My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 566: Great Counterattack 3

The zombies trapped in the depression also tried to launch a counterattack while burning, but they were all shot down by soldiers wearing gas masks with shotguns. Read М

If there are too many zombies, the soldiers will use rocket launchers or grenades to blow up the zombie wall.

After more than half an hour, the zombies in the depression have completely lost their ability to resist. Most of the zombies were burned to only skeletons, deader than dead.

Of course, most of them means that there are still a small number of zombies that still retain a certain combat effectiveness. These zombies hide in places where the sea of ​​fire has not spread and wait for the sea of ​​fire to fade.

And these zombies are all mutant zombies without exception, or in other words, there are no zombies that will automatically avoid danger except mutant zombies.

And Cai Wenjie naturally discovered the mutant zombies hiding in the dark corners, and one of the mutant zombies happened to raise his head and look at Cai Wenjie.

"Front twelve o'clock, 400 meters! One rocket ready! Fire!"

Since he saw it, there was no reason to let them go. Cai Wenjie immediately ordered a soldier carrying a rocket launcher to fire a rocket at the mutant zombies.

The soldier firmly followed Cai Wenjie's order and fired a rocket at the twelve o'clock direction in front of him according to Cai Wenjie's instructions.

Among the mutant zombies, except for the mutant zombie who looked at Cai Wenjie, the other mutant zombies didn't know that there was a rocket flying towards them at a high speed.

The mutant zombie who looked at Cai Wenjie discovered the incoming rocket at the first time, and then instinctively rolled to the side. In the next second, the rocket directly hit an unlucky power mutant zombie, followed by a violent explosion.

How powerful is a rocket? Perhaps only creatures who have faced him directly have a certain say, but unfortunately, those creatures who have generally seen the power of rockets have basically turned into a pile of minced meat and can't answer this question at all.

Except for the mutant zombie that just rolled aside decisively, the other mutant zombies were hit by a rocket and turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood. Especially the unlucky guy who was directly hit by the rocket, now he can't even find his complete body, only scattered flesh, as if telling the world that he once existed.

"Is there one missing?"

After Cai Wenjie found that there was still a mutant zombie that was not killed by the explosion, he took out a 20mm sniper gun and aimed at the one that escaped.

While the mutant zombie was dizzy and unable to move normally due to the shock wave and loud noise caused by the close-range explosion, he aimed at the upper body of the mutant zombie and pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the mutant zombie lying on the ground and trying to calm down was directly broken into two sections. The entire upper chest was directly hit by a 20mm high-explosive bomb, and a football-sized hole was immediately punched out. After the body lost its support point, it naturally broke into two sections.

As for why he didn't just shoot the zombie in the head? It was mainly for safety. This was the first time he used this 20mm sniper gun, and he didn't know much about the performance of this sniper gun. He was afraid that the first shot aimed at the mutant zombie's head would make the mutant zombie sense this in advance, and then quickly make evasive movements to avoid the bullet, so he would shoot the upper body of the zombie.

In a word, he was afraid of missing shots.

Half an hour later, no living creatures could be seen in the depression below. The zombies below were either burned to death or blown to death. Anyway, there was no surviving zombie.

"It's almost done. Leave a platoon of soldiers and wait until the fire is extinguished to check if there are any fish that have escaped. The others will follow me into the city!"


After this action, there were only a few zombies in the south of the city, and only those old disabled zombies who could not hear, see, or even have broken legs were left.

At this time, the three infantry companies that came out of the stadium had controlled the bridge connecting the south and north of the city to prevent zombies in the north from causing trouble in the south of the city.

"From now on, search every building! If you encounter a door that cannot be opened, you are allowed to use force. Make sure there is no threat in all buildings and buildings!"


There are basically no zombies on the road in the south of the city. The only place to find zombies is inside buildings and buildings, and this is exactly the most time-consuming operation.

Especially those old buildings without elevators, soldiers need to climb up little by little, and then open the door violently to check. If no problems are found after the inspection, they have to go down again and repeat the previous action in another building.

At this speed, it will take at least two days to conduct a thorough search of all buildings in the south of the city.

Although it is only half a fifth-tier city, there are still many buildings due to special reasons, so it takes a lot of time.

As the inspection of buildings one by one, gunshots can be heard from time to time, which means that the soldiers have encountered zombies, but after all, the zombies left are very weak, so there is no need to worry about whether the soldiers will overturn.

But God seemed to like playing jokes. When Cai Wenjie thought that everything was stable, he suddenly heard a fierce gun battle in a building not far away, and soon received a call for help from the soldiers responsible for searching the building.

Cai Wenjie did not look at the rescue message, but directly used the Kirin system in the exoskeleton to remotely control the exoskeleton worn by the soldier who sent the rescue message, and directly observed what happened through the camera outside the exoskeleton.

The moment the camera was connected, a huge open palm came into view, directly grasping the head mask of the exoskeleton. Through the gap, Cai Wenjie clearly saw that the owner of this huge palm was a mutant zombie who looked like a tyrant.

Then this mutant zombie, who looked almost the same as the tyrant, grabbed the soldier's mask with veins popping out, as if he wanted to rely on his inhuman strength to crush the soldier's head.

However, no matter how hard the mutant zombie tried, he couldn't crush the soldier's mask. Instead, the soldier he caught found an opportunity, pulled out his pistol, and pulled the trigger at the mutant zombie who looked like a tyrant.

Fortunately, the bullet hit the mutant zombie's eye directly, blowing up the eyeball directly, but unfortunately the bullet failed to successfully penetrate the mutant zombie's head after blowing up the eyeball.

But this was enough, because the mutant zombie suddenly lost the vision of one eye and subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, and the soldier was also let go by him.

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