My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 699 High School

other side

The baits in other directions have attracted a large number of zombies, and they are now moving towards the outpost.

The total number of zombies is about five thousand, which is almost the total number of zombies in the city.

In other words, as long as this group of zombies is eliminated, there will probably be no large-scale gathering of zombies in the entire city.

"The target is approaching! Everyone better prepare for battle!"

The alarm inside the outpost began to sound and the passage was played on a loop to prepare the soldiers inside the outpost for battle.

When the armored vehicle used as a decoy appears within the detection range of the outpost, the broadcaster at the outpost immediately uses the radio to tell the decoy to advance at full speed and return to the outpost as quickly as possible.

These orders were naturally issued by Song Yi, and all the decoy armored vehicles stepped on the accelerator and returned to the outpost as quickly as possible.

"Order! Let the artillery in the rear immediately carry out coverage bombing towards the expected target point!"


Song Yi had no intention of confronting these zombies from the beginning. When he ordered the establishment of this outpost, he had already detected the coordinates of the main road not far away and sent the coordinates back to the artillery position in the rear in advance. As long as He gave the order for artillery bombardment, and the artillerymen in the rear would carry out precise bombing according to the coordinates preset in advance.

Although this method is very easy to accidentally injure friendly troops, it is also a quick way to eliminate the most zombies in the shortest time.

When the zombies who knew nothing stepped into the artillery's preset point with blank faces, with the sound of breaking through the air, one after another artillery shells flew towards this side at extremely high speed.

These zombies were blown to pieces by artillery shells before they even saw the human outpost. Some were still alive because the shock wave generated by the explosion shattered their internal organs and brains, causing their seven orifices to bleed to death.

The bombardment did not last long. At most, the bombardment stopped after five rounds of salvo fire.

But these five rounds of bombings resulted in nearly 1,300 zombies being killed alive, and more than 2,000 zombies missing some parts from their bodies. As for the remaining zombies, they were also knocked to the ground by the shock wave, with some damage everywhere on their bodies. .

"Prepare light and heavy machine guns! Use cross-fire to keep the zombies at the periphery as much as possible."


Song Yi quickly issued combat orders, allowing the soldiers to arrive at their positions in an instant and start shooting at the zombies not far away.

The full attack was only a few thousand zombies. Facing a battalion of fully armed soldiers, it was nothing. Coupled with the shelling just now, they only had to deal with two thousand zombies, and the rest had been destroyed. Zombies with broken arms and legs do not pose much of a threat at all.

The battle started soon. Although the outpost was not as strong as the Xinguang Gathering Area, it was not bad. Under the strong firepower, these thousands of zombies could not get any benefit at all. Facing light and heavy machine gun fire, , piles of zombies fell down like wheat. Although they were not dead, the threat to humans decreased rapidly, and in the end there was almost no threat.


Even though the group of corpses was completely suppressed by light and heavy machine guns, they still advanced dozens of meters and came to the prepared mine array.

Because they were dealing with enemies like zombies, all the soldiers did not bury the mines, but directly placed the mines in very conspicuous places and on the only way for the zombies to pass.

They just bullied the zombies for not knowing the mines, and even if the zombies knew the mines, they would probably step on them without hesitation, so the soldiers did not spend more time and energy laying the mines.

The mine array was densely packed with various anti-infantry mines. When the zombies came to the mine array and stepped on the mines, a chain explosion immediately occurred, sending the zombies who stepped into the mine array flying everywhere. I said It's a corpse.

At the same time, flame traps are also arranged around the mines. As long as the mines are triggered, the flame traps will also be triggered at the same time, dyeing the surrounding dozens of meters of space with special incendiary agents. Just a little flame will cause dozens of surrounding areas to explode. A raging fire ignited in the space of meters.

A large number of zombies were blown away by various landmines, and then were thrown into the sea of ​​fire the moment they landed, and were burned alive into charcoal.

Under this situation, thousands of zombies were wiped out almost within an hour. Even the disabled zombies who had lost their legs or hands were not spared and were blown up by the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield. head.

But something strange is that there are no mutant zombies among the zombies this time, not even an ordinary speed mutant zombie, as if this battle has nothing to do with them.

This also made Song Yi, the on-site commander, feel extremely confused. He did not think that it was because all the mutated zombies in the city were dead that they did not appear on the battlefield, but that it was due to some special situation that caused the mutation. The zombies appeared here in time after they were gone.

"Did the drone find anything suspicious?"

"Reporting to the battalion commander, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has not found anything unusual in the city so far, but..."

"But what?"

"However, the unmanned reconnaissance drone once flew over a high school during the investigation. Different from other places, this high school was very... clean, so clean that it was a bit shameful. There were no corpses at all, whether they were zombie corpses or human ones. There are no corpses, especially since we found that the gate of the high school was not closed, but always open. Logically speaking, there must be zombies wandering around in this kind of place, and no matter what, there will be a few blood stains."

"Are there any survivors here?"

"Actually, we have thought about it and arranged unmanned reconnaissance drones to check every window of the school, but we did not find any living people, not even zombies, let alone mutated zombies, so I did not report it. The situation here”

After quietly listening to the soldier's report, Song Yi instinctively felt that there was something wrong with this high school. It was not that he suspected that there were any survivors there. If there were survivors, it would be fine. If not, then there would be no problem. Simple.

"It seems that the problem lies in that high school. Immediately send all the unmanned reconnaissance drones to the high school you mentioned, and then conduct a blanket reconnaissance for me. Don't miss any corner, and arrange several small reconnaissances at the same time. The plane entered the school and conducted a comprehensive search inside the school.”


"Also, let the artillery in the rear join us."


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