My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 306 Mysterious Weapon

After the armed carriages in the armored train began to fire outwards, the scene became extremely bloody, because this was not an equal battle, just a one-sided massacre.

Because the rebels on the opposite side were all living humans, the firepower of the armed carriages was fully utilized, and the opposite side was like a chicken blood. One of the reasons was that they charged the armored train regardless.

For the soldiers inside the carriage, the operators placed heavy machine guns on both sides of the carriage to fire at the rebels outside the carriage. Although the heavy machine gun fire would make a huge noise, the soldiers around them were already used to it. You must know that on the way north, They shot at zombies not once or twice.

The soldier who controlled the heavy machine gun also had to sigh with other soldiers.

"This is what a heavy machine gun should be like! One person is responsible for blocking ten thousand people. When killing zombies, it doesn't have much effect at all. It can only slow down the zombies' attack. As long as it doesn't hit the vital points of the zombies, it is useless. , it’s so refreshing to just sweep a large area like this!”

Outside the carriage, the rebels who charged the armored train also regained their senses a little under the heavy machine gun fire and wanted to instinctively find a bunker. But the problem was that the entire train platform was not a bunker, let alone a bunker. There isn't even a trash can. If you want to dodge the bullets, you have to go back the same way you came, or jump off another rail to dodge.

"Captain! Brothers can't rush through! What should we do?"

A rebel with a skull necklace hanging around his neck shouted loudly to the strong man next to him, then raised the weapon in his hand, raised it above his head and fired at the armored train not far away.

The result is obvious. All the rebels' attacks were blocked by the strong armor of the armored train, and no damage was caused at all.

"Don't panic! Keep your ears open and listen. Everyone jumps into a track not far from the train, hide the bullets there, and then use grenades or other things to blow up the train for me!"


The strong man holding an RPG individual rocket pointed at a rail in front of the armored train and said loudly to the people around him. He wanted to use the sunken train passage in front to let others avoid the incoming bullets, and then throw a large number of them. Grenades or other explosives in an attempt to attack the armored train.

After hearing the words of their captain, the remaining rebels rushed towards the train passage. Even the heavy machine guns on the opposite side could not stop their progress. ♦♦  ♦♦

Soon, after paying the price of dozens or hundreds of people, the remaining rebels successfully hid in the train passage.

As for why there are so few casualties? Mainly because there are not many armed carriages parked on the train platform. As I said before, every five carriages in this armored train will have an armed carriage, which is specially used to deal with the large number of corpses approaching the train, so it can attack the CC train platform. Only four armed carriages made a direct attack.

Although these four armed carriages are enough to deal with these people, the problem is that the fire defense line of these four armed carriages is still a bit wide, and there will always be fish that slip through the net and slip into the train passage not far away.

As the captain of these rebels, this strong man called the captain was also escorted desperately by his personal guards to another train passage not far from the armored train.

Because of the angle and line of sight, the armed carriages cannot be attacked. People in this train passage can only anticipate that anyone who dares to raise his head will be given a ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Is everyone here?"

"Report to the captain, anyone who can breathe is already here."

After the strong man looked at the number of rebels around him, his face turned dark and he said angrily.

"There are more than 500 people, and now this is the only thing left? NTMD is kidding me?!"

It turned out that there were not many rebels who jumped into this train passage, only a few dozen people. To be precise, only fifty-three people successfully jumped into this train passage. Including the strong man himself, there were only fifty-four people. .

The soldiers on the other side who lost their target also quickly reported the current situation to their superiors.

"Report to the headquarters! This is Armed Car No. 12. We found that the person suspected of being the leader of the opponent jumped into the train passage not far away. Our heavy machine gun could not effectively damage them. Just in case, so I thought Requesting the use of a grenade launcher"

"Application rejected! You cannot use explosives such as grenades in Armed Car No. 12. We must ensure the integrity of the railway, but as compensation you can use the latest weapons to cause effective damage to enemies hiding in the train passage."

"Armed Car No. 12 received!"

Just after the application for the use of grenade launchers in Armed Car No. 12 failed, they obtained the right to use the latest weapons, which they could use to deal with the rebels hiding in another train passage.

"Xiaowu! Bring that up!"

"Yes! Monitor!"

The soldier named Xiao Wu, according to the squad leader's instructions, walked to a small compartment, took out something covered with a black cloth, and moved it to the side of the carriage with some difficulty.

After taking this thing to a shooting hole in the carriage, the soldier named Xiao Wu rubbed his hands with excitement, and then directly pulled off the black cloth covering it.

Suddenly, a certain new type of weapon hidden in the black cloth revealed its original appearance, and an object like an advanced camera appeared in front of everyone.

The soldier in the carriage, who was called the squad leader, walked directly to the weapon that looked like an advanced camera and began to operate it with some unskilled skills.

Then the squad leader pointed the weapon that looked like a camera at the train passage not far outside the carriage, and then pressed the red button on the top of the "camera" with a serious face.

Under the excited eyes of many other soldiers, this weapon that was first a camera emitted a blue light straight to the train passage on the other side.

Then such a magical scene happened. A rebel who stuck his head out of curiosity was directly fascinated by the blue light, and then, as if hypnotized, he climbed up the train passage involuntarily, and then walked towards the armed carriage step by step unconsciously.

But before he took a few steps, the rebel was shot in the head and died. He did not die under the guns of the soldiers but died under the gun of the strong man called the captain.

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