My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 440 Reserve

An hour passed quickly. ‘6’‘9’‘s’‘h’‘u’‘x’‘.’‘c’‘o’‘m’Read М

Everyone was ready to go. As long as Captain Xu gave an order, they would rush to the storage depot dozens of kilometers away and bring back all the supplies there.

“Let’s go!”


Thirty soldiers and hundreds of adult men who were temporarily assigned to work as porters immediately boarded the transport vehicles not far away. This time, in order to get the storage depot over there at one time, there were more than twenty transport trucks alone, and then there were armed vehicles converted from large and small cars.

Each armed vehicle was modified to move back and forth freely among the zombies, so there was no need to worry about being surrounded by zombies and possibly being wiped out.

Moreover, a large shovel was directly installed on the front of their transport trucks. If they encountered a zombie tide blocking the road, they could directly crush it and kill their way out.

Just as many soldiers entered the modified vehicles one by one under the leadership of Captain Xu, on the top of a building not far from the gathering place, two people wearing urban camouflage uniforms were constantly peeping at the inside of the gathering place with binoculars in their hands.

Naturally, the large number of vehicles and soldiers gathered in the gathering place also attracted their attention.

"What are these soldiers going to do? Are they going to fight us head-on? No, I remember that they don't have so many bullets. Isn't it looking for death to fight us head-on?"

"I don't think they are going to fight us, but to do something. You see, there are not only soldiers, but also hundreds of ordinary people. It seems that they are going to do some hard labor."

"Coolie? No, go and inform the big boss, these guys must be going out to get supplies, especially ammunition. We are almost using up the ammunition of these soldiers. We can't let them replenish it."

"Got it!"

Soon the two men left the roof of the building and quickly rushed to the place where the big boss they mentioned was.

Half an hour later

The convoy that had been assembled long ago slowly left the gathering place under the expectant gazes of many people.

On the other side, a large number of vans that appeared from nowhere also followed the convoy slowly from a distance. It was obvious that those vans must belong to the big leader just now.

And if you look closely at these vans, you will find that the people in the vans are all holding weapons, armed personnel, and some even have a lot of rocket launchers in their hands.

But it is obvious that these people don’t know how to use rocket launchers at all, otherwise they would not use rocket launchers as cushions and sit on them.

But the drivers of the vans are quite good, at least they didn’t let the convoy in front notice them.

The two convoys drove out of the city one after another on the road of this border town. Although they saw a few zombies wandering in the city, no one took action to kill them, because if the soldiers in front didn’t kill the zombies, they couldn’t kill them either. First, shooting would make the convoy in front notice that there were people behind, and second, once shooting, it would easily attract a large number of zombies, and they would definitely be in trouble.

As for why the team ahead didn't kill these zombies, the reason was very simple, that is, there were no bullets! Each person had a magazine of bullets, and at most there were only 31 rounds. Who would use this amount of bullets?

Good steel should be used on the blade, and the limited bullets should be saved until the end, and they can only be used when it is most dangerous.

Now for these zombies, we have to waste the only bullets? It's wishful thinking.

In this way, if we encounter zombies on the road, we tacitly don't use guns, but use the shovel on the truck to directly crush the zombies.

Basically, no zombie can stop this, and it doesn't matter even if they are not crushed to death the first time, because they have 20 trucks like this. Even if the first one doesn't kill the zombies, the 19 trucks behind can still take away the zombies, leaving no one behind.

The two convoys did not encounter many zombies on the road, not because the land here is vast and sparsely populated, but because most of the zombies on the border were eliminated by the large army, that is, the border defense forces stationed on the border before. Although the remaining half ate the soldiers of the border defense forces, now because General Yansong's armored brigade is far away, the remaining half are tied up, so it seems that the zombies here are relatively scarce.

When the convoy successfully arrived at a reserve warehouse, it was already an hour later.

"Captain, where is the reserve warehouse you are talking about? It's deserted here, there is not even a zombie. Are you sure it's here?"

"Don't worry, although there seems to be nothing here, it's just a trick to prevent outsiders from seeing the reserve warehouse. Look over there"

Captain Xu pointed to a flat land with a huge rock, then walked straight over and patted the four corners of the rock with his hands.

With a loud bang, the originally good boulder suddenly split into two halves, and the middle of the cracked boulder slowly turned into an underground passage, with stairs in the passage that can lead directly to the underground.


The others were all stunned. They didn't expect that such a powerful mechanism could be hidden in this ordinary boulder.

"Okay, don't make a fuss. Hurry up and take people in to move all the supplies inside to the truck. I'll be here with others to protect you. Go quickly."

"Ah, yes!"

As the battalion commander's adjutant, he couldn't continue to be dazed like the others, so after loudly answering the battalion commander's order, he immediately took a hundred adult men and walked down the stairs quickly.

Although it was daytime, it was very dark inside, so people could only use strong lights or fluorescent sticks to illuminate the space inside.

"It's so big here! At least more than a thousand square meters, it seems that there will definitely be a lot of supplies here! That's great!"

After sighing, the adjutant hung the strong light in his hand on his bulletproof vest and fixed the angle so that the light would not be affected by his shaking.

Then he took the lead and started to walk around inside. The space here was divided into four spaces. These four spaces were a grain warehouse for storing dry food, an ammunition warehouse for storing a large amount of ammunition, a medical warehouse for storing a large amount of medicines, and the last library. Yes, it was a library. The last space was filled with various books.

These books are basically hard-core books on physics, chemistry, agriculture, etc. There are no literary works in them. What's even worse is that next to each book there is a corresponding USB flash drive and various mobile hard drives that can read data. You don't have to think about it to know that the content inside should be electronic versions.

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