My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 573 Great Counterattack 10

In the left defense line, the mutant zombies that broke in were using their sharp claws to attack the surrounding soldiers. ♦♦ ♦♦ReadМ

If the regular troops were stationed here, perhaps these mutant zombies would have died under the random gunfire instead of just watching the mutant zombies hunting their compatriots wantonly.

"Get out of the way! Everyone, get out of the way, don't stand there! Get out of the way!"

At this time, the reserve team holding shotguns and wearing heavy armor finally arrived at the scene. The people around them automatically made way for a path and looked at these reserve teams curiously, wanting to know what they were doing.

The clawed zombie who was lying on the ground gnawing at his prey immediately gave up the half-eaten flesh and blood after seeing a group of ignorant humans approaching him, and directly changed his target to the members of the reserve team. He waved his huge claws and rushed towards the reserve team members.

However, facing the death charge of the claw zombie, the members of the reserve team did not react much. The member holding the shotgun in the front row immediately pointed the gun at the claw zombie and pulled the trigger decisively when the claw zombie was close enough.

The close-range shooting of the shotgun directly knocked the claw zombie over, and a big hole was shot through its body. Before the claw zombie could react, the other members of the reserve team immediately stepped forward and shot the fallen claw zombie.

The head of the claw zombie was like a smashed watermelon, and the red and white cracks were all over the ground. It was so disgusting.

This was not over yet. The other mutant zombies also noticed the situation here. They immediately gave up the food in their mouths and rushed towards the members of the reserve team.

The one who rushed to the front was the most muscular power mutant zombie. It tried to use its strong body to rush into the reserve team and kill.

In this regard, the members of the reserve team did not panic. The members holding grenade launchers and rocket launchers immediately aimed their guns or cannons at the power-type mutant zombies, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The launched grenades and rocket heads accurately hit the power-type mutant zombies, and the huge explosion directly enveloped the power-type mutant zombies, and even the mutant zombies following the power-type mutant zombies were affected.

The consequences of being directly hit by grenades and rockets are obvious. The power-type mutant zombie did not even leave a complete body, and was directly blown into countless pieces of meat. The shrapnel formed by the explosion penetrated the body of the power-type mutant zombie and still penetrated the mutant zombies behind with undiminished power. →

These mutant zombies completely lost their combat effectiveness before they even approached the reserve team, and they lay on the ground unable to move.

The members of the reserve team would not give up this opportunity. They immediately came to the mutant zombies who had lost their ability to move and finished them off.

"The mutant zombies have been cleared! Everyone return to their battle positions! The zombie tide is coming!"

After clearing the mutant zombie reserve and giving the battlefield to other armed personnel, they were ready to go back and report, and the other armed personnel also returned to their battle positions to prepare for the next zombie tide attack.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the zombie tide they expected did not happen. Even though the flames of the incendiary bombs were suppressed to a certain extent, no zombies rushed out of the sea of ​​fire to attack them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The imagined zombie tide did not appear, but was replaced by a suffocating sound of footsteps. Even in this situation of dense gunfire, people still heard this terrifying footsteps.

"Fuck! What the hell is this!"

"Monster! It's a monster"

As the footsteps got closer and closer, people finally saw the owner of the footsteps.

If Cai Wenjie was here, he would only be brightened, because the creature that made this footsteps was nothing else but the alien fighting beast! And the appearance of this alien fighting beast is very scary. You can refer to Obern in the CSol Cataclysm.

This kind of alien fighting beast

"Don't panic! Everyone, be ready for battle! Take out all the heavy weapons! Don't worry about the ammunition problem, just hit me hard!"

As the order was issued, the soldiers holding heavy weapons immediately began to attack the alien fighting beast.

Rocket launchers, mortars, howitzers bombarded in turn, heavy machine guns, anti-material sniper rifles, and grenade launchers kept pouring ammunition to the alien fighting beast.

The soldiers took out all their assets at the first time and launched a saturation attack on the alien fighting beast. Under this attack, the alien fighting beast's body was damaged in less than a while.


Perhaps because of the pain, the alien fighting beast's originally light blue eyes turned red! The body of the alien beast also began to change. The originally bare body gradually grew scales. These scales were like some kind of metal. The bullets from the anti-material sniper rifle could only leave a white mark on the scales, and there was no way to penetrate the scales.

Moreover, the fingers of the alien beast grew sharp nails like the claws of a zombie, and something like a shield grew on his arms. As long as he wanted, he could hide his body behind the shield to avoid the bombardment of artillery fire.

This shield-like thing has a very strong defense. In addition to being immune to ordinary bullets, it can also withstand the bombardment of ordinary rocket launchers, and even the armor-piercing shells of tanks.


The alien beast rushed towards the human defense line quickly while resisting the saturation attack of the people. Behind the alien beast were endless zombies. These zombies did not dare to act recklessly in front of the alien beast, and would only quietly follow the alien beast to approach the defense line.

The alien beast plus the zombie tide, this mode is simply a massacre for people who do not have a large number of heavy weapons! .

After the alien beast approached the human defense line, it jumped directly into the defense line, and then gently waved its claws to tear the surrounding humans into pieces.

"Zhao! The monster's skin is too hard, the bullets can't penetrate it at all!"

"Stop talking! Run!"

Seeing that the weapons in their hands had no effect on the alien beast, many people unconsciously turned around and ran away, even if the officers around them scolded them. On the contrary, the regular soldiers and police officers of the army did not waver at all, but tried their best to stop the alien beast from killing people.

"Use armor-piercing bullets! Only by breaking the bone shield on the opposite side can we effectively attack it!"


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