My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 441 Serial Car Accident

"Come here and move the ammunition boxes here first."

They were not fascinated by the scene in front of them. They all knew what was the most important thing, so everyone ignored other supplies and ran to the ammunition depot where ammunition was stored. Then, like ants moving house, they moved all the ammunition boxes here little by little. Read

There are at least 100,000 rounds of bullets and hundreds of boxes of wooden grenades in this ammunition depot, which are the wooden-handled grenades that often appear in TV dramas in the past.

There are also dozens of things like rocket launchers and mortars, which are all reusable and practical, and the matching shells are also piled up next to them.

But the most surprising thing is that there are early artillery in here, the kind that can be pulled behind a truck and can be fired as long as it is deployed.

"Good stuff, we just need powerful stuff. If we take these guns back, those idiots won't be able to show off in front of us. We'll kill them with one shot."

"But this comrade, how are we going to move him out? You know, although we can move the ammunition boxes out through the stairs, we can't move such a big thing out at all. At least the stairs at the entrance are a big problem."

"Don't worry, I certainly won't do such a stupid thing. When I was patrolling here, I found a freight elevator. If nothing unexpected happens, these materials inside are probably lowered by the freight elevator. We just need to put them on the elevator, and the rest will be transported up by the freight elevator. Finally, we can pull these guns to the back of the truck."

After the adjutant of Captain Xu finished explaining, he immediately led people to move these guns to the freight elevator. The freight elevator has a load capacity of 15 tons, so there is no need to worry about it not being able to start due to overweight.

There are four old-fashioned artillery pieces, and there are 200 high-explosive shells and 100 armor-piercing shells, as well as about 20 special shells such as smoke bombs.

"Send the artillery and other weapons first, and then send the shells. This is safer."


Because the main force of the transport is ordinary people, the answers are uneven and not very energetic, but there is no way to do it now.

At this time, Captain Xu and his men who were guarding outside found that there was suddenly thick smoke coming towards them in the distance. After discovering this situation, Captain Xu immediately commanded other soldiers to start building a firepower defense line in this desolate place. Because there was no shelter to block the bullets, there was no choice but to lie on the ground for vigilance. This is the best way without any shelter.



After Captain Xu took the telescope from the soldier next to him, he immediately looked at what was attacking this side.

But when Captain Xu looked at the place where the smoke was rolling through the telescope, his face immediately turned black, and then he shouted loudly to the soldiers around him.

"It's that group of thugs! Everyone, get ready for battle! Snipers, kill the driver on the opposite side first!"


As soon as the voice fell, a soldier holding a sniper rifle not far away immediately pulled the trigger. With a gunshot, an armor-piercing bullet was fired directly and accurately hit one of the vans in front. The bullet left a bullet hole directly on the window. With the cracked window glass like snowflakes, the driver's head was like the mortar boy who was hit in the head by a large-caliber sniper rifle before. It was directly shattered to the ground, and his accomplices were also covered with his brain.

How could the driver who lost his head continue to drive the vehicle? So his accomplices wanted to hold the steering wheel at the first time, but because his face was covered with brains, he did not see the vehicle next to him trying to cut in. As a result, the two cars collided directly. The consequences of such a collision at high speed can be imagined.

The vehicle that lost control of the driver suddenly overturned due to the collision, and several vehicles around it also collided with each other, causing a chain car accident. Although the vehicles behind saw the car accident in front, they could not avoid it because the distance was too close, and they were forced to hit the car in front. The situation behind was basically the same.

Just one shot scrapped the entire convoy behind, and some cars even caught fire and exploded due to serious damage.

The thugs who were already seriously damaged were further injured and completely lost their ability to fight. Now they can only struggle to get out of the car accident scene.

"Well done! It's amazing, Xiaolin, just relying on your shot, you can get a second-class merit. It seems that I have not taught you in vain, hahahaha"

Captain Xu looked at the situation in front of him and immediately patted the sniper excitedly, that is, the soldier called Xiaolin by Captain Xu.

For Captain Xu's praise, the sniper Xiaolin did not feel proud and complacent but smiled modestly.

"You are a grown man, but you are still shy, you..."

Before Captain Xu finished speaking, the adjutant's voice came from behind him.

"Captain! What happened?"

As the adjutant's voice came, Captain Xu immediately looked back, and was startled by the thing behind the adjutant. This time, he didn't care about Xiao Lin, and moved his body directly to the adjutant...behind him.

"My goodness, this is an old guy from the last century. I have seen it in the military museum before. I didn't expect that there is such a cannon here. Where are the shells? Where are the matching shells?"

"Report to the battalion commander, for safety reasons, the cannons and shells are now transported separately, just behind"

Looking at the battalion commander Xu rubbing his hands in front of him, the adjutant knew that as long as he dared to say one more word, he would be lying on the ground in the next second.

So he pointed behind him decisively and answered quickly.

"It just so happens that there are targets following us over there. Let's try to see if this antique can still be used"

"But battalion commander, we don't know how to do it"

"It doesn't matter, I know how to do it, you assist me, I will fire the cannon"


There is no way because he is an adjutant. Although he is a little reluctant, the adjutant still honestly followed the battalion commander Xu to one of the four cannons.

Then he turned the muzzle of the gun and calculated the distance with some unfamiliarity. When there were almost no problems, he asked his adjutant to put the shell into the barrel.

"One round is loaded! Fire!"


The huge sound of the artillery directly frightened the other unprepared soldiers, except for the sniper Xiaolin. It's not that Xiaolin is very patient, but he has two headphones in his ears, so he is immune to the sound of the artillery.

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