My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 543 Mutated Rat Group 2

Looking at the growing sea of ​​fire, Cai Wenjie, who thought that the matter was over, suddenly found a mutant rat that was almost the same size as a giant dog running to the side. The soldiers around Cai Wenjie immediately raised their weapons and aimed at the mutant rat that wanted to escape, and then pulled the trigger. Read

The mutant rat that originally wanted to escape from the sea of ​​fire was directly broken into two sections under the fire of the soldiers, completely losing its ability to move and being burned to ashes by the sea of ​​fire.

But just when Cai Wenjie thought that the matter was over, screams suddenly came from inside the stadium.

"Not good! There must be mutant rats sneaking into the stadium through the sewers. Leave two people to watch this place, and the others follow me back!"


Cai Wenjie's guess was correct. Because the sewers are connected in all directions, the mutant rats who were originally on the periphery and wanted to rush to the ground did not rush up all at once after seeing the exit covered by the sea of ​​fire. Instead, they chose to go to other passages. It happened that there were sewer connections in the restrooms and other places in the stadium, so these blocked mutant rats ran here.

The mutant rats that kept pouring out of the toilet were discovered by a woman who came to the toilet. Because she was naturally afraid of creatures such as rats and cockroaches, it was no surprise that the woman screamed loudly.


The scream was so loud that it alarmed Cai Wenjie. Naturally, other people in the stadium also heard the scream. The soldiers left by Cai Wenjie to protect the survivors immediately followed the scream to the public toilet. Then the soldiers saw the woman who was drowned by rats. Before the soldiers came forward to rescue her, the woman was eaten half of her body by rats in just a few seconds, leaving only a pile of bones. Even her blood was licked clean by the rats.

She only left these words at the end.

"Kill me"

She died after saying that. At this time, 80% of the woman's body had been eaten by rats. Because several rats pierced her eardrums and eyes, they went into her brain through the holes and feasted on her, so she didn't even have the chance to become a zombie.

"Quick! Go back and take the survivors out of the building, I'll stay and stop them!"

One of the two soldiers, who was taller, immediately said this to the other soldier, then he took two steps forward, holding a high-explosive grenade in both hands, threw it in the direction of the public toilet, and then took out a stun grenade and waited for the opportunity.

The other soldier also knew that the situation was urgent, so he turned around and ran to where the survivors were, ready to take the survivors out of the stadium.

Not long after running out, there were two loud noises from the explosion of grenades behind him. After the soldier who stayed behind confirmed that the high-explosive bomb exploded, he threw two more stun bombs. Although this stun bomb could not cause huge damage to humans or zombies, it was enough to shake their brains and internal organs into blood foam and cause bleeding from all seven orifices to death.

The mutant rats, which had already suffered heavy casualties from two high-explosive bombs, were hit by two stun bombs again. It can be said that the mutant rats that came out of the sewers were severely damaged. For a while, they could not pose any threat and were completely withered.

However, this situation is only temporary. Soon, more and more new rats will emerge from the sewers. In order to buy time, the soldier came to the door of the public toilet with difficulty, regardless of stepping on the meat on the ground and the bodies of rats that were not completely dead. He pushed hard to close the door of the public toilet. Because of the impact of the two high-explosive bombs just now, the lock of the door had problems, so the soldier could only use his body to block the door with all his strength to prevent the mutant rats behind the door from breaking through the door and escaping.

The soldier pushed hard against the door, and did not forget the mutant rats that were not completely dead on the ground, so he took out his pistol with one hand and shot at the rats that were not completely dead on the ground.

After he dealt with the remaining rats on the ground, the rats inside the public toilet filled the entire toilet and began to hit the door to escape. Not only did they hit the door, but the rats also started to gnaw the door with their teeth. Because the door of the public toilet inside the stadium was made of wood, it could not stop so many rats from gnawing.

Soon, the wooden door was gnawed out by the rats inside. Just as the rats were about to escape through the small hole, the soldier also found the small hole. Without saying a word, he directly blocked the hole with his hand to prevent the rats from escaping. Up to now, every second he held it could allow one or more survivors to escape from this place.

However, the soldier's action was undoubtedly a drop in the bucket. Although he blocked a hole, more and more rats gnawed new small holes. Soon, some rats broke through the soldier's blockade and escaped, one, two. More and more rats slipped out of the large and small holes in the wooden door, and then began to counterattack the soldier frantically.

However, the soldier was also wearing exoskeleton armor, so for a while, these rats could not pose any threat to him at all.

"No! I can't last more than a few seconds if this continues, but if we give up now, the survivors who are being evacuated not far away will be in danger, so we can only take a gamble!"

After the soldier quickly judged the current situation, he decisively took out the last high-explosive bomb, then followed the large and small holes in the wooden door, unlatched the safety of the last high-explosive bomb and threw it in, silently in his heart. Counting down, waiting for the second before the high-explosive bomb was about to explode, he immediately rushed to the side.

According to the soldier's prediction, he should have been able to accurately avoid the explosion range in the first second before the explosion. However, what happened after he landed was beyond his expectation. The explosive bomb did not explode. Instead, the precarious wooden door fell down under the weight after losing the support of the soldiers.

As the wooden door collapsed, countless mutant rats came and poured out. The sharp-eyed soldiers clearly saw that the moment these mutant rats poured out, the high-explosive bomb was also brought out by these rats. , judging from the situation of the high-explosive bombs, the rats gnawed away most of the high-explosive bombs from top to bottom, causing the high-explosive bombs to fail to detonate smoothly.

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