My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 182 The little rascal who is courting death

The convoy outside the command post had already made all the preparations. When they came, only two trucks were full. When they left, all the trucks were full of construction materials. ♦♦  ♦♦

In addition to the militiamen, there were survivors nearby in the construction site. They were curiously watching the convoy and talking about it.

"Have you heard? The people who brought us food are from a settlement with a smaller population than ours. Their population is less than a thousand, but the food there is enough for them to eat for several years."

"I heard about it too, but I heard that half of the people in their settlement are soldiers, and all the food was snatched from zombies outside. Because they heard that we lack food here, they deliberately took these useless building materials as exchange. They call it exchange, but it's actually aid. They are really good people."

"Yes, I also heard from my cousin on patrol that they not only provided food, but also a lot of bullets, at least hundreds of thousands of rounds. It's great. I also want to live there, at least I can have enough food."

Most of the survivors expressed their gratitude to the Xinguang settlement for helping them, but some people felt that this was not enough.

"Tsk, you dare to ask for aid with just this little stuff. If I were the person in charge here, I would definitely organize people to rob this so-called Xinguang gathering place, and take all their food and weapons and distribute them to my brothers. Don't you think I'm right?"


"That's right!"

"Boss is awesome!"

The one who said this was actually a small gang of hooligans nearby. No, it should be said that they were the ones who were living off their parents. They were a small group nearby before the doomsday. After the doomsday, when others were still locking themselves in their houses, they went out to hang out as usual, and then they were chased by zombies. Ye Yan )

In the end, they were rescued by the militia who came, and have been protected by the militia in the construction site until now, but their habits before the doomsday have been maintained, and even a little worse.

From the original small fights to now forming gangs everywhere, yesterday because of the burning of grain, they openly formed gangs to promote the tripping of Yu Haicheng together, but they were finally simply suppressed. Everyone was locked up for a day and just came out.

But after coming out, these people not only did not have the intention to regret, but also wanted to attack the Xinguang gathering place. The leader of these gangsters, who just said that he wanted to shoot the Xinguang gathering place, his real name is Li Qiang, and he is from Lijia Village, Longquan Town.

The younger brothers around him are also gangsters nearby. So far, the number of people in his small group has exceeded ten, and it is thirteen to be exact.

What serious things can a group of thirteen gangsters do? They are either provoking others everywhere in the construction site, or molesting decent women, and they have hardly done a good thing.

Now in the construction site, except for the militia, there is nothing they dare not provoke, and sometimes they even dare to provoke the militia, just like yesterday.

Li Qiang and his men regarded the unfinished building as their territory, where they gathered to play cards all day long. Now was no exception. They gathered on the second floor of the building to play cards, drink beer that they didn't know where they got from, and brag.

Because the motorcade could be seen directly from the unfinished building, and Song Yi happened to return to the motorcade. Because he felt a few malicious eyes, he looked up at the unfinished building, and this happened to be seen by Li Qiang who had just said bad things, and then he did a very stupid thing.

That is to directly extend his right middle finger to Song Yi, make insulting gestures to Song Yi, and then shout.

"Look at you, you *, *, your mother, stupid*"

All kinds of insulting words to people's parents came out of Li Qiang's mouth, and then he started laughing with his group of younger brothers.

And all these actions were seen by Song Yi, and in an instant Song Yi's eyes narrowed, and a terrifying cold light was revealed in his eyes.

Yan Youcai, who had been respectful to Song Yi, also noticed this scene, and then he broke out in a cold sweat. Others may not know how strong the Xinguang gathering place is, but he knows it.

In order to prevent Song Yi from venting his anger, Yan Youcai immediately started to curse Li Qiang.

"Li, I tell you! Come down immediately and apologize to this person! Otherwise, I will be the first to kill you!"

Then he began to greet Li Qiang's ancestors, and at the same time, he did not forget to take care of Song Yi's mood. While cursing, he turned back to apologize to Song Yi. The movement here also alarmed Yu Haicheng in the command post. Yu Haicheng hurriedly walked out of the command post and walked to Yan Youcai to ask about the situation.

"What's going on here? Yan Youcai! Stop cursing and answer my question!"

"It's like this"

Yan Youcai carefully recounted what happened just now, and Yu Haicheng was also shocked when he heard that Li Qiang, this kid, openly insulted Song Yi, and then directly called his guards to give orders.

"Go and capture them, and apologize to Platoon Leader Song! Go now!"


The guards around him also knew the importance of this matter, so they hurriedly took a dozen people to capture the people, and Yu Haicheng, who had just ordered the arrest, turned around and promised Song Yi.

"Please rest assured, Platoon Leader Song, I have sent people to capture the person, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

As for why Yu Haicheng was so nervous, it was mainly because of the food. He was afraid that Song Yi would take the food that had just been unloaded back if he was unhappy. Then he and others would have to take the risk of going to the city to fight with zombies for food, which would inevitably cause unnecessary casualties and even possible annihilation of the entire army. In order to prevent this from happening, he must first stabilize Song Yi.

Song Yi suddenly raised his hand, stopped Yu Haicheng from saying the next thing, and then came to Zhang Fei, took the gun in his hand, and then aimed at the second floor of the building in a standard shooting posture.

Li Qiang on the second floor did not realize the seriousness of the matter at this time, and turned around to continue playing cards with his younger brother.

But with the sound of a bullet, a bloody hole appeared on the back of Li Qiang's head in an instant. Not only the back of the head, but also the front of the skull after the bullet passed through the back of the head. When the bullet penetrated Li Qiang's head, it also brought out the brain matter inside. The warm brain matter directly smeared on the face of a younger brother sitting in front of Li Qiang.

At this time, the guards who came to arrest people also came here, but in addition to Li Qiang who had long lost his life, there were only a group of younger brothers who were scared and hid in the corner.

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