My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 20 Country R

In a port in Tokyo, R country, a giant cargo ship is docked at the port, and the workers in the port are using container cranes to bring the containers on board one by one.

Murakami Kazuya is a truck driver. Today, he was tasked with transporting a livestock container to a slaughterhouse in Tokyo.

Murakami Kazuya waited for the crane to load the container onto his truck, and took this opportunity to chat with other truck drivers.

"Yamashita-kun, did you see that video yesterday? I have to say that the current film technology is getting more and more powerful. The video yesterday was just like reality. If there had been no notification until now, I would have believed it."

The person chatting with Murakami Kazuya is called Yamashita Tomoki, who is also a truck driver. Like Murakami Kazuya, he is also waiting for the crane to load the container onto the truck.

"Which zombie video is Murakami talking about? But which one is not a movie trailer? Yesterday I also lamented that American film technology has reached a new level. I originally thought that I would definitely go to watch it when it is released."

The two people who were discussing yesterday's video enthusiastically did not believe that the video was real. The reason was still the R country authorities, because of the R country authorities' attitude of delaying as much as possible and information blockade.

Obviously, the United States has fallen for a day, but the people of R country are still unaware and continue to live ordinary every day.

Even if some people believe in yesterday's video, they will not inform others, but just make preparations silently. As for why? We also need to talk about the deformed social culture of R country. In R country society, if a person is too outstanding, he will be bullied.

Not knowing how to read the atmosphere and not being sociable are just a small problem in our eyes, but for R people, these are the most unforgivable things. Everyone will stay away from such people, or bully or bully these people.

Even if a person is too outstanding, he will be bullied by people around him, because he is not sociable and does not know how to read the atmosphere.

Isn't it ridiculous? But this is the social rule of R country now.

So even if they knew the video was real, no one would tell others.

At this time, Kazuya's container had been loaded onto the back of the truck. After Kazuya said goodbye to Yamashita, he went to the back to check the goods as usual. If there was no accident, he could leave.

At this time, the container behind Kazuya's truck suddenly began to shake violently with the screams of the cow, which frightened Kazuya and stopped. At this time, the screams of the cow stopped and the container stopped shaking.

Kazuya wiped the sweat from his face, took another step, came to the container behind the truck, swallowed, and opened the lock.

Kazuya was stunned by the scene in front of him when he opened the door of the container.

The 12 high-quality wagyu that should have been alive were now all lying on the ground, with cow blood and cow viscera everywhere, as if they were bitten to death by a monster. ♦ൠ  ♦♦

Kazuya, who was stunned by the scene in front of him, did not see something hidden in the shadow. When he came to his senses and turned around to call the police, the thing hidden in the shadow suddenly rushed out, hung on Kazuya's back, and then bit him.

Kazuya took out his mobile phone and just put his fingers on the keys, he felt a pain in his back and screamed involuntarily.

And the thing biting Kazuya's back also revealed its true face. It turned out to be a cat. It should have been a lovable cat. Now you can clearly see that half of the cat's face is completely exposed to flesh and blood. The hair that should have been soft now has no softness at all, and it has been mixed with blood and turned into lumps and smells of blood.

It has turned into a zombie cat.

And Kazuya's screams also attracted nearby drivers. The drivers heard the sound and rushed to Kazuya.

"Hurry up and take the thing behind me away"

Kazuya screamed and asked for help from the people around him.

But the people around him were terrified when they saw the zombie cat behind Kazuya, so no one went up to help.

"Kazuya-kun, hold on, I'll call the police for you"

"Kazuya-kun, lie down and hold it down"

People who didn't dare to go up to help could only say this

While the drivers were hesitating, the virus had completely transformed Kazuya into a zombie.

Kazuya stopped screaming, and the zombie cat that was biting Kazuya pulled its mouth out and left behind Kazuya.

Kazuya and the cat began to attack the people around them.

"Kazuya-kun! Stop, I'm Yamashita, ah ah ah"

"Pull it away quickly, it hurts!"

Kazuya, who had turned into a zombie, attacked Yamashita Tomoki, who was originally his friend, and the zombie cat attacked another driver.

At this time, the cows that were bitten to death in the container stood up again, rushed out of the container, and began to attack the people around them.

In this way, the port was completely occupied in a short period of time, and the zombies inside set their sights on Tokyo and began to march towards Tokyo.

Tokyo has a population of about 13.5 million, and it is now working hours. The subways, roads, and vehicles are all crowded with people going to work, and crowding is the norm.

The zombies that broke out in the port attacked more people along the way. The number of zombies has exceeded 10,000 and reached Tokyo.

The disaster broke out.

The zombies attacked vehicles and pedestrians on the crowded roads, and some zombies chased people into the subway station, causing people waiting for the subway to be killed, and some zombies entered high-rise buildings or buildings.

Killing and eating to their heart's content, the originally crowded roads became empty, and vehicles lost control and crashed into buildings or had car accidents. And screams kept coming from the buildings on both sides of the road.

The R country authorities never thought that Tokyo would fall in such a short time.

Only then did they start to urgently notify various TV stations and issue disaster alerts, but it was too late.

The zombies in Tokyo have begun to infect the surrounding areas.

R country has also followed the footsteps of M country, and they are really worthy of being father and son.

A girls' high school in Tokyo.

"Yukiko, run!"

"Wait for me, Ami, don't leave me behind"

Two high school girls who look 17 years old are escaping from the pursuit of zombies one after another.

Finally, at the corner of the school, Yukiko and Ami hid in the bushes at the corner, while the zombies continued to run aimlessly in front of them.

After all, the situation like Yukiko and Ami is still a minority. Other high school girls are either infected in the classroom or infected or eaten by zombies in other places.

In a trading company in Tokyo

"Section Chief, try harder, we'll be on the roof soon, and we'll be saved"

A tall and thin R country social person wearing glasses and a suit was whispering to the fat man behind him.

But the man called the section chief did not move, and the tall and thin employee who was climbing the stairs in front of him turned his head strangely, and the last memory stopped at the moment when he jumped towards him with his mouth wide open.

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