My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 572 Great Counterattack 9

The place where they are meeting now is actually a relatively secluded villa outside the city. It can be said to be a bit isolated due to its special location. There is only one small road to get in and out of this place. The other way is not feasible at all. This is also the reason why Old Man Li retired before the end. The place where we planned to retire when we were young has now become a fixed place where the four people gather for meetings. read

After the four of them decided on their own area, they each took their people back to their own gathering place and began to mobilize their armed forces. They began to send out large-scale troops according to the area decided during the meeting.

Groups of armed soldiers set off from various gathering places and began to gather on the periphery of the area they were responsible for. However, reality is not a game, and they will not obediently let people prepare before fighting.

So when these armed men appeared on the outskirts of the city, they were immediately discovered by the zombies inside the city, which directly caused a large wave of zombies and began to run towards the assembled soldiers.

Because the four directions have their own armed forces, there is a tide of corpses in the four directions, and their number is not less than ten thousand. You must know that if the number of people exceeds ten thousand, it seems to be an endless existence. The armed personnel in the four directions are basically Without entering the city, they were directly attacked by a wave of zombies.

"Bleach! It's a wave of corpses!"

"What! Where is it!"

"I'm blind! It's in front!"

"No! There are too many, let's withdraw!"

"Brothers, run!"

Most of the armed personnel were immediately frightened into chaos after seeing the endless tide of zombies. Except for those army soldiers and policemen who had a certain amount of experience, the remaining armed personnel were actually temporarily transferred. Most of them are ordinary people who have not touched a gun for more than a month. ☞ ♦ ♦♦

Under such circumstances, a reaction like this is quite normal.

"Hold on! Calm down! Don't get into trouble!"

Soon, someone in the crowd stood up and began to try to stabilize people's emotions. Perhaps because of their trust in the soldiers, the originally chaotic crowd gradually stabilized and began to follow the command to set up a defense line, preparing to welcome the zombies. attack.

Just when people had just stabilized their emotions and deployed their defense lines, the first batch of extremely fast mutant zombies appeared in front of people and rushed straight towards the human defense line.

"It's a speed mutant zombie! Fire quickly! Shoot!"

After hearing the commander's order, the soldiers of the army were the first to react. They immediately raised their guns and aimed at the speed mutant zombies that were approaching quickly in front of them, and pulled the triggers without hesitation.

Then came the well-trained police force, who also fired along with the soldiers when they started shooting.

Finally, there are the newcomers who have just started grabbing. Although their hit rate is pitifully low, at least they are shooting in the right direction. With so many bullets, there will always be a blind cat encountering a dead mouse. It should be It can slow down the speed of mutant zombies rushing over.

Because it was the first time for many people to face so many zombies, they pulled the trigger out of nervousness and never let go again. It was not until the bullets in the magazine were exhausted that they realized it and started to hurriedly replace them. magazine.

When the officer saw this, he immediately shouted.

"Don't let go after pulling the trigger. This is just a waste of bullets! Set the gun to single-shot shooting! Then aim at the zombie's head and shoot again!"

Although they currently have sufficient ammunition reserves, they cannot withstand such waste. Therefore, except for soldiers and police officers with shooting experience, all newcomers to firearms must shoot one round at a time to avoid wasting bullets.

Under the loud scolding of the officer, these newcomers one after another began to adjust the rifles to single-shot shooting state.

The effect of this is very obvious. The most objective thing is that the newcomers will not waste bullets, and because it is a single-shot shooting, the hit rate has also been improved by a level. Although it is not possible to shoot a headshot with a gun, at least it can Hit the zombie's body.

Soon, the first batch of speed mutant zombies were all shot to death under the intensive shooting of people, and in the end they were unable to break through the defense line.

But before people could be happy, the second batch of speed mutant zombies and other faster mutant zombies rushed into people's view. Among them, individual claw zombies and power mutant zombies were hidden among the many speed mutant zombies. Among them, trying to break through the human defense line.

"The second wave of mutated zombies is coming! Get ready!"

This time, because of the previous experience, people were no longer in a hurry, but calmly lay down in the defense line and raised their guns to preview the zombies' heads. As long as the zombies stepped into the shooting range, they would be rewarded with a bullet that leads to heaven and peace. A one-way ticket to hell.

And because of the thick skin and flesh of the mutated zombies, this time people finally took out the heavy weapons that they were reluctant to use just now.

Moreover, those soldiers with relatively good marksmanship were singled out and equipped with Type 10 anti-equipment sniper rifles to specifically snipe those rough-skinned and powerful mutant zombies, trying to prevent these mutant zombies from getting close to the defense line as much as possible.

Soon the mutated zombies entered the shooting range of the soldiers.


Following the officers' orders, the people holding weapons immediately pulled the triggers of their weapons. In an instant, the entire battlefield was covered with a large number of bullets. The crazy attacks of the zombies were like a blow to the head. A momentary pause.

A large number of mutant zombies were instantly turned into piles of minced meat under the attack of the storm of bullets. Even if they were not killed on the spot, they were almost dead.

However, this was only a matter of a moment. More and more mutant zombies approached the defense line with bullets. Even if the speed of approaching was very slow, it did shorten the distance.

"Report to the company commander! There is a gap in the left defense line! Several claw zombies rushed in!"

"What! Notify the reserve team behind to immediately support the left defense line, notify the artillery! At 11 o'clock, 300 meters away, fire a base number of high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs! Be sure to stop the zombies behind from continuing to approach the defense line!"


As the only one who had some experience with the zombie tide, he immediately made the best judgment at the moment. Now there was a gap in the left defense line, and several mutant zombies rushed in. If you want to continue to maintain the defense line, you must stop the endless zombies behind, hit a blank spot from the zombie tide, and kill the zombies that rushed in during this precious time.

The reserve team was specially arranged for this situation. The number of people in the reserve team was not large, only fifty. However, they were different from ordinary troops. They were equipped with heavy shotguns or close-range weapons such as individual grenade launchers. These weapons were specially equipped to kill the mutant zombies that broke in.

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