My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 700: Occupy the City

Song Yi not only arranged for an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to conduct reconnaissance in the high school, but also sent an infantry company to the suspicious high school.

Of course, Song Yi did not directly order the infantry company to enter the high school, but surrounded the high school from the outside and prepared for battle.

Wait for the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to find out the situation inside before deciding whether to enter.

When the small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft entered the high school through the window, Song Yi also came to the command vehicle and observed the images taken by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in real time through the display screen.

"It has been almost two months since the zombie crisis appeared. I didn't expect the classroom to be so clean, without any dust."

There must be something wrong here.

There are a total of four small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft entering the school. They started to explore the high school from the bottom and the end of the highest level.

Every time it passes a classroom, the drone will break into the classroom through the window. In order to facilitate the small drones to enter the room, these drones are equipped with window-breaking tools, or directly installed with a small-caliber pistol, which can directly break into the window when encountering a window.

The small drones conducted reconnaissance in one classroom after another, and soon checked all the classrooms and offices on the first to fifth floors, but found nothing, not to mention living people, not even a mouse was found. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

This situation was beyond Song Yi’s expectations.

"Are you sure you have checked the entire teaching building?"

"Report to the battalion commander, we have indeed checked it once, and we did not find any living people or zombies."

"It shouldn't be, is this all a coincidence? No! Absolutely impossible, something must have been missed."

Song Yi, who was lost in thought, suddenly seemed to have thought of something and came to another display screen. The display screen played a video shot outside the high school teaching building. He looked at the floors of the teaching building carefully, and then found something unusual. The wall between the third and fourth floors was obviously different from the other floors.

It is very likely, no! Song Yi can be sure that there must be something like a mezzanine inside.

"Let those small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft go to the third and fourth floors and investigate carefully to see if there are any secret doors or something."

Under Song Yi's order, four small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft began to conduct several investigations back and forth between the third and fourth floors, and finally found something wrong at the entrance of a staircase.

Unlike other staircases, there is a movable propaganda board in the stairwell here. This propaganda board is naturally placed in the stairwell, so several small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft did not find anything wrong.

But when several searches were fruitless, this propaganda board became the biggest doubt.

Four small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft came to the front of the propaganda board and began to test it, and also tried to move the propaganda board.

After a few minutes of effort, the four small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft worked together to pull the propaganda board to another place, and a very obvious secret door appeared in the original location of the propaganda board.

Generally speaking, such secret doors should be hidden very secretly, but the problem is that this secret door is now in a state of ajar, and blood stains that have not been wiped clean were found at the door of the secret door.

Gu Lu

"Captain! Found it!"

"Don't shout, I'm watching, quickly control the drone to see the situation inside"


When the small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft pushed open the secret door and entered the inner space, Song Yi and other drone operators were completely shocked by the scene inside.

"Have we entered hell?"

The interior of the secret door is very large, and it looks like it is about several hundred square meters. However, in such a large space, there are only corpses and corpse remains. Judging from the clothes of the corpses, most of them seem to be students and teachers of this school. The strangest thing is that it seems that someone deliberately collected these corpses and corpse remains and piled them into piles of different sizes.

But before the small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft took the next step, the piles of corpses suddenly began to move, as if something was moving around in the piles of corpses.

Soon, a very ugly monster jumped out of the pile of corpses. Judging from the characteristics of the body, it can be judged that this is a speed-type mutant zombie, but it is not very similar, as if it is a speed-type mutant zombie that has not yet completely mutated successfully.

Not only this pile of corpses, but other piles of corpses have also begun to appear mutant zombies with incomplete mutations.

"This is simply..."


After Song Yi saw this scene through the camera of the small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, his face became solemn. No wonder there are so many mutant zombies in this city. The root cause is actually here. Relying on a large number of corpses to give birth to a steady stream of mutant zombies, no wonder it is like this.

"Fortunately, it was discovered early. Let the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft withdraw. At the same time, the troops over there are also withdrawn. Ten minutes later, let the artillery carry out a blanket bombing of this high school. The entire teaching building must be blown down, especially the mutant zombie hatchery just now. It must be blown up"


Song Yi is not stupid. In this situation, it is the hard truth to use the artillery in the rear to destroy the hatchery here. He will not use the lives of his subordinates to test the hatchery of this mutant zombie. Why should he take the initiative to use infantry when he can solve it with a few shells? .

The soldiers who had just surrounded the entire high school not long ago, after receiving the new order, evacuated the high school without hesitation. They went back the way they came. They completed the evacuation in less than three minutes. At the same time, the small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that entered the teaching building was successfully recovered and was evacuating with the large troops.

Ten minutes later, there was a neat sound of artillery fire in the outpost. The truck gun accurately bombed the high school according to the coordinates provided by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Those mutant zombies that had not yet completely mutated were directly bombed into meat dregs without knowing anything, and the high school was also bombed into ruins.

Although he didn't know which guy built such a terrifying hatchery there, Song Yi had already remembered this matter in his heart, and he was also going to report this matter in detail to Chief Cai Wenjie to avoid the same situation in the future.

After confirming that the hatchery of mutant zombies had been successfully destroyed, Song Yi directly ordered the occupation of the entire city and carried out a large-scale sweep to thoroughly clean up the zombies still left in the cracks to ensure that there would be no more zombie problems in the city.

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