My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 483 Armed Helicopter

In the dark night, a ball of fire lit up the entire sky, followed by a large amount of flesh and blood debris falling from the sky. read

The anti-air missile hit the eagle without any surprise, directly blowing the eagle, which had no ability to fight back, to pieces.

The mutated eagle who had just appeared on the scene for five minutes received the lunch box like this. As for the mutated giant rabbit, the current situation is not very good. Now he relies on the instinct of survival to breathe hard, but it is a pity that his lungs have turned into blood foam. , so every breath is a painful torture for this giant rabbit.

Even if he ignored it now, it would die for other reasons. However, in order to reward the kill, Cai Wenjie still controlled the cannon on the infantry fighting vehicle and fired a shot at the mutated giant rabbit that had become bald.

The cannonball hit the brain of the mutated giant rabbit, and the powerful impact directly shattered the giant rabbit's brain into pieces. At the same time, Cai Wenjie also obtained 10,000 points. The mutated eagle just now also provided 10,000 points, throwing away the consumed The cost of missiles and ammunition netted about 15,000 points this time, not counting the profits from ordinary mutant rabbits.

Now there are no mutant creatures that can threaten the convoy. As long as they quickly pass through the range of the mutant rabbit, Cai Wenjie's convoy can safely return to the fortress.

The infantry fighting vehicles of the convoy were still using their on-board machine guns and shovels to clean up the surrounding mutant rabbits. Even though they had killed the giant mutant rabbit that looked like the leader, these mutant rabbits still didn't know how to retreat, and instead wanted to hit them even more crazily. convoy.

Under this situation, every few meters the convoy advanced, more than a dozen mutant rabbits would be shot or crushed to death. The entire road was covered with the blood of mutant rabbits. Wherever the convoy went, not a single rabbit was alive.

In the end, the convoy successfully passed through this area with zero casualties. Countless mutant rabbits were shot to death and crushed to death. At least nearly a thousand mutant rabbits died under the convoy's artillery fire and giant wheels.

"Is it because of the night? Mutated creatures are emerging one after another. If this continues, we will definitely not be able to go back intact. We must find ways to avoid the mutated creatures that appear at night."

Just as Cai Wenjie was thinking about how to avoid mutant creatures traveling at night, the sound of a helicopter propeller attracted Cai Wenjie's attention.

"That sound? Helicopter!"

Without saying a word, Cai Wenjie directly used the system satellite to detect the source of the sound. Then he discovered an armed helicopter hovering in the sky five hundred meters away from their convoy. Judging from the style of the helicopter, it was definitely not a domestic military helicopter. 10, and more like Apache…. ♦♦  ♪♦

Before Cai Wenjie could finish observing the specific model, the armed helicopter fired four air-to-ground missiles at Cai Wenjie's convoy.

"! Attacked by an unknown armed helicopter! All vehicles must avoid missiles! And immediately launch surface-to-air missiles to destroy the armed helicopter!"

Cai Wenjie saw four air-to-ground missiles approaching at high speed, and immediately directed the convoy to evade and counterattack. Unfortunately, the missiles were too fast. Although Cai Wenjie took corresponding measures immediately, they still could not stop the missiles. near.

Under Cai Wenjie's order, the convoy spread out to avoid being destroyed simultaneously. At the same time, the anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft machine guns, and close-in defense guns mounted on the infantry fighting vehicles also began to play their due role.

The dense barrage directly protected the entire convoy. No matter how fast the air-to-ground missiles were, they could not be faster than the bullets of close-in defense artillery. Therefore, three of the four air-to-ground missiles were immediately exploded by the volley, turning into darkness. There were three gorgeous fireworks among them, but there was still a missile that broke through the dense barrage and struck straight at the infantry fighting vehicle in the convoy.

The target was none other than the command vehicle where Cai Wenjie was.


Realizing this, Cai Wenjie immediately ordered the driver to step on the accelerator, while he grabbed the weapons operator's control and controlled the cannon on the infantry fighting vehicle to fire wildly at the incoming air-to-ground missiles.

"I fuck you uncle!!!"

All this happened within two seconds. Just when the missile was about to hit the command vehicle, Cai Wenjie was very lucky to hit the missile, causing the missile to explode in the air less than ten meters above the ground, avoiding a fatal outcome.

Although they avoided being killed by the missile, because the command vehicle was too close when the missile exploded, the command vehicle was inevitably damaged. Cai Wenjie and others inside also felt uncomfortable. After all, such a close distance was caused by the explosion. The shock wave is enough to make them eat a pot.

The one with the least injuries in the command vehicle was Cai Wenjie. After all, he had the strongest physical fitness. The second one was Xiang Xue. Although Xiang Xue is not as good as Cai Wenjie now, he is not very weak, so he is second, followed by Po Jun. and regular clone warriors.

The most seriously injured among them is not the ordinary clone soldiers, but the wolf king Po Jun. Because his hearing is very sensitive, when an explosion occurs nearby, it will cause the greatest damage to him. Now Po Jun cannot hear any sound at all. Complete loss of hearing requires a period of rest and active treatment to restore hearing.

"Is everything okay? Xiang Xue?"

"I'm fine, it's just that my head is buzzing and I feel uncomfortable."



Because he had temporarily lost his hearing, Po Jun couldn't hear Cai Wenjie's voice at all. Therefore, Po Jun could only point to his wolf ears towards Cai Wenjie, and then shook his head to express that he could not hear.

Seeing that Pojun was just deaf now, Cai Wenjie was relieved. He was more afraid that Pojun's internal organs would be shattered, and he would struggle painfully like the giant rabbit just now and die helplessly.

"Driver, what is the current condition of the vehicle?"

"Report to the commander! The engine of the infantry fighting vehicle is seriously damaged and can no longer work properly. The weapon system is also scrapped, the external armor is completely destroyed, and the communication equipment is not spared..."

"In other words, the command vehicle is completely scrapped?"

"Yes, commander"

"Forget it, it's good that no one is hurt."

In this case, it's a blessing that no one is hurt. Cai Wenjie doesn't dare to ask for anything, but the armed helicopter that attacked him must be left behind. He wants to see who is so blatantly trying to kill him.

"Tell the other infantry fighting vehicles to keep the helicopter that attacked us alive. Just shoot it down without leaving any survivors!"

"Yes! I'll pass on the order immediately!"

Although Cai Wenjie's words sounded a bit contradictory, after all, how could he ask questions when he was dead? But don't forget how Cai Wenjie's clone soldiers came from.

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