My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 481 Giant Hare

Actually, it's not Cai Wenjie's fault. After all, it was his first time to have such close contact with a girl, and he took the initiative to do a series of ambiguous actions with her. It was good that he didn't make a fool of himself on the spot.

In his previous life, although he had seen many women who sold their bodies for survival, and also met women who approached him actively, he rejected them all. The main reason was that he had a kind of mental cleanliness, that is, virginity. Although he had no problem getting along with her in normal times, he would never allow him to date or get married. He believed that he was not the only one who would be like this, and other people had this cleanliness to a certain extent.

In addition, although Xiang Xue was really strong, she was also really beautiful. Although she didn't look very smart, her silly personality was more in line with his heart. The most important thing was that her waist-length hair was even more in line with his aesthetics. To be honest, it would be a lie if he didn't feel moved.

That's why all the behaviors just now happened.

Just now, he could hardly hold back his desire and almost made a mistake. Fortunately, he woke up at the last moment and pretended to say that kind of words as if he was acting, so he got away with it. As for why he suddenly woke up, it was mainly because a pair of eyes were staring at him, and the owner of these eyes was none other than Po Jun. ♦♗  ♦♦

Po Jun did not understand the behavior just now, so he stared at the two of them with interest, wanting to know what would happen next, but it was because he stared at the two of them too much that Cai Wenjie noticed it.

Xiang Xue herself blushed, her heart was beating wildly, and the scene just now was constantly replayed in her mind. Every time she thought of the scene of kissing, Xiang Xue's face became even redder, and her heart was beating wildly. She didn't hate this feeling, and even wanted to experience what would happen next. Unfortunately, Cai Wenjie withdrew at the most critical moment, which made Xiang Xue feel very sorry.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

Soon, the agreed time arrived, the convoy started on time, and units began to leave the gathering place one after another. The survivors in the gathering place also came out to see the convoy off. They also knew that it was Cai Wenjie who eliminated the thugs who had been bothering them, so they were very grateful to Cai Wenjie and were willing to volunteer to see the convoy off.

Under the gaze of many survivors, the convoy completely left the gathering place and began to return along the original route.

Because they had to rush back overnight, all vehicles could not fall behind. Once they fell behind, they would likely encounter various accidents.

As for the survivors who originally wanted to stay here, now all of them are behind the truck. Yes, all of them. Those who originally wanted to stay here suddenly remembered that if they stayed here, they would be easily excluded because they had no acquaintances. In this doomsday, once they were excluded by most people, life would be extremely difficult. Instead of fending for themselves here, they would rather be with familiar people.

So there were as many people as when they came, and there are still as many people as when they leave now.

But Cai Wenjie didn't have time to care about this. Just now, the observer of the infantry fighting vehicle suddenly reported that a large number of life signals were found two kilometers ahead, and the number of expansions directly exceeded five digits. This surprised Cai Wenjie. You know, when he came, he had cleared all the zombies or mutant creatures on the road. Now someone told him that there were a large number of life signal sources ahead, and they were over ten thousand. How could Cai Wenjie not be surprised?

"Can you see clearly what kind of creature it is?"

"Report to the commander, judging from its appearance, it should be a small animal, with a body length of no more than one meter. The specific situation must be detected by getting closer."

"Small animal?"

Cai Wenjie was relieved when he heard this. If it was just this small mutant, it would not cause much damage to the convoy. After all, the convoy was full of large military armored vehicles. If these small things dared to block the road, they would just run over them.

Unless these small things were crowded together, they would be useless.

Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie said to the driver.

"Our infantry fighting vehicle is at the front of the convoy. As long as we don't stop, the vehicles behind us will definitely follow. On the contrary, once we stop, the vehicles behind us will be forced to stop in place. So don't turn off the engine. Even if you encounter any mutant, give me a kick on the accelerator and rush over. Do you understand?"


After explaining to the driver, Cai Wenjie used the system satellite to check what the so-called small animal was that dared to block him.

Just as Cai Wenjie used the system satellite to observe the densely packed small animals, he immediately felt his scalp tingling.

The satellite feedback unit screen showed that a few kilometers away, there were extremely large hares everywhere! Of course, the huge size here is compared to the ordinary rabbits that are the size of two palms.

These hares are obviously mutated hares, otherwise their body length would not be one meter long. The mutated hares no longer eat plants, but began to eat the zombie corpses lying on the ground. The strong smell of these corpses not only did not scare the hares away, but attracted more rabbits to come and share a piece of the pie.

The snow-white fur was covered with blood-red stains, and some rabbits had even turned red. It was obvious that the rabbit must have drilled into the body and eaten it from the inside out, otherwise there would be no rabbits of this color.

More importantly, Cai Wenjie found a leader-like existence among this group of mutant rabbits.

Unlike other rabbits, this giant rabbit suspected to be the leader had no hair on its entire body, but was covered with metallic scales, and its teeth actually protruded a long distance from the outside of its mouth like an elephant, just like the ancient mammoth.

Not only that, this giant rabbit was two meters tall even when it was lying down, and once it stood up, it was at least three or four meters tall, which was almost as big as an ordinary bus.

This was simply an animal version of an armored vehicle or tank. Cai Wenjie could feel that ordinary gun bullets could not penetrate its scales at all, unless it was a shell of more than 20 mm, which should be able to penetrate its scales.

"Attention all vehicles, an unknown giant mutant creature has been spotted not far ahead. For safety reasons, all vehicles should increase their speed to 100 kilometers per hour. We need to quickly pass through the area ahead."


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