My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 22 City Wall

Whatever happened in the south, Cai Wenjie in the north could only get information through the news. Read М

Looking at the increasingly abnormal expressions of the news anchors and the news that the defense line continued to retreat, everyone knew that it was out of control.

The army failed to stop the invasion of the virus and could only transfer its combat power and give priority to protecting important facilities.

For example: nuclear power plants, reservoirs, signal towers and other infrastructure to ensure that water and electricity will not be cut off.

And military facilities, such as military airports, ports and other important facilities.

At the same time, concentrate troops to protect the capital and other important cities, and then urgently mobilize workers to build walls outside the city. The army will buy time for the workers and send bombers or ground forces to blast bridges and roads.

And these cities that are given priority protection are

BJ, SH, WZ, GZ, CY, SY, XL, WLMQ, MK, ZJ, which are the top ten strategic cities in Z country.

These places are all cities with huge value, or military strategy, economy, shipping and other purposes.

In order to protect these cities, the authorities did not hesitate to order the bombing of all surrounding bridges or highways to buy time for the construction of city protection walls.

Because of this, Cai Wenjie spent more resources to go south in the future, but that's a story for later.

The scene of building the wall

The scene was in full swing, and densely packed people were working hard. Because the situation was urgent, the municipal government mobilized all the people who could be mobilized. Except for the old, weak, disabled and young, the rest of the people were mobilized here.

No matter what you did before, you are a worker here. People working on the scene have all kinds of occupations, from company bosses to unemployed people. Only in this way can the task of building the city wall be completed when the zombies are moving north quickly.

The men are doing high-intensity construction, and the women are doing relatively simple classification and cooking.

Although the population of the city is divided into four sides, east, west, south and north, the number of people at each city wall manufacturing site has exceeded 3 million.

Two people who are carrying materials at the city wall construction site in the east are chatting.

"Lao Li, is the wall we built useful? I heard that the number of zombies has exceeded 100 million. Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb."

"When was that news? The radio just said that 80% of the southern cities have fallen. Now it has reached more than 300 million."

The two workers chatted while working.

"Don't be lazy over there. The zombies are about to approach us. If you don't want to become that kind of monster, work quickly!"

The supervisor on the side found two people chatting and quickly stopped them from chatting, urging them to continue working.

The supervisor himself was also doing the work of moving bricks.

After hearing this, the two did not resist and accelerated their movements. After all, no one wanted to die.

These city walls were designed by professionals and designed into giant city walls with a height of 15 meters and a width of 10 meters. Some cities even transformed the original ancient city walls into taller city walls based on local materials.

Heavy machine guns, howitzers, flamethrowers and other powerful weapons can be deployed in the city walls, and people can live in the city walls. It is more like a fortress than a city wall.

After everyone's intensive efforts, in less than 12 hours, the four walls of the east, west, south and north were completed at the same time, and the city was completely wrapped.

After twelve hours of intensive labor, although people were exhausted and about to fall down, they smiled. I don't know who started cheering, and everyone started cheering!

"We succeeded! We can survive!"

"Long live! Long live ZGRMZF!"

People cheered and laughed! Some people cried excitedly.

At the same time, other cities also completed their own city walls. Although the city walls looked different, they were all the same in one thing, that is, they were strong and spectacular.

With the cheers of the people, the blocking battle against the zombies in the distance also came to an end, and a large number of soldiers began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Bombers, fighters and other air units carried out the last round of bombing.

Looking around, there were all zombie corpses here, some were shot in the head, and some were directly shot out.

In order to prevent the corpses from rotting and polluting the earth and to stop the remaining zombies from following, the soldiers deliberately placed flammable items such as solid gasoline bombs when they retreated to burn the corpses to form a flame defense line.

That's how today ended.

The next day

Cai Wenjie looked at the time, 9 o'clock in the morning.

"It's time to go to work"

Cai Wenjie came to the living room.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going out for a while. When I'm not here, don't open the door to anyone. If someone knocks on the door, you know what to do, right?"

Cai Wenjie told his father seriously

"If someone wants to break in, just shoot. I know, don't worry, son, I'll leave it to you here"

Cai's mother next to him also said with a worried look on her face

"Son, be careful, your father and I will wait for you to come back at home"

Cai's mother is always the one who worries about Cai Wenjie's safety.

Cai Wenjie couldn't help but smile at the worry in his parents' eyes.

Perhaps this is the meaning of family, never worry about betrayal, always love children, and be willing to give everything just for children

"Don't worry, I will be back in the evening, just prepare dinner and wait for me."

After saying this, Cai Wenjie put on his backpack as a cover, walked out of the house, took out the key and boarded the Knight XV. With a roar, Cai Wenjie drove away from the village.

At this time, a zombie attack occurred in YJ University in YJ City.

"Students, hurry up! Run, go to the East Gate, don't go to the West Gate, the West Gate is occupied by zombies"

A bald man who looked 40 years old was directing some students to flee to the East Gate, and some students squeezed forward desperately, some were stunned in place because of fear, and a few looked eager to try.

"Teacher, you don't have to be afraid, zombies are easy to deal with, just hit the zombies on the head and they will be finished"

The boy who said this just now looked eager to try, holding a mop stick in his hand and waving it forward as if he was blowing up the zombie's head.

The funny thing is that there are also students who support this approach. They gathered together to discuss how to deal with zombies and show off to gain the admiration of teachers and classmates.

The students who were gathered together and shouting loudly didn't notice the zombies running from behind. Although they didn't see it, it didn't mean that others didn't see it. The teacher who was directing the students to run away found the zombies running from behind.

"Students, be careful behind! Zombies!"

The teacher who found the zombies warned the male students loudly, asking them to pay attention to the zombies behind.

The male students who were pretending to be cool turned their heads and looked behind them after hearing the teacher's voice. A zombie behind them was rushing towards him at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

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