My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 21: Countdown to Loss of Control

After Cai Wenjie finished breakfast, he returned to the living room and lay down on the sofa in the same posture as Ge You. He picked up the TV remote control and turned on the news channel. The news reported that a zombie outbreak occurred in the capital of country R this morning. read

"According to reports, at 8 o'clock this morning, a zombie outbreak occurred in Tokyo City of Country R. Tokyo and surrounding cities have fallen. At the same time, a zombie outbreak also occurred in Busan City of Country H."

Cai Wenjie, who was watching the news reports, did some calculations in his mind and looked at the time.


"That's almost it. Now it's time for a zombie outbreak to happen in the south."

As soon as he finished speaking, the host who was reporting the news on the TV suddenly paused, took out a piece of manuscript from the right, and began to read.

Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢

"Urgent interrupt: A zombie attack has occurred at CL Airport in FZ City in southern my country. All citizens of FZ City are asked to go home as soon as possible, close the doors and windows, and be prepared for precautions. Repeat this. Please all citizens of FZ City as soon as possible. Go home, close the doors and windows, and be prepared!”

The host reported what just happened in a very fast tone.

"Viewers, let us pray for our compatriots in the south and hope that they can survive."

Finally, the host put his hands together and began to pray.

At this time, the CL Airport in FZ City.

"Stop these zombies from entering the city, target them and hit them!"

There was loud gunfire here. The most mobile armed police and special police among the security forces in FZ City arrived at the scene within 5 minutes of the zombie attack at the airport. However, they arrived too late. People in the airport had become Zombies.

In order to prevent the zombies from entering the city, the armed police officers who arrived first began to attack the zombies. However, the armed police and special police together only numbered more than 100 people. Facing tens of thousands of zombies, they could not stop them for long.

Maybe if these tens of thousands are real humans, it might be possible, but they are all zombies, and unless they are killed with a single blow to the head, they are not easy to eliminate.

Many zombies who squeezed out of the airport gate were shot through the head by bullets and fell to the ground before they could stabilize their feet.

"Hold on! Hold on! There will be support soon, just hold on!"

A man with a three-star banner on his shoulder named Chu He was the commander of the first company of the local army.

Chu He shouted loudly while shooting, here it is said that one bar with three stars is a captain, and generally only company commander-level figures will be awarded lieutenant or captain.

Because there are only three exits at the airport, although it was a bit difficult to resist, I still managed to survive. As long as I persisted, there would be a steady stream of support from behind.

Just when Chu He thought he could hold on for at least a few minutes, cracks began to appear in the glass next to the airport entrance, and the cracks were getting bigger and more numerous as the zombies inside continued to crowd in. ♦♦  ♦♡

"Company Commander! Glass! The glass is cracked."

A sharp-eyed SWAT officer saw cracks starting to appear near the airport and shouted in horror.


Chuhe quickly looked at Glass, and Glass responded.

With a click, the glass finally couldn't support the weight of the huge number of zombies, and exploded with a crash. As the glass exploded, the zombies inside, which were originally crowded like sardines in a can, spewed out as if they had found an exit.

In an instant, the armed police, who originally only had to deal with three exits, dispersed their firepower and could no longer hold on. They were instantly surrounded by zombies.

"No way, everyone get on the bus, we evacuate, cut off the first row, others get on the bus, hurry!"

Following the company commander Chu He's order to retreat, the second and third platoons quickly boarded the vehicle in an orderly manner, while the first platoon stopped controlling ammunition and fired out as quickly as possible.

After the second and third rows got on the bus, Chu He ordered again

"Everyone in the row throws grenades, retreat!"

Following Chu He's order, Yilian, who was still resisting, quickly took out a high-explosive grenade, removed the safety and threw it out.

As the grenade exploded, the company quickly boarded the military vehicle and then began to withdraw from the airport.

At this time, a loud noise suddenly appeared in the sky. Along with the loud noise, fighter planes appeared, and the air force was dispatched.

This time the squadron was dispatched, that is, four fighter jets.

The fighter jets flew over the retreating Chuhe Company, and after arriving at the airport, they launched air-to-ground missiles. Each of the four fighter jets fired four KD-88 missiles, a total of 16 rounds.

Totally destroyed CL Airport.

However, zombies across the ocean began to appear one after another on other coasts, and began to attack passers-by.

The countdown to the fall of the South has begun.

At this time, Cai Wenjie was greeting Hua Laner, the policewoman who came to confirm the situation.

"Good morning, Officer Hua, thank you for starting work so early."

"It's all about serving the people. It doesn't matter. I don't have to work hard. Thank you."

Cai Wenjie smiled after hearing this. After thinking about it, he went back to the kitchen and took two buns.

"Have you eaten? If not, here are the buns my mother made this morning. They are stuffed with chives and eggs. They are very delicious. Come and try one."

Cai Wenjie handed the bun to Hua Lan'er

"No, no, I've had breakfast. Thank you for your kindness."

Hua Laner shook her head and refused.

"I have to go to the next one to confirm, so I won't delay. I will come again tomorrow, bye."

After Hua Laner ticked a box in a notebook, she closed it, waved to Cai Wenjie, and left.

Cai Wenjie looked at Hua Laner who was going away, looked at the buns in his hand, shrugged his shoulders, and ate one bun at a time.

After closing the iron door, Cai Wenjie returned to the living room.

"Dad, it's okay, she's gone."

After hearing this, Cai's father breathed a sigh of relief, patted the sofa where the gun was hidden, picked up the tea in front of him and drank it slowly.

Turning his head to look at the TV, it was still the same host

"According to the latest reports, zombies have begun to appear in coastal cities in southern my country. Citizens in the following places, please stay at home, store food and water, lock the door and wait for information"

"And zombies are extremely sensitive to sound, so citizens must not make noise at home. The army will deal with zombies. Please believe in our army, and we will definitely get through the difficulties together."

The host on TV used that broadcasting voice to give others hope, but the army cannot eliminate the zombies without weapons of mass destruction, but wants to use weapons of mass destruction.

Citizens must be evacuated first, and there must be enough time to evacuate citizens, but time is the most lacking thing now.

Now every minute and every second, someone is infected with the virus and turned into a zombie.

The army deployed firepower at the intersection or on the roof of the building to resist the zombies from entering the city, but it still couldn't stop the rats in the sewers. The rats went into the building along the sewers, came out from the toilets and sewers in the building, and attacked the survivors in the house. It was simply impossible to defend against.

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