My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 516 Reconnaissance Drone

At the same time, more than ten kilometers away from Cai Wenjie, there was a convoy of several explosion-proof vehicles and a bus, fleeing into the distance. ReadМ

"Brother Liu, do you think what we did is a bit too much? If we are caught by then, the end will probably not be too good."

"Come on, you were the one who robbed the most and killed the most people just now. Don't worry, even if you are caught, you will be shot to death. At most, we will just lock you up for the rest of your life."

"Damn it, Lao Liu, how did you know that? I remember I didn't kill anyone in front of you at all."

"It's true that you didn't kill anyone in front of us, but you didn't change your clothes after you killed someone behind our backs. Your clothes are all covered in blood after you killed someone."

"No wonder, I'll pay attention next time"

Without exception, the hands of these people are stained with the blood of others. Although they are just a group of ordinary survivors and have nothing to stand out from others physically or mentally, but because of this, they are easier to get close to. Others wait until they get to know everyone before sneaking up from behind and killing people.

It can be said that these people have no other skills, but their ability to gain trust after getting acquainted with strangers is very good. They will pretend to be survivors surrounded by zombies every time, and then send a distress signal to the nearest gathering place. If the gathering place If a rescue team is sent over there, they will follow the rescue team back to the gathering place, and then spend some time to gain the trust of the people in the gathering place. When people are no longer on guard against them, they will find an opportunity to make a sudden attack and take them away. Soldiers with weapons killed and snatched weapons. When the defense force in the gathering area was almost collapsed, they would return to their base area with a large amount of supplies, weapons and ammunition.

They have done this kind of thing countless times. If they hadn't been surrounded by zombies when they sneaked into the airport this time and couldn't escape, otherwise they would have succeeded and stolen a lot of supplies. Instead of Now we have only produced so few supplies.

The little supplies they talked about were actually a whole bus. These supplies were enough to feed hundreds of people for a week. If they saved a little food, these supplies would be enough for a month.

"Where shall we go next time?"

"Regarding this issue, I have found a new place. Although that place is a bit far away, the scale is not comparable to the gathering places we encountered before..."

"Stop talking nonsense and just tell me where that place is."

"Their place is over the border. I heard that they have at least several thousand people stationed there, and they are all actual army soldiers. In order to supply their daily consumption, I guess there must be too many supplies there. If we If we can sneak in and steal those supplies, I guess we won’t have to move around for the rest of our lives.”

"Wait a minute! Stop it! How many soldiers did you just say? Thousands of people? Are you kidding! Are you too inflated today? Is that thing something we can get involved in! If there are thousands of soldiers, They must be equipped with corresponding tanks, armored vehicles or helicopters. Even if we steal the materials inside, can we escape if the other side launches mechanized troops to chase us? If you want to die, don't drag me along!"

Although they just shouted something like, "Not enough looting", "If it weren't for the corpses blocking the road..." and other beautiful words, they also knew in their hearts that if the airport had not just dealt with the corpse wave and had no time to spare, Take action to deal with them, otherwise the crime of stealing supplies and killing a few lone soldiers would be enough to get them all shot.

After all, the airport lacks everything except planes or fighter jets. As long as their whereabouts are exposed and known by those people, they will be subjected to endless bombing or cannon fire.

This is also the reason why they abandoned a large amount of remaining supplies and fled with only a few supplies.

"As the saying goes, the higher the risk, the greater the reward. We have even been to the airport and returned it completely, stealing a busload of supplies. With this kind of strength, what are we afraid of? Besides, this time we are mainly visiting locations, pretending to be ordinary people. That’s enough for the escape survivors. As for stealing supplies, we can just take it slow in the future.”

After listening to what their dog-headed military counselor said, the remaining people gradually felt that what he said made sense. After all, as long as they didn't steal anything, there was nothing they could do about them when no one knew their true identities.

“It seems to make sense”

"Yes, this matter is settled! If we go back today and arrange the supplies, we will set off to the border tomorrow to attract them out."

Under the persuasion of the dog-headed military advisor, several people agreed to this plan. As for today, they returned to their base area to put away supplies, have a good rest and relax for a day, and recharge themselves enough to cope with tomorrow's arrival.

Just as these people were rushing back to the base at full speed, no one noticed that there was an unmanned reconnaissance plane following them a few hundred meters above their heads. The camera below the reconnaissance plane had also been filming the route of these people and Transmit the captured footage back in real time.

Needless to say, this reconnaissance drone is the masterpiece of Cai Wenjie. Different from the four-wing drone equipped with a loudspeaker to attract zombies, this reconnaissance drone looks more like an unmanned bomber, or rather This reconnaissance drone is an unmanned bomber without any weapons.

This unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is equivalent to an unmanned bomber. After all the missiles or rockets are unloaded, various precision machines are installed, such as radars, high-definition cameras, etc., so compared with unmanned bombers, this unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is faster, has a longer hovering time, and consumes less fuel.

"Report to the chief! The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has captured a suspicious convoy. According to the existing information, this convoy is composed of the group of people who escaped from the airport."

"Have you found it? You did a good job. Now follow them closely until you find their nest!"


Cai Wenjie doesn't like the practice of cutting the grass without removing the roots, so he wants to get rid of all the troubles at once and pull out the roots inside to avoid the situation where the grass is not cut and the spring breeze blows again.

Cai Wenjie is not in a hurry for these people. What is important now is the fire scene at the airport. Although they said they would solve it themselves, Cai Wenjie didn't believe it, so he would definitely take the troops to put out the fire first, and as for other things, he could only stand aside.

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