My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 564: Great Counterattack

All belongs to the individual. Because of these six words, the leave application has become a very precious thing. As long as it is handled properly, it is not impossible to get rich overnight, especially in such a situation where supplies are scarce.

For example, now in the Xinguang gathering place, the price of a pack of ordinary cigarettes is 500 points. If it is exchanged for ordinary rice, it can at least be exchanged for 50 kg of rice, and 5 kg of meat. Now, except for soldiers, ordinary people can get at most 1,000 points per month. Soldiers get 1,500 to 2,000 points according to the difference in military rank, and officers get between 2,000 and 3,000 points. Although it seems very unfair, only when the soldiers live well can the Xinguang gathering place be safer. This is an ironclad fact.

Soon, the literary and artistic melee began. Every soldier wanted to go up and try his talent to see if he could impress everyone and get a ranking. There were not a few soldiers who thought so, or every soldier thought so. They felt that even if they could not get the first place, there should still be a great chance of getting the second or third place.

Many people performed their own talents, such as singing, crosstalk, magic, simple stage plays, and some soldiers even performed a set of standard military boxing.

This night was very lively, and the laughter never stopped.

The final result of the game is not very important. The most important thing is that the soldiers in the Xinguang gathering place are having fun.

The next morning

Cai Wenjie stood in front of the rostrum of the military camp, looking at the soldiers ready to go below, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

This scene had been longed for countless times in his previous life, but unfortunately he was alone until his death, but now it has only been a month, and his power has developed to a scale that countless people look up to.

Moreover, his family is very safe under his protection, and he also has two confidantes of his own. This is all thanks to his system. Although he also contributed to his rebirth, without the system, he would not have been able to develop such a large-scale power in such a short time, so Cai Wenjie is very grateful to the system.

Some people say that the so-called system is a brain in a vat, and everything is fake, but Cai Wenjie disdains this set of sayings. He thinks that as long as he can help himself realize his dream, it doesn't matter whether it is a brain in a vat or not.

After coming back to his senses, looking at the soldiers who have been waiting for a long time, Cai Wenjie's mouth corners slightly raised, and then he shouted loudly with a serious expression.

"Let's go!"

With Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers jumped into their vehicles one after another, but the first to set off was the air force. The task of the air force was to attract as many zombies in the city as possible before the large troops arrived in the city. Like the plan adopted before, in addition to helicopters to attract zombies, there are also live baits.

But later, it was felt that using live people as bait was a bit cruel, so the live person used as bait was replaced with a pig with strong vitality. After stabbing the pig, it was locked in an iron cage, which made the pig scream shrilly and bleed continuously.

Although it doesn't look much better, it goes without saying which is more precious, a human life or a pig's life.

Cai Wenjie, as the commander and mobile ammunition depot, will naturally go with him.

The garrisons at the train station and the stadium will also participate in this operation, but the tasks of the soldiers stationed at the train station have not changed much. In addition to protecting the safety of the train station, the only additional task is to sweep all the buildings within half a kilometer nearby and ensure safety.

On the other hand, the task at the stadium is more important. Their task is to take the initiative to assist the large force to sweep all the zombies in Henan, YJ City, and then to guard the bridge to prevent the zombies in Hebei from moving to Henan.

Although the task seems simple, it is only simple in appearance. In short, they not only have to assist the large force in sweeping the zombies hidden in every corner and building in the south centered on the river, but also have to divide a part of the troops to block the zombies coming from the north of the river until the city in the south is completely liberated.

Although the number of zombies in the city has decreased a lot, there are still many left, at least about 20,000 zombies, and most of them are in the north, so once the battle starts, they will have to face at least 10,000 zombies.

Although Cai Wenjie and his men can easily eliminate tens of thousands of zombies before, this is all relying on the terrain and the city walls, and using his almost unlimited ammunition supply to eliminate a large number of zombies again and again.

But the problem is that this interception is carried out on a bridge, and although the ammunition is well prepared, it is not as unlimited as Cai Wenjie's, but it is gone after it is used up.

So it is necessary to save the bullets to avoid running out of bullets too early and falling into a passive situation.

And another point is that the zombies in reality will not block the bridge like in the game, but will directly go into the water to cross the river.

Although the river is deep, there are too many zombies. Once the zombies go into the water and run to the other side of the river, the soldiers stationed on the bridge will be caught in a two-sided attack, so this mission is very dangerous.


After flying for a few minutes, two armed helicopters and two transport helicopters arrived above the city.

"We have reached the designated location, put down the bait!"


According to the helicopter pilot's order, the iron cage hanging under the helicopter fell directly down like a bungee jump.

Naturally, the live pigs in the iron cage suffered a great deal of pain. Not only did they scream, but they even suffered from incontinence and shock due to excessive shock.

However, the attraction was quite high. After hearing the screams, the zombies hiding in the building came out one after another, roaring at the live pigs in the iron cage. It seemed that they couldn't wait to eat the pigs.

After the helicopter pilot saw that he had successfully attracted the zombies out, he lowered the altitude a little bit, keeping the distance between the iron cage and the zombies at about two meters, about four meters from the ground.

At this distance, the zombies couldn't touch the cage at all, but they could see and smell the blood.

The zombies who smelled the fresh blood became even crazier, standing on tiptoe and trying hard to reach the iron cage. Some zombies even prepared to build a human wall to grab the iron cage. However, the pilot of the helicopter was not blind and would naturally not allow the zombies to build a human wall. Whenever he saw zombies gathering together, the helicopter would move a distance to prevent the zombies from reaching the iron cage.

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