard has increased from one or two people to more than a dozen people in a class. , each squad is equipped with heavy firepower such as light and heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, and rocket launchers. Even if they encounter hordes of mutant zombies, they are enough to fight against them.

The patrol team patrols the community every thirty minutes and keeps an eye on the fixed sentries. If something goes wrong, they will immediately sound the alarm. In addition to the ordinary 191 rifles, each person is equipped with a signal gun. If they encounter special circumstances and cannot sound the alarm, they will use the signal gun to fire flares to inform the troops in the rear.

This is not over yet. In addition to the sentries and patrols, there are two groups of snipers on the roof of each building. These snipers are equipped with large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles, which are specially prepared for accurately shooting mutant zombies.

In addition, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will also patrol and reconnaissance in the air 24 hours a day. The reconnaissance range of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is very wide. In addition to this high-end community, the entire county is within its reconnaissance range. If there is a major change in that part of the county, the two battalions stationed here can also receive the news in the first time and respond accordingly.

In a shop that has not yet opened, the battalion commanders of the second and third battalions are discussing today's combat experience.

"I really didn't expect that this small county would have such a large zombie swarm. Although it won't wipe us out, there will definitely be casualties. Fortunately, you came to support me in time, otherwise Chief Cai Wenjie would have skinned me alive after I returned. Thank you so much for today, Lao Bai."

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