My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 515 Annihilation and Accident

After about an hour of long guidance, the drone swarm finally completed the task of guiding the zombie swarm and successfully led the zombies to the designated location.

"Report to the leader! The zombie group has arrived at the designated location! Please give instructions!"

"Very good! The drones stopped playing the song, then recovered them, and the rocket launcher vehicles at the rear immediately started bombing! Be sure to eliminate more than 80% of the zombies in the first wave!"


As Cai Wenjie issued the launch order, the two rocket launcher vehicles at the rear pressed the launch button without any hesitation. Each rocket launcher vehicle had 40 rockets on it, and two vehicles had 80 rockets.

All 80 rockets were fired by two rocket launchers in less than five minutes. One after another, the rockets passed through a beautiful arc and landed accurately in the valley, causing a violent explosion. explode.

As the rockets exploded one after another, the entire valley was filled with huge explosions, and a large number of zombies exploded into countless pieces as the rockets exploded one after another.

The zombies gathered inside the valley were like cutting wheat, falling to the ground one after another. Even the most ferocious zombies were just dregs in the face of absolute power.

After all 80 rockets were fired, Cai Wenjie immediately ordered the convoy to rush to the exit of the valley. They had to rush over and block the exit before the zombies could recover and escape, preventing any zombie from successfully escaping. Just fine.

The distance of a few kilometers was neither far nor close. When the convoy arrived at the valley, the zombies who had survived the large-scale rocket bombing in the valley were running towards the exit of the valley.

"Catch up! All units follow the pre-arranged formation and destroy the remaining zombies."


After a large-scale rocket bombing, the number of remaining zombies was less than a thousand, and most of the remaining zombies were disabled zombies with missing arms and legs. Only a few lucky zombies could still run and move without missing arms or legs. , but for a heavily armed convoy, regardless of whether they have physical disabilities or other defects, these zombies are just a group of targets, and they can only move at most.

The clean-up work went smoothly. In less than a few minutes, all the remaining zombies were cleared away. There was no longer any movable creature in the entire valley.

In other words, no living beings can be found in the entire valley now. There are only flesh and blood remains on the ground. In addition, there are bursts of burning smells from the corpses on the ground. As long as there are creatures that can smell the smell, they will definitely not Stay here longer. (-_-) (-_-)

This hellish scene was nothing to Cai Wenjie. He had seen many such scenes before he was reborn, and he had even seen more disgusting and terrifying scenes than this.

"The old rule is to send infantry to gather the corpses of zombies together and then set them on fire."


After killing zombies, it has become a tradition for Cai Wenjie's troops. Even if Cai Wenjie doesn't tell the officers below, he will take the initiative to ask for instructions to clean up the battlefield.

"Report to the chief! There is a situation at the airport!"

Originally, Cai Wenjie planned to wait for the soldiers to clean up the battlefield before contacting the survivors at the airport, but now.

"What happened?"

"I don't know why the airport is in flames right now. It's obviously a fire."


After hearing the word "fire", Cai Wenjie subconsciously turned his head to the valley, where several soldiers holding flamethrowers were lighting fires everywhere, using fire to burn the mountains of corpses to ashes.

"No, what am I thinking? How could it be them?"

After Cai Wenjie muttered to himself, he immediately picked up the telescope and looked in the direction of the airport. It turned out just as the correspondent said, there was a fire in the airport building, and the fire was not small, covering nearly half of it. 's barracks.

"This fire is a bit too much! Correspondent!"


"Immediately use all communication methods to contact the people at the airport and ask what happened, and then ask if you need help."


As for why they did not organize troops to put out the fire immediately, but first asked the correspondent to contact the airport to see if they needed help, the reason for this is also very simple, because they are not professional firefighters. If it was an ordinary small fire, it would be okay. However, in a fire like this, if you rush into the fire to save people without receiving professional training, you may even end up in the fire, let alone save people.

Cai Wenjie himself would never do anything he was unsure of, let alone gamble with the lives of his subordinates, so Cai Wenjie asked the communications soldiers to ask for clarification.

Of course, if the airport really needed his help, Cai Wenjie wouldn't just sit there and do nothing.

Seeing that the fire at the airport was still spreading, Cai Wenjie's expression gradually became serious.

At this time, the communications soldier who had just gone to contact the airport appeared in front of Cai Wenjie. After saluting Cai Wenjie, he immediately reported what he knew about the situation.

"Report to the chief! The airport has responded to the message."

"Say it quickly!"

"According to their explanation, this fire was man-made, that is, someone deliberately set a fire somewhere, and the arsonists were actually a group of survivors they had just received. Now this group of people has been eliminated by us while taking advantage of the tide of corpses. He took a lot of bullets and supplies and fled."


Cai Wenjie looked at the communicator with some confusion. Although the airport’s defense force was greatly reduced, even the remaining armed forces should be enough to easily suppress the survivors of the riot. How could they steal weapons, ammunition and supplies under their noses, and set fire to most of the military camp while leaving.

“So, they hope that we can catch the survivors who escaped. As for the places where the fire has already occurred, they said they will find a way to solve it themselves.”

Since the other side said so, Cai Wenjie had nothing to say. In fact, he also wanted to see these daring survivors. They actually dared to rob the army’s things. It was really outrageous.

"Did they provide any information about the characteristics of these survivors or any useful information?"

"Report to the chief! According to the information provided by the airport, there are 24 survivors who escaped, including 19 men and 5 women. The oldest is 35 years old and the youngest is only 16 years old. Here are their detailed information. Please take a look."

The correspondent took out the list of personnel that had just been printed from his backpack, which recorded each person's photo, home address, ID card, personal information and other useful information in detail.

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