My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 517 Fire Extinguishing

After Cai Wenjie finished the cleaning work, he led his troops to the airport. As expected, when he arrived, he found that the fire here not only did not go down, but also affected other places that were not on fire. read

When Cai Wenjie actually arrived inside the airport, he discovered that a group of soldiers were blindly putting out fires together with ordinary survivors. Fire extinguishers and other fire-extinguishing equipment are of no use for such large fires, and they are often extinguished. A small area of ​​flame will soon be affected by the fire in other places and rekindle.

At the scene, Cai Wenjie found an officer wearing an Air Force uniform, directing everyone to put out the fire. Because there was no professional fire-fighting equipment, no matter how he directed it, it was of no use. He could only watch the fire gradually increase.

"Tell your people to move back, Lieutenant. The fire is too strong and it's useless."

Cai Wenjie got out of the car and came behind the air force second lieutenant, and suddenly gave a reminder.

Perhaps because he was too involved in the fire-fighting operation in front of him, the second lieutenant did not notice Cai Wenjie's arrival at first. It was not until Cai Wenjie was born behind him that he realized that there was someone standing behind him at some point.

When he reacted, Cai Wenjie had already turned around and left.

Although he wanted to stop Cai Wenjie, when he saw the epaulettes on Cai Wenjie's arms and the army uniform, he suddenly realized that they should be the troops coming to support.

The lieutenant thought for a moment, then sighed and called people back. With their current abilities, it was impossible to extinguish the fire.

As for how Cai Wenjie put out the fire, it was very simple. He found a fire-extinguishing bomb in the system mall. The method of using it was also very simple. He just needed to find a barrel and stuff it into it and shoot it out.

As for the principle of extinguishing fire, he is not very clear, but there are probably two points. One is that the fire extinguishing bomb is not filled with iron fragments but dry powder, and the other is that the explosion will suck up the surrounding oxygen and prevent the flame from continuing to burn.

Anyway, no matter which method is used, the fire can be extinguished in a very short time.

The price of this shell is not cheap either. Each shell costs 2,000 points each, which is at least half more expensive than regular shells. However, in order to extinguish the fire, Cai Wenjie purchased 50 fire-extinguishing shells at one time, and then gave them to five Each tank fired 10 rounds.

"You specifically pick a place with an open flame to fight. Be sure to control the fire!"


The four tanks selected a place in the four directions of southeast, northwest and where they thought the fire was the worst, and then fired fire-extinguishing bombs without hesitation.

At the same time, a transport helicopter on a nearby helipad began to slowly take off. If you look carefully below the transport helicopter, you will find that there is a huge bucket hanging below the helicopter.

They probably wanted to get water from a nearby lake or river, and then imitate the fire-fighting methods used in deep forest fires.

And here, the tanks that fired the fire-extinguishing bomb for the first time were all observing whether the fire-extinguishing bomb was effective.

I saw that a dormitory that was originally burning with raging flames miraculously successfully extinguished the flames and stopped burning. The results in other directions were the same. The fire extinguishing bombs were really effective.

"The effect is good, keep firing fire extinguishing bombs! Don't stop!"


Under the continuous bombardment of five tanks, the fire below was quickly controlled. However, the upper floors continued to burn, but the problem was not big. The matter of extinguishing the fire was already a certainty.

Seeing that the fire was almost under control, Cai Wenjie wanted to talk to the person in charge of the airport, but he looked around and couldn't find the officer with the star on his shoulder. Only the second lieutenant from before was still standing there.

Cai Wenjie had no choice but to walk over again and patted him on the shoulder.

"Second Lieutenant, where is your superior? I want to talk to him."

The moment Cai Wenjie touched his shoulder, the second lieutenant immediately squatted down as if enjoying a conditioned reflex, and then rolled forward to put a short distance away from Cai Wenjie. Then he stood up and looked at Cai Wenjie warily.

"What are you doing?"

Cai Wenjie was startled by the sudden movement of the second lieutenant. He pulled out his pistol and subconsciously aimed at the second lieutenant in front of him. Fortunately, Cai Wenjie did not lose his mind and chose to shoot, and the second lieutenant seemed to realize that he was not doing this. Safe, he explained to Cai Wenjie embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, chief, I thought it was a zombie touching me from behind, so..."

"It's okay, I don't mind. It's normal for you to have this reaction. Where is your superior compared to this? I have something to talk to him about."

The second lieutenant's expression was a little strange when he heard Cai Wenjie say this, but he still told the truth.

"I'm sorry, chief. My superiors, or rather my superiors, have all died. Now I am the only officer left at the airport."


Cai Wenjie was a little shocked when he heard the second lieutenant's words.

"Yes, chief, our top commander and deputy commander all died yesterday. They bought us enough time to retreat, but they failed..."

The second lieutenant had a very sad expression on his face. It seemed like he was sad about the death of his superior.

"Are all the officers dead?"

Cai Wenjie suddenly asked such a question, and the lieutenant blurted out without thinking.

"Yes! They are all dead"

After the lieutenant answered this question, Cai Wenjie immediately raised his foot and kicked the lieutenant's stomach. The force was so strong that he kicked him two or three meters away.

This is not over yet. Without waiting for the lieutenant to stand up, Cai Wenjie directly called the guards around him and ordered.

"Control him, don't let him run away!"


Cai Wenjie's guards stepped forward without saying a word and worked together to control the lieutenant who was about to stand up.

"F**k, what are you doing! Even if you are the leader, you can't beat people for no reason! I will go to the military court to sue you!"

The lieutenant, who was controlled by six or seven strong men, started to curse Cai Wenjie and even wanted to threaten him, but the result of doing so was that he was beaten up by Cai Wenjie's guards.

This sudden situation directly frightened the survivors and soldiers around, and the airport soldiers who reacted immediately picked up their weapons and prepared to aim at Cai Wenjie and others, but before they raised their guns, they were controlled by the clone soldiers beside them.

"What do you want to do! Let my comrades go!"

The second lieutenant's face was full of anger, but this was useless to Cai Wenjie.

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