My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 305: Unequal Battle 2

"Chief, chief, save, save me..."

With a loud gunshot, the intercom fell into silence again. ,-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*-,

Sikong Shaoqiu looked at the intercom that had completely lost communication, with a terrible expression on his face, his cold eyes were like a cold pond in the severe cold, as cold as ice.

"Come here! In addition to the personnel guarding the hostages, summon all armed forces to the train platform and shoot down the ignorant train!"


Sikong Shaoqiu didn't realize what he was saying at all, or he didn't want to think about it. The experience of the past few days has made him completely immersed in this feeling of being the only one in the world.

As for his subordinates, they can no longer turn back, and can only continue to blindly obey Sikong Shaoqiu's orders, expecting everything to go smoothly today as yesterday.

Since they started the rebellion, they knew that there was no turning back, so the people who followed Sikong Shaoqiu were a group of people who gritted their teeth and persevered for their future "bright future".

When the other captains arrived at the railway station platform with armed personnel, they were not greeted by an empty platform, but a heavily armored train that was armed to the teeth.

Originally, this armored train should have left the CC railway station quickly, but the person in charge of the armored train, General Yansong, received a mysterious call. After the call, General Yansong decided not to leave first, but to use his armored train to tear a hole for the friendly troops so that the upcoming rescue troops could have a breakthrough.

To be honest, this kind of thing actually does not require General Yansong to do it, but now there is really no way. There are at least tens of thousands of hostages in the entire CC railway station, and a battalion of soldiers have been captured. The rescue troops outside dare not use force, for fear that the rebels inside will hurt the hostages or comrades.

Otherwise, even if there are ten times more rebels, it will not be enough for the rescue troops to fight.

General Yansong issued such an order in his office compartment.

"One hour! We are asked to hold on here for one hour! Attract all the attention of the insurgents! So that the rescue team behind can successfully rescue tens of thousands of hostages and our comrades! So! I order! This Fuxing armored train will stop at CC Railway Station for one hour. During the one hour of stopping here, I allow all armed carriages to fire freely! But there is one thing to note, that is, you must not accidentally hurt the hostages and our comrades. Do you understand?"


And this is why the armored train is still inside CC Railway Station.

"Brothers, the murderer who killed Captain Li Kui is on that train. Fire freely! Kill the murderer inside! Kill!"


A sturdy man with a scar on his face, holding an RPG rocket in his hand, shouted loudly at the armored train not far away, and then aimed at the armored train without hesitation and pulled the trigger in his hand.

As the sturdy man pulled the trigger, it was like a signal. A large number of insurgents, holding the weapons they had snatched, fired at the armored train while rushing forward desperately.

The charging insurgents all looked like they were on drugs, their whole bodies turned red. It was obvious that the faces of these insurgents showed unusual expressions, some were cursing loudly and some were laughing wildly, beads of sweat kept falling down, and their eyes were full of bloodshot.

These performances all showed that these people were on drugs, and they were large doses of drugs.

The insurgents who charged towards the armored train were so excited that they did not realize that the bullets they shot out of their hands had no effect on the armored train, and they could not even leave a small hole, but only wiped off a layer of paint on the armored train's protective armor.

The soldiers in the armed carriages parked on the platform of the train station, holding rifles and various heavy weapons in their hands, looked at the insurgents who were getting closer and closer through the shooting holes and observation mirrors, and did not feel the slightest fear, but waited for the order to fire with a firm look.

Different from the armed carriages, there are many auxiliary carriages in the armored train, such as the logistics carriages responsible for the soldiers' three meals, and the medical carriages and other carriages. These logistics auxiliary carriages did not participate in the battle, but just watched the tragedy that was about to happen from afar.

Several cooks in charge of cooking looked at the railway station platform not far away where gunfire was heard, and said with some confusion.

"I really don't know what those people are thinking? Obviously, we are all human beings, and now is not an era where humans can kill each other, but why do they do this?"

The cooks around him also interjected while peeling potatoes.

"Why else? According to the ancient saying, heroes emerge in troubled times, and heroes are made by the times. They all want to become ancient emperors, want to sleep on the knees of beauties when drunk, and hold the power of the world when awake. Although now, no, it should be because of the current situation that they can come out to rebel openly"

"Yeah, I don't understand. We are working so hard, and the country is working so hard too. For example, the supplies on our train are all transferred from various storage warehouses, just to feed and clothe those who are hungry and cold. Why do they rebel?"

"Okay, shut up. It's almost noon. Our task is to prepare meals and send them to other carriages on time to avoid them going hungry at noon. As for the battle, leave it to other comrades."

"I know, squad leader."

At this time, among the rebels who had charged mindlessly, there were a few people who were a little more sober and found something wrong. That is, the train on the opposite side was too thick, and the weapons in their hands had no effect on it at all. Because of reflection, the bullets were even bounced back and hit friendly forces.

When more and more people discovered this situation, it was too late, because the armored car not far away was ready to fight back. The armored car, like a military fortress, began to have small shooting holes in the middle of the car, and gun barrels of different sizes could be clearly seen leaking out from the shooting holes.

"It has been confirmed that the opposite side is a rebel, everyone is free to fire!"


With the order to fire freely, the gun barrels exposed from the shooting holes in the car began to burst into deadly flames.

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