My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 565 Great Counterattack 2

Under the stimulation of the huge noise and fresh blood, more and more zombies rushed over from all directions, and then stared straight at the iron cage hanging from the helicopter, and their bodies moved involuntarily in the direction of the iron cage. Reading

The zombies gathered more and more, and in just a few minutes, they attracted hundreds of thousands of zombies, and the number continued to increase as time went by.

However, after the helicopter attracted a certain number of zombies, it could no longer attract zombies. After all, in the case of a mountain of corpses, a pig that was about to go into shock due to excessive blood loss did have a reduced appeal.

But it doesn't matter, there are several other options for this plan.

I saw four modified buses that had undergone major modifications, driving at full speed towards the zombies. Just when they were about to hit the zombies, they suddenly drifted, and at the same time, the sides of the bus body rose up, revealing the scene inside.

The interior of each bus has been converted into a cargo box, and a high-powered speaker is installed inside the car, playing an exciting song in a loop, and in the middle of the car is a pig that has just been stabbed and is bleeding.

The layout of the four modified buses is the same, all of which are equipped with high-powered speakers and a pig that is bleeding.

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In fact, these pigs are specially protected animals, because now animals can also be infected with viruses, and eating less and less meat, and in the end they may not eat meat for a lifetime. In order to avoid this from happening, Cai Wenjie cleans up the wild animals on the surrounding mountains while collecting animals that have not been infected, and then draws a land for special protection. Their treatment is basically the same as that of giant pandas.

Cai Wenjie was originally going to use these pigs as studs, but now the plan requires these pigs, so Cai Wenjie had to reluctantly give up and put the carefully protected pigs into the cage, and stabbed the pigs with a dagger. To be honest, it would be a lie to say that she didn't feel sorry. Such a big piece of meat was actually given to the zombies, and the pigs were easily infected with viruses when used as bait, so after her mission was completed, she couldn't eat them and could only secretly dispose of them. Don't waste it.

The attraction of the modified bus to zombies is absolutely max level. Compared with the prey that can never be reached, it is obvious that the zombies prefer the bait on the bus. Many zombies immediately abandoned the pigs on the helicopter and rushed straight to the bus.

"The prey has taken the bait! Go! Pull them to the designated location"


Soon, the four buses drove in different directions, each bus attracted at least thousands of zombies, and the number is still increasing.

The four buses seemed to be running in different directions, but their destinations were basically the same. Because they wanted to attract half of the zombies in the city, they would split into four groups and move forward along different routes.

The ultimate destination of the bus was an abandoned construction site half a kilometer away from the city. The terrain here was concave, which was very suitable for ambushes.

Cai Wenjie and his soldiers had already ambushed here. As long as the zombies were led to the middle, they would be caught off guard by Cai Wenjie and his men.

"The prey is coming! Everyone get ready for battle"

Cai Wenjie, who had been observing the movements of the zombies, immediately notified all the soldiers to prepare for battle after seeing the four buses approaching here.

The soldiers ambushed above the concave land and deployed a large number of heavy weapons. The concave land was also filled with various flammable and explosive items, such as gasoline, bombs, and so on.

As long as a fire was thrown on the flammable and explosive things below, the scene was simply unimaginable.

Soon, four buses rushed into the ambush place one after another. The bus drivers naturally knew where this place was, so after entering the deepest part of the depression, they immediately jumped off the bus and climbed to where Cai Wenjie was with the steel cables that had been prepared long ago.

The zombies followed closely and rushed directly into the depression. They ignored the escaped drivers and rushed over with their eyes fixed on the pigs in the bus.

The dense zombies quickly surrounded the four buses, and then climbed into the bus compartments by building a wall of corpses.

The fat pig, who was about to go into shock due to excessive blood loss, was immediately frightened and screamed when he saw so many zombies surrounding him.

But for zombies, who can refuse a fat pig that screams and looks very delicious?

The zombies that climbed onto the carriage couldn't wait to get close to the fat pig, opened their bloody mouths, and bit the pig's nose directly. There was no way to make the pig's nose so close to the front, so they had to bite it.

The zombie's mouth directly broke the pig's nose and bit it off. Before the zombie chewed the pig's nose in its mouth, more and more zombies climbed up and pounced on the fat pig that was still screaming.

In order to prevent the fat pig from breaking free and escaping, the zombies directly used their body weight to hold down the fat pig that was screaming and struggling violently, and then bit off a piece of flesh from the fat pig and ate it alive.

Because the virus attacks very quickly, each zombie will shorten the eating time as much as possible to prevent the prey from becoming unpalatable and difficult to swallow after becoming the same kind.

After unimaginable pain, the four big fat pigs in the four buses finally died and turned into a corpse that was about to turn into a corpse.

At this time, all the zombies that were attracted entered the depression.

"The prey has entered the net, close the entrance and exit!"


Following Cai Wenjie's order, the bulldozer hidden in the blind spot of the zombies' vision immediately pushed several huge rocks, blocking the passage through which the zombies came in, so tightly that even mice couldn't get out.

"Prepare incendiary bombs! Throw!"

A large number of incendiary bombs fell into the depression like rain, and before the zombies could react, the incendiary bombs exploded.

As mentioned earlier, there are countless flammable and explosive things below. At the moment the incendiary bomb exploded, all the flammable and explosive items nearby were blown up under the fierce burning flames.

This alone turned almost all the zombies trapped in the depression into human torches, and with each explosion, dozens of zombies would never stand up.

The intense burning produced a lot of toxic smoke. Fortunately, Cai Wenjie had made preparations in advance, and each soldier was given a gas mask to avoid losing combat effectiveness due to inhaling too much smoke.

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