My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 574: Great Counterattack 11

Soon, a soldier was carrying a rocket launcher and aimed at the alien beast, while another soldier stuffed an armor-piercing projectile into the rocket launcher.

"The armor-piercing ammunition is loaded!"



As the firing order was issued, the soldier carrying the rocket launcher immediately fired an armor-piercing projectile at the alien fighting beast.

Everyone stared at the armor-piercing projectile with expectant eyes, hoping it would have an effect on this alien fighting beast.

Perhaps it was because he had developed a certain resistance or memory due to being bombed too much. When the alien fighting beast O'Byrne saw the armor-piercing bombs flying towards him, he no longer used his bone shield to resist, but turned around and quickly avoided them. An armor-piercing projectile.

Seeing the alien fighting beast dodge the armor-piercing bullet, people not only were not disappointed, but their morale was greatly boosted.

"Dodge it! It doesn't dare to resist the armor-piercing bullets! Quick! Keep firing armor-piercing bullets!"


More and more soldiers carried rocket launchers and fired all the armor-piercing shells.

Although the alien fighting beast O'Byrne avoided the armor-breaking bullets just now, there were too many armor-breaking bullets coming this time, and there was no way to dodge them all. It simply stopped dodging and directly put its arms across itself. The head is prepared to resist this wave of damage.

Everyone and the alien beasts have fallen into a strange illusion.

That is because humans thought that this monster was afraid of the damage from armor-piercing bullets, so they avoided the attack just now. However, the alien beast O'Byrne did not feel that these armor-piercing bullets would harm him at all. It made it easier to resist by moving its body slightly, so it chose to dodge. It still doesn't have an accurate understanding of armor-piercing bullets.

Under this wonderful misunderstanding between both sides, more than a dozen armor-piercing bombs flew at high speed and directly hit the alien fighting beast O'Byrne who had prepared a defense early.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

More than a dozen consecutive explosions directly shrouded the entire Alien Fighting Beast O'Byrne in a smoke screen of explosions. People could not observe the injuries of the Alien Fighting Beast O'Bern through the smoke screen.

When the smoke faded, the first thing people saw was not the alien beast O'Byrne, but groups of zombies rushing out of the smoke and rushing towards them.

Without any time to think, the armed men and soldiers immediately raised their weapons and pulled the triggers at the approaching men.

At this time, the alien fighting beast O'Byrne's entire arms and a large piece of flesh and blood on his chest were blasted with a large hole by the armor-breaking bomb, which almost directly penetrated the entire upper body.

But that's it, the alien fighting beast O'Byrne did not die immediately, but fell to the ground and lingered, no! It can't be said to be lingering, because the current alien beast O'Byrne did not die immediately, and the chest where the upper body was blown out with a big hole is slowly being repaired or regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the recovery speed is very slow. Given the current regeneration rate, it would probably take several days for such a large wound to recover as before.

"The monster is down!"

"No! He's still alive! Hurry up and give him a few rounds of armor-piercing bullets to send him to the west!"

"No! We've run out of armor-piercing bullets!"

"Then use ordinary high-explosive bombs! It can't be defended now anyway! It can just use the full power of high-explosive bombs!"

"The ordinary armor-piercing bullets have also been used up..."

"Zhuo! The chain dropped at the critical moment! Is there any other way? If we don't kill it at this time, we will never have a chance again!"

This is not alarmist. Now their entire defense line has been breached, and a large number of zombies have poured into the defense line. The distance between them and people is at most a hundred meters. This distance is very short, so short that if there is no support from a large number of bullets, they will be in less than 100 meters. After more than ten seconds, people will come face to face with zombies.

Fighting at close range with zombies is undoubtedly an act of seeking death. Even a professional soldier with sufficient combat experience will not be able to survive multiple sieges. Of course, if the soldier is wearing an exoskeleton armor and has a very sharp weapon on his hand, It's a different matter if it's a sharp blade.

It is a pity that exoskeletons are very rare in themselves. Only those troops who are protecting the border and the army that guards the capital even now equip some of them. So of course, how can they have exoskeletons? .

Looking at the tide of corpses approaching people and the slowly recovering alien fighting beasts, Captain Gao, who once boasted that he was in charge of the entire east side and the city center, could only show a wry smile.

When the defeat was determined and there was no chance for a comeback, as the commander, he could only choose...

"Tian Feng!"

"Here! Company commander!"

A child soldier who looked to be less than 20 years old appeared in front of Captain Gao. Captain Gao looked at the recruit who was not as old as his son. He was in a daze for a moment, but soon his eyes became firm. He solemnly He turned around and took down the company flag and unit number from the long pole, folded them neatly and solemnly handed them to Tian Feng, a new recruit who had just joined the army for less than two months.

"Tian Feng! You are the 2152nd soldier of our New Red Fourth Company! Now I am officially ordering you as the commander of the New Red Third Company! Come back with the flag of our New Red Third Company and the young men who have just been transferred. Go to the base and evacuate the city with the citizens in the base! Can you do it!"

"Company Commander! You...!"

Looking at Captain Gao who gave the order in a serious tone, Tian Feng immediately realized that something was wrong. He hurriedly wanted to express that he didn't want to leave, but Captain Gao seemed to know what Tian Feng was going to say in advance and stopped Tian Feng loudly before he opened his mouth.

"Tian Feng! Have you forgotten the three major disciplines and eight points of attention!"

"Report to the captain! I didn't forget!"

"Then execute my order!"


After Tian Feng answered loudly with a "yes", he took the flag of the New Red Third Company with both hands, took a last look at his captain and his comrades who were still resisting the tide of corpses, and turned away silently.

The moment Tian Feng turned around, a tear slipped from his eyes and dripped onto the cement road under his feet. Tian Feng knew that this farewell was forever. Captain Gao asked him to take the flag of the New Red Third Company back to the base. In addition to protecting the citizens in the base, he also wanted to keep the last spark of the New Red Third Company, hoping that one day in the future, this spark could hold high the flag of the New Red Third Company and stand up again.

Captain Gao, who sent Tian Feng away, seemed to have done his last thing. He looked firmly at the approaching zombies and the recovering alien beast Obern.

"Soldiers of the New Red Third Company! You are doing well now! But! We must destroy that monster today! Even if we have to pay a huge price for it, we will not hesitate! Otherwise, if we wait for this monster to recover, the civilians behind us, or our families, will die at the hands of this monster! Brothers! For our families and other civilians, follow me and charge!"


Captain Gao had C4 explosives tied all over his body at some point, and was the first to rush towards the zombies, or more accurately, towards the alien beast Obern who was struggling to survive, wanting to die with it. The soldiers who were fighting the zombies finally looked at the direction of the base, and after saying goodbye to their families in their hearts, they also followed the captain's example, hanging a lot of explosives on their bodies, and ran towards the alien beast.

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