My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 482 Rabbit and Eagle

Not long after Cai Wenjie issued the order, the speed of the entire convoy increased significantly, and it was still accelerating. ♙♕  ♦♦ReadМ

"All armed vehicles, do your best to protect the safety of the transport trucks, and do not let any mutant creatures approach the transport trucks!"


After simply instructing the soldiers not to let the mutant hares get close to the large trucks carrying important medical supplies, Cai Wenjie decided to deal with the giant rabbit himself.

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If that thing really wants to attack them without eyes, Cai Wenjie will let him know what cruelty is. If these rabbits are not definitely carriers of the virus, it is also a good choice to catch them all and make spicy rabbit heads, especially the giant rabbit, which alone is completely worth hundreds or thousands of rabbit heads.

The two-kilometer distance was quickly burned out, and the convoy led by Cai Wenjie faced the mutant rabbits that were eating the corpses of zombies. As long as they were not blocking their way, Cai Wenjie would not bother to deal with them, but the problem was that these mutant rabbits did not think so.

The rabbits that were originally lying on the ground eating the corpses, not only did not dodge, but went straight to meet them when they saw the convoy coming at high speed.

The suicide attack launched by the mutant rabbits did not cause any harm or threat to the convoy. Large numbers of mutant rabbits were crushed into meat paste by infantry fighting vehicles, and the bloodiness was no less than a massacre.

Some mutant rabbits did not choose to fight head-on, but instead hit the side of the infantry fighting vehicle, but it was still useless.

Because the vehicles at high speeds can easily bounce mutant rabbits even from the side. There are even a few unlucky mutant rabbits who clearly aimed at the side armor, but directly missed and were knocked out by the next car. They died when they fell to the ground.

The continuous crashing sound and the noise of the engine running at full speed still attracted the attention of the giant rabbit. When it saw the convoy, it immediately abandoned the corpse on the ground and turned to rush towards the convoy.

"Don't overestimate your ability!"

Cai Wenjie said, directly controlling the weapon system next to him, using the machine gun on the infantry fighting vehicle to launch a fierce attack on the giant rabbit.

The machine gun shells were like the sickle of the god of death, falling fiercely on the giant rabbit.

Crackling, crackling, when the machine gun shells hit the giant rabbit's body, they were immediately intercepted by the scales. Although the scales were hit and fell to the ground, they did block the machine gun shells.

But that's all. It blocked the first shell, and then the scales were useless. This means that as long as you keep attacking the same place, you can ignore the scales and cause huge damage to the giant rabbit.

"I was worried for so long, but it turned out to be a paper tiger."

After Cai Wenjie discovered the weakness of the giant rabbit, he no longer hesitated and directly used the machine gun to knock off a large piece of scales on the giant rabbit's body. Then he used the anti-tank missile on the infantry fighting vehicle to aim at the side without scale protection and fired it.

When the tail of the missile sprayed flames and quickly approached the giant rabbit, Cai Wenjie knew that he had won the battle.

Just as Cai Wenjie was about to shift his sights, a change occurred. The anti-tank missile that was supposed to aim at the giant rabbit's weakness was suddenly hit by a black shadow, causing the missile to fail to hit the giant rabbit according to the original trajectory, but instead fell on an open space a few meters away from the giant rabbit.

This allowed the giant rabbit to escape a fatal blow, but the power of the anti-tank missile explosion directly blew the giant rabbit into a seriously injured state. Among them, the two ears and its legs were the most seriously injured, and they were almost in a state of being broken. The entire leg was only connected by a small piece of skin. It can be said that the giant rabbit has completely lost its ability to move.

Moreover, the shock wave generated by the missile explosion also shook more than 80% of the giant rabbit's organs into blood foam. Only a few of the most important organs were still functioning, and the rest were gone.

"What was that just now?"

Cai Wenjie was more concerned about what the hell was that thing that knocked his missile away and failed to kill the giant rabbit than the giant rabbit that fell to the ground and became disabled.

Through the system satellite, Cai Wenjie quickly found the black shadow that had just blocked him in the sky above them.

"Is this... an eagle?"

It's no wonder that Cai Wenjie would be confused. The main reason is that this eagle is too... small. Even if an ordinary eagle does not spread its wings, it is half a person's height. If it spreads its wings, the length of the wings alone is four or five meters. However, the eagle that Cai Wenjie saw was obviously smaller than an ordinary eagle. How small is it? Cai Wenjie found through the system satellite observation that when this eagle spread its wings and flew, the wings and the body added up to less than one meter.

But such a small thing could actually knock his missile away. It's incredible.

However, no matter how strange it was, since it appeared in front of Cai Wenjie, there was no way it could escape. The eagle's flight altitude did not exceed 300 meters, just within the coverage of his anti-aircraft weapons. Cai Wenjie was not polite and immediately ordered the infantry fighting vehicles carrying anti-aircraft weapons to intercept the eagle with firepower.

Before the eagle could react, all the infantry fighting vehicles carrying anti-aircraft weapons or weapons that could be used to fire at the eagle fired at the same time. In an instant, tens of thousands of bullets were thrown at the eagle as if they were free.

The eagle, which had not reacted in the first place, was even more confused now. However, the current situation did not allow it to think about other things. The eagle used its small size to dodge in the air. Unexpectedly, the eagle really managed to dodge most of the bullets. Even if it was hit, it was only a minor injury and did not need to be taken care of at all.

But the eagle is not a human after all and does not have the human's ability to adapt to changes. So when Cai Wenjie ordered to adjust the angle of the anti-aircraft weapon and the bullets shot out hit the eagle in an arc instead of straight, the situation of the eagle suddenly became much more difficult.

The eagle, which could originally dodge most bullets, is now shot several times almost every second. As the caliber of the anti-aircraft weapon barrel is not small, so every hit will make the eagle lose its balance in the air. Now the eagle flying in the sky has completely lost its wings and is falling straight down.

"Take advantage of this moment! Launch anti-aircraft missiles!"


Cai Wenjie saw the opportunity and immediately ordered the launch of anti-aircraft missiles, preparing to give the eagle a final blow. Under Cai Wenjie's gaze, the missile launcher of the infantry fighting vehicle immediately turned to the place where the eagle fell, and then a three-meter-long missile was immediately fired from the launcher, targeting the eagle.

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