My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 183: Attacking a Small Mountain Village

Song Yi, who caused all this, turned off the safety of the gun in his hand and returned it to Zhang Fei, and said to Yu Haicheng who was already stunned next to him.

"I hope that next time I come, there will be no such people. Goodbye!"

After that, Song Yi took Zhang Fei directly onto the Black Knight and led the convoy to leave the construction site. Yu Haicheng, who stayed in the original place, could only sigh and said to Yan Youcai next to him.

"Alas, you will suffer for your own sins. Go and take Li Qiang's body to the crematorium to burn it. By the way, lock those gangsters in the small dark room for a few more days and reflect on themselves."

"I understand"

For Song Yi, who has already left the construction site, everything that happens next has nothing to do with him.

And Zhang Fei, who had not spoken much until just now, now opened up and chatted with Song Yi.

"Brother Song, you're great. We were at least 400 meters away from that building just now. You were able to aim and shoot in just one second, and you were able to hit the head accurately. Your marksmanship is really sharp."

"Thank you. It's just basic operations. Don't be silly."

Unlike before, Song Yi now had a smile on his face. He chatted with Zhang Fei and even made a little joke. It was hard to tell that he was tight-lipped.

While the two were chatting, a tragedy was happening in a small mountain village not far from the convoy. The population of this small mountain village was only a dozen households, of which there were only more than 20 men, half of whom were elderly. The other women and children totaled only 40 people.

And in this small mountain village, a massacre was happening. The massacre was not someone else, but the infected Siberian tiger that had followed those people on the road before.

In the village, in addition to the screams of women and children, there were also the roars of men and the gunshots produced when rifles were fired. These sounds mixed together to produce a different melody.

"Boss! This tiger is not afraid of guns at all! What should we do?"

"What should we do? Keep shooting! Shoot until there are no more bullets! I don't believe that we can't kill a beast with so many people! Shoot hard!"

The man who was called the boss by others said, and he held the trigger tightly. The others could only listen to their boss's orders and held the trigger tightly. The bullet was fired through the gun barrel and hit a Siberian tiger not far away. The part hit by the bullet burst into pieces of blood, and black and red blood flowed from the wound.

But these wounds had no effect on the Siberian tiger that had died once. Because the throat was corroded by the virus, the Siberian tiger could not make a deafening tiger roar, but it did not prevent it from eating people with its sharp tiger teeth.

Although the villagers in this small mountain village temporarily suppressed the Siberian tiger with the rifles they picked up, making it unable to move, as time went by, the bullets were gradually consumed, but the Siberian tiger still did not fall down. Instead, it jumped up and pounced on the villagers at the moment when the villagers stopped firing.

At least a hundred bullets were fired at the Siberian tiger just now, but because of the lack of professional training, most of the bullets did not hit the Siberian tiger. Even if they did, they did not hit the vital parts, that is, its head, and all hit the body. Therefore, the attack just now did not cause much damage to the Siberian tiger at all, but instead aroused its anger.

How severely it was suppressed just now, how severely it rebounded now, the Siberian tiger opened its bloody mouth and bit directly at the villager who had just shot it with a gun. With the screams of the villager, the Siberian tiger bit off most of the villager's body in one bite.

Then it directly shook its tiger head and threw the villager who had lost half of his body to other villagers. One villager was knocked to the ground by the villager who threw him before he could defend himself. Because of fear, the suppressed villager did not break free in the first time, and the remaining villagers saw that the situation was not good and ran away like loose sand.

The Siberian tiger that had just bit off half of a villager's body would not give up so easily. It immediately took its four legs and began to chase the villagers who ran away. Two-legged people could never outrun four-legged people, and it was even harder to outrun them in the winter when heavy snow had just fallen.

The Siberian tiger quickly caught up with an elderly villager, then raised its sharp claws and swung them at the elderly villager. In an instant, the elderly villager was knocked to the ground by the tiger's claws, and deep claw marks appeared on his back, and he was still bleeding.

After knocking down a villager, the Siberian tiger did not stop, but continued to chase the remaining villagers.

Soon, the villagers were attacked by the Siberian tiger one after another. Some were knocked to the ground by the tiger's claws, some were bitten to death, and some were hit on the head by the tiger's tail like a steel cable, and died on the spot.

Anyway, in the end, less than half of the villagers were left. They fled to the only house with a wall and an iron gate in the village. After everyone came in, they locked all the doors, windows and the big iron gate, and brought a lot of heavy objects to prop up the big iron gate.

In addition to these villagers who escaped here, the others had already been killed by the Siberian tiger, and because the Siberian tiger had been infected, the villagers who died in its hands also came back to life, but not as humans, but as zombies.

Now they are surrounding here together with the Siberian tiger.

This house is actually the house of the boss who previously commanded the villagers to fight. He is also the only person in the village who can afford to build a three-story building. His house covers an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, including the yard space, which is about 350 square meters. It has a flat area and is equipped with a two-meter-high wall and a large vermilion iron gate.

So at the beginning of the apocalypse, he relied on his walls, big iron gates and his boldness to easily kill the zombies in the village. When the villagers saw that he could easily kill these terrible monsters, He was immediately elected as the new village chief.

From then on, this small mountain village became his one-third-acre land. Here he was the former emperor. He asked the villagers to do whatever he asked them to do. He was also lucky enough to pick up a few military rifles outside, and used these With the rifle, he eliminated the zombies near the small mountain village.

Then they set up roadblocks on the road and robbed passing vehicles, but now everything was ruined. Not only did the villagers lose most of their money, but they were also blocked in the house by the Siberian tiger and did not dare to go out. There were even no bullets in the rifle.

"Boss, what should we do? This big iron gate can't hold much."

The vermilion iron door can temporarily prevent the Siberian tigers and zombies outside from entering, but the thin iron door cannot last long, and will soon be broken through by the Siberian tigers and zombies outside. None of the villagers could escape.

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