My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 442 Travelers

Before the vaccine could be seen, another explosion occurred at the scene of a car accident in the distance, but this time the explosion was not caused by the vehicle, but because someone deliberately set off the cannon. ReadМ

"Okay! I didn't expect that the first time I fired the cannon, I could hit the target directly. It seems that I do have the qualifications to be an artilleryman, hahaha."

Looking at his masterpiece, Battalion Commander Xu couldn't help laughing. They were obviously regular troops, but their behavior at this moment made it look like they were thugs.

Of course, this is just the view of ordinary people. If they knew what those thugs in the distance did to ordinary citizens, they would not think so.

Let's put it this way. Battalion Commander Xu's behavior of not saving them but killing them can only be said to be too naive.

After Commander Xu finished laughing, he sighed and regained his senses.

"Bring these back, we will no longer have to be bullied by those people, nor will we have to watch them do whatever they want. We can finally fulfill our responsibilities."

Due to the shortage of manpower and ammunition, they failed to perform their duties well before. They watched the thugs outside harming ordinary survivors many times and were helpless. This situation will never happen again because of the reserve here. There was a large supply of ammunition inside, and they no longer had to worry about ammunition for a short time.

For now, we still need to carry supplies to the truck. As for the thugs who are still alive, Battalion Commander Xu decided to go and make up for the damage himself, and clear the road while others are carrying supplies. After all, the thugs are now What was blocked was their return journey.

After Battalion Commander Xu and his men arrived at the scene of the car accident, they immediately discovered several surviving thugs who were still breathing. Without saying a word, Battalion Commander Xu took out his gun and pointed it at the thugs' heads. One shot.

The other soldiers also followed the battalion commander's approach and dealt with the remaining thugs.

From the beginning to the end, a total of 64 gunshots were fired, which means that even if there was a major car accident and one bombardment by artillery, 64 people were lucky enough to survive, but that was the end of it.

"Okay, basically there should be no survivors. Now go get a truck and pull these scrap cars aside one by one."


Because there have been many explosions, many vehicles are now on fire, and the billowing smoke rises straight into the sky and floats far away.

In order to prevent secondary explosions in these vehicles, there is no choice but to put out the burning vehicles first and wait for the fire to go down before towing them. Ba Shu 69 new

When everything was completed, nearly two hours had passed, and everyone was so tired that they could hardly stand up straight.

But they can't rest. Firstly, this is a wilderness where zombies and mutated zombies are likely to come out from any corner to attack. Secondly, the longer they stay outside, the more dangerous the gathering place will be, so although everyone is exhausted, I was sweating, but I held my body and returned to my car, and then I completely relaxed.

"Report to the battalion commander, all the materials in the reserve that we can use have been moved onto the truck, please give instructions!"

There was something wrong with what the adjutant said. In fact, the trucks they brought over could not transport all the supplies in the reserve, so they had to pick out the supplies they were in urgent need of and move them there, such as the most scarce ammunition.

"You kid actually plays word games with me? Forget it, if you can't take it away, just seal it up and wait until we have time to come back. Now go back quickly."


After Commander Xu finished speaking, he went directly to the boulder and put the cracked boulder back together in the original way.

Then he took the adjutant back to his car and started returning with the convoy.

At this time, less than ten kilometers away from Battalion Commander Xu's convoy, there was a convoy consisting of infantry fighting vehicles and transport trucks, approaching rapidly.

No need to think that this is the convoy led by Cai Wenjie. Because they encountered some troubles on the way here, they are now two hours slower than originally expected. If they keep running like this, they will waste more when they reach their destination. time.

"I didn't expect to encounter such excellent products in the border area. It's incredible."

Cai Wenjie sat on the passenger seat and rubbed his temples with his fingers due to a headache.

two hours ago

Cai Wenjie led the convoy towards the border city. Just as the convoy passed through a mountain road, the road was suddenly blocked by a group of people who came out of nowhere. If they hadn't been talking, otherwise It will definitely be crushed directly as a zombie.

There was no way, the convoy could only stop not far from the group. Cai Wenjie originally wanted to take people out to check the situation in person, but was stopped by the people around him.

"No, chief, I don't know if there are ambushes around like the previous times. For safety reasons, you can't go down. I'll go find out the situation on your behalf!"

After Song Yichen first stopped Cai Wenjie, he left the infantry fighting vehicle with a few guards around him without saying a word, and slowly approached a group of people who suddenly appeared not far away with his gun raised.

"People in front! Raise your hands and squat down!"

Song Yichen scolded loudly while slowly approaching the crowd.

But in response to Song Yichen's scolding, this group of people not only were not afraid, but instead shouted with some joy and kept talking.

"Great! Finally out! We are finally saved!"

"Wow! It's so good."


"Three months! We've been in this hellish place for three months! We finally got out, and I can finally go home, hahaha."

Some people cried loudly, and some people cried muffledly, but without exception, these people were all living people, not zombies. They were just dressed a little dirty and messy, which could easily be mistaken for zombies.

This scene made Song Yichen confused, but he still insisted on shouting to the group.

"Second warning! Everyone raises their hands and squats on the ground for inspection!"

While talking, Song Yichen deliberately loaded the gun once. Although a bullet fell out, it really showed that he was not joking. The clanking sound of the bullet falling on the ground, although not loud, really calmed the gang. people.

"Wait a minute! Please don't shoot. We are just a group of wanderers who got lost in the deep forest. We finally met a living person today, so we are so excited. We are definitely not bad people. Please believe us."

Perhaps he was really frightened. He seemed to be the leader of the group. He immediately raised his hands and explained to Song Yichen.

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