My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 544 Mutated Rat Group 3

There was no time to think about why the high-explosive bomb did not explode. The soldiers had no choice but to take out their rifles and shoot as close to the ground as possible in the direction of the rats, dragging them back as much as possible.

Unfortunately, under the current situation, there is no way to stop the spread of the rat swarm. The soldiers can only hope that the survivors have left the stadium by now, otherwise they will only die.

The bullets were exhausted little by little, but the number of rats did not decrease at all. Just when the soldiers felt desperate and helpless, Cai Wenjie finally arrived with other soldiers.

"Covering fire! Prepare incendiary bombs! Throw them!"

Following Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers who arrived immediately threw a large number of incendiary bombs in the direction of the rats. Then several soldiers immediately ran out and pulled out the soldier who fell on the ground. By the way, get rid of the rats on the soldiers.

With the explosion of the incendiary bombs, a large sea of ​​​​fire surrounded the group of rats. Because they were inside the stadium, the density of these rats was several times that of the group of rats outside, so when more than a dozen incendiary bombs exploded at the same time, At that time, 90% of the mice were directly enveloped.

Countless rats burned violently in the sea of ​​​​fire, making unique screams, but some rats escaped from the range of the sea of ​​​​fire. Some of these rats rushed towards Cai Wenjie, and some fled in the other direction.

The rats that pounced on Cai Wenjie were not a threat to them at all. Even if a few lucky rats broke through the fire defense line and pounced on the soldiers, they could not break through the defense of the exoskeleton and could only be slaughtered.

"No! Leave a few people here to watch these rats. The others follow me!"


Cai Wenjie naturally saw another batch of rats escaping from the other side. Although the number was not large, it was enough to plunge thousands of people into endless chaos. He must immediately lead people to eliminate these rats before they attack the survivors.

The escaped rats instinctively followed the scent of humans and began to run outside the stadium. There were thirty rats in total. They did not go into groups, but scattered and took different routes. They can be found in corners, corners, and other nooks and crannies.

Soon, these rats rushed out of the stadium and began to attack quickly in the direction of thousands of survivors. At this time, Cai Wenjie also led the soldiers to the entrance and exit passage inside the stadium. He saw at a glance that they were rapidly attacking the survivors. The approaching rat swarm.

"Inform the people below to try their best to eliminate the approaching rats. Others, please target those rats for me! Snipe them!"


The soldiers immediately obeyed Cai Wenjie's order, each picked up their own weapons and sniped at the fast-moving rats. The soldiers below who were responsible for the safety of the survivors also directed the survivors to other places after receiving the order. Take shelter while watching rats advancing in different directions take precise bursts of fire.

Many sharp-eyed survivors naturally saw these little mice running towards them quickly, and what happened next was directly out of Cai Wenjie's control.

The few sharp-eyed survivors instinctively began to fear when they discovered the mice. This was nothing. The most disgusting thing was that these terrified survivors actually started to yell.

"Yes! Zombie rats! Everyone, run! One bite from them will turn you into a zombie! Move quickly! Hurry!"

Just like this, the soldiers who originally directed the crowd to evacuate failed, and the team of survivors began to become nervous and panicked.

Originally, people could still listen to the soldiers' commands, but now due to the crowd effect, countless survivors began to be blindly afraid and panicked. Thousands of people crowded together and suddenly lost their sense of direction. Coupled with the commotion of the crowd, The crowd panics and disaster begins.

Thousands of people lost their direction and began to engage in trampling, violence and other behaviors. The soldiers who were originally responsible for preventing the rats from approaching, because the survivors at the rear were panicking and wanted to follow the soldiers to ensure their own safety, but there were There were so many people who thought this way, and the pushing and pushing directly affected the actions of these soldiers to stop the rats from advancing.

"No! Move these survivors to other areas quickly, don't let them affect me!"

Unfortunately, it was too late when the soldiers said this. A few mice saw that the soldiers could not take their timing into account, so they passed directly through the soldiers and pounced on the still panic-stricken crowd, catching an unlucky one. The man quickly climbed up to the man's neck, aimed at the neck and bit him hard.

This time, a piece of flesh and blood was directly bitten off the unlucky man's neck, and unfortunately he bit an artery, causing massive bleeding.

Before the man could react and cover his neck, subconsciously trying to stop the blood from erupting, there was another unlucky man not far from the man who was bitten by a mouse.

"They were bitten! Get away from them quickly, they will turn into corpses soon."

The man who was bitten by the mouse wanted to explain in a panic. When he was fine, he felt a fever all over his body, and his head began to show symptoms such as high fever. In just ten seconds, he felt uncomfortable all over. It was as if something was swallowing his soul.

Just when the man was about to turn into a zombie due to the virus infection, the soldier not far away also got rid of the crowd and directly raised his gun to shoot the man who was about to turn into a zombie, but it was still a step too late.

More and more people were bitten and infected by several zombie rats, and then turned into zombies in a very short time, turning into new zombies and starting to attack people around them.

"Don't! Don't come over! I'm your husband! Don't!!!!"

"Xiao Mei! Run!"

"Save me! Save me!"

The crowd was in complete chaos. The humans who had not turned into zombies wanted to escape from here, and the humans who turned into zombies hunted humans together with the mutant rats.

In this crowded environment, the extremely short infection time of the virus added fuel to the fire. As long as they were caught or bitten, new zombies would appear in less than a minute. In a team of thousands of people, nearly 30% were infected and turned into zombies in just a few minutes. Even if the survivors were bitten or scratched, they would choose to conceal their injuries out of fear and a hope of getting lucky, which led to the virus spreading more rampantly. The few soldiers could no longer suppress the endless stream of new zombies and could only fight and retreat.

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