My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 545: Mutated Rat Group Ends

Cai Wenjie and others also found that the situation below was out of control. More and more people were quickly turning into zombies. They had to make a decision quickly.

"Order! Immediately block all the entrances and exits of the stadium and the passages inside the stadium! And deploy heavy weapons at the entrances and exits and the passages. If there are zombies approaching, kill them directly!"


"Send someone to the broadcasting room and use the broadcast to notify the survivors below who have not been infected. Immediately escape from the zombies around, run under the audience seats, and then use the escape ropes that have been arranged long ago to climb into the audience seats and hide. Remember not to get close to the entrances and exits and the passages!"




Soon, the soldiers moved according to the order, and all the entrances and exits of the stadium and the passages that could enter the stadium were blocked.

Heavy weapons such as heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were also deployed at each entrance to prevent zombies from escaping.

At this time, the broadcast inside the stadium also sounded.

"All survivors who have not been infected, please run to the bottom of the audience immediately. There are escape ropes there. Use the ropes to climb up to the audience and hide! Don't show your head, hide quietly behind the audience! Attention! Don't run to the entrance or exit of the stadium, it has been blocked, there is only one way to go there! Repeat..."

When the broadcast sounded, Cai Wenjie had already led people to quickly tie ropes in the audience. In a short while, almost a hundred ropes were tied, and new ropes were still being tied. After all, one more rope means one more way to survive.

Many survivors who have not been infected, after hearing the broadcast, immediately ran to the audience. There was their only way to survive, so everyone ran there with all their might.

However, the zombies ran very fast. Many survivors who have not been infected were caught up by zombies and fell to the ground while running to the audience. They were either eaten or turned into new zombies after dozens of seconds.

Among these survivors, there are still several people who think they are smart. They secretly run to the blocked entrance and exit of the stadium, ready to leave this ghost place, but how could the zombies let these people go, so there are often more than a dozen zombies behind these people who follow them to the blocked entrance.

"Wait! Don't shoot! I'm alive!"

"The leader has ordered! Anyone who approaches the entrance will be killed! Turn back immediately!"

Those who want to escape from the stadium were immediately stopped by the soldiers who blocked the entrance, and then persuaded them to go back.

Just when these survivors were about to persuade the soldiers to let them go with emotion and reason, the zombies behind them also arrived.

"Watch out behind you! Zombies!"

The soldiers immediately found more than a dozen zombies running wildly, and just when these zombies were about to attack the survivors, the soldiers opened fire.

"Lie down!"

Bang bang bang!

Unfortunately, how could untrained people react? So these survivors not only did not lie down, but started to run around. Unfortunately, because of this random running, the soldiers could not directly shoot at the zombies, which led to the zombies behind them directly grabbing these survivors and chewing them hard.

"No hope, let him die."

The soldier was silent, and could only turn the muzzle of the gun silently and pull the trigger.

There were already many survivors under the audience. They were trying to climb the rope to avoid being eaten by zombies, and Cai Wenjie also led the soldiers to pull these people up, hoping to pull them all up in the shortest time.

The distance between the audience and the audience below is not long, only about three meters. Except for those with weaker arm strength, others can climb up by stepping on the wall. Even those with weaker arm strength can climb up with the help of the soldiers.

At this time, the zombies in the middle also found these people surrounded under the audience, and suddenly a large group of zombies threw away the minced meat in their hands and rushed straight to the audience.

"Zombies are coming! Stop them!"


The soldiers immediately set up their rifles and started firing at the approaching zombies. Cai Wenjie even set up the grenade reflector that he had prepared long ago and fired at the approaching zombies.

With the efforts of Cai Wenjie and many soldiers, the last survivor finally climbed up. In order to prevent the zombies from running up the ladder, he directly asked the soldiers to throw incendiary bombs under the audience seats to prevent the zombies from climbing up the audience seats.

After such a toss, only a few hundred of the more than 4,000 survivors who originally stayed in the stadium were left, and nearly 3,000 people turned into zombies.

"Fuck! These zombie rats are so disgusting!"

If Cai Wenjie and others had not reacted quickly and eliminated most of the rats, the stadium would have been completely wiped out.

"Okay, now is not the time to think about this, communicator!"


"Contact the transport convoy immediately and ask them not to come over for the time being, and then contact the Xinguang gathering place and ask them to send infantry fighting vehicles and armed helicopters to completely eliminate the zombies here!"


"Medical soldier! Go check the condition of the survivors and see if there are any injured. Treat them and calm them down. Don't let them run around!"


"Others, stay where you are and be on guard. Don't let any zombies come up. Once you find zombies gathering there, send them a rocket! Don't let the zombies gather"


After giving the order, Cai Wenjie turned and left the audience. He was going to inspect each entrance and exit and replenish their ammunition supply.

When Cai Wenjie came to the first exit, he found that the soldiers here had already started fighting with the zombies. Because of the limited manpower, there were only ten soldiers defending the entire entrance and exit. Fortunately, because the entrance and exit were not large, and with the support of heavy weapons, the soldiers were still able to defend this side under the impact of the zombies, but the ammunition was consumed very quickly, and ammunition had to be replenished at all times.

"Keep up the firepower! Don't let them break through here. Here is ammunition, pay attention to replenish it!"


After saying that, Cai Wenjie didn't stay for a second and went directly to another entrance and exit.

The situation at each entrance and exit is similar. As long as there is sufficient ammunition, it is not difficult to defend the entrance and exit.

Therefore, whenever Cai Wenjie arrived at a place, he would exchange a large amount of loaded ammunition supplies and leave them there, so that they could maintain the intensity of firepower to the greatest extent.

Although the zombies in the stadium were temporarily suppressed, the huge sound of the battle here was directly transmitted for several kilometers, which meant that Cai Wenjie and his team had to face a situation of being attacked from both sides.

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