My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 307 Neijiang

"Brothers, don't let yourself be illuminated by that blue light. It's a bit evil. If anyone is unlucky enough to be hit, I will personally send him off."

Taiwan Novel Network→𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Although the strong man was shocked by the blue light, he still pretended to be calm and shouted loudly.

For a moment, all the rebels did not dare to show their heads, for fear of being illuminated, but the question is, is this useful? The answer is no!

"Squad leader, where are they hiding like turtles? Our irradiator can't reach them. What should we do?"

"What do you mean? Did you all fall asleep when I was training you? Don't you know that this thing has a reflection function?"

As he said, the squad leader came directly to the side of the new weapon that emitted blue light and pressed a white button. Suddenly, the new weapon that could only illuminate the front directly began to automatically distort the light, and then irradiated the blue light into the train passage little by little.

The rebels in the train passage also noticed this situation, and then they were terrified and hurriedly avoided the area illuminated by the blue light. The strong man was no exception. He dodged the blue light with a flash.

"Captain, no, we will be illuminated sooner or later if we continue like this. Why don't we rush out and fight them?"

The rebel was opposed by the strong man before he finished speaking.

"Fight? What? The bullets fired will be bounced off by the ceramic armor, the rockets can't get close to the train, and the grenades are not powerful enough. What can we use to fight?"

After the strong man shouted, he finally realized one thing, that is, they can't cause any damage to this armored train at all. No matter how many people they have or how powerful their weapons are, they can't penetrate it.

When he discovered such a cruel reality, he had to face the next outcome. You must know that the more than 500 people he brought were already half of the combat power of the entire rebels. In addition to the previous sacrifice of a battalion, the combat power of the entire rebels has now lost three-quarters.

The remaining brigade was responsible for guarding the hostages and prisoners, and it was impossible to spare any manpower to rescue them, so there were only two options left for him now. One was to fight the armored train head-on to the end, and the other was to surrender directly.

The first option was abandoned by the strong man without even thinking about it. It was a joke. More than 500 people did not cause any damage to the armored train, let alone the remaining 50 people here.

Then the only option left was surrender, but if he surrendered now, the strong man was not sure whether he could survive. You know, what he did to the hostages and prisoners in the CC train station in the past two days, he himself did not remember, but he clearly remembered that he had killed more than a dozen people, including several pregnant women.

These crimes alone were enough to make him drink a pot, not to mention other things, so anyone here could surrender except him.

While the strong man was thinking about another way out, he did not notice that the other insurgents around him began to distance themselves from him little by little, and began to deliberately surround the strong man.

These rebels are not fools. They can think of what the strong man can think of. After all, the strong man is not the only one who can think. Of course, they can think too, because they are all human beings.

After thinking for a while, the rebels came to two conclusions, just like the strong man. One is to wait for death with the strong man, and the other is to rebel. No, it should be to turn over a new leaf. As long as the strong man is pushed out as a scapegoat, they will have a great chance of surviving. Even if they are lucky, they can join the army as regular soldiers on the spot.

For these rebels who are about to die, staying alive is the most important thing for them now, so these rebels began to approach the strong man intentionally or unintentionally. As long as the strong man dared to say something head-on or other instructions that were not in line with their wishes, then the strong man's fate is needless to say.

At this time, the strong man also noticed something wrong, but he did not speak out immediately. Instead, he pretended not to notice it and continued to lower his head and pretend to think about the problem, but in his mind he was thinking about how to break the current crisis.

As time went by, the other insurgents had successfully surrounded the strong man and could control him at any time. The strong man kept his previous movements and kept his head down. But if you look closely, you can find that the strong man with his head down has begun to sweat on his forehead.

Yes, the strong man began to panic, because he really couldn't find a way to break the current situation, but he was not willing to make wedding clothes for others in vain, so the strong man had quietly grabbed an oval object in his hand. Yes, the strong man was holding a defensive grenade that could kill all living things within a dozen meters. As long as the surrounding insurgents dared to harm him, he would take this group of people to hell.

At this time, the blue light was also constantly approaching the crowd, and there was not much time left for them.

In the end, the other insurgents except the strong man could not continue to endure it. They roared and rushed towards the strong man, trying to control the strong man, and then use the strong man as a scapegoat to surrender to the armored train outside.

"Everyone, come together! Tie up Gao!"

The insurgent who had just asked the strong man what to do was the first to stand up and rush towards the strong man, saying the above words loudly, mobilizing other insurgents to follow him.

Soon other rebels followed this man and pounced on the strong man, preparing to tie him up and send him to the armored train.

However, the strong man who had been prepared did not wait for death on the spot. Instead, he quickly dodged and directly avoided the attack of the first insurgent. Then he took out the grenade in his hand and grabbed it. He pulled out the ring on the grenade, but instead of throwing it to the other rebels, he held it tightly in his hand and shouted loudly.

"You bunch of white-eyed wolves, want to use me as a scapegoat so that you can be punished and reformed? Dream! Don't even think about it! You only deserve to go to hell with me. From now on, as long as you are touched, I will let you go. Hands, let’s go to hell together then!”

Although the strong man has pulled out the grenade pull ring, according to ordinary people's thinking, the grenade should have exploded by this time, but the reality is that after pulling the grenade, the grenade must be thrown out manually to let the grenade explode. It will explode only if you release the last safety in the air, or just release the grenade in your hand to trigger the last safety and make it explode.

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