My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 181 Unloading the Truck

And in order to prevent these dead rats from coming back to life, Yu Haicheng ordered the electrocuted rats to be directly burned to ashes with fire, and even the food that had been touched by the rat excrement was directly burned completely with fire.

After all, they could still tell which one was more miserable, being hungry for several days or contracting the plague. In this way, most of the originally small amount of food was directly burned by the fire, and the remaining food was only enough for people to eat one meal.

So since last night, the entire construction site has been out of food, and Yu Haicheng was just planning how to get food. After all, there are zombies everywhere now. With their small number of people, they can rely on the wall to stop the zombie attacks. , but it’s not enough to go out to get food.

Fortunately, Song Yi came at this time and brought the food they needed most.

"This time we brought 500 20-kilogram bags of rice, ten frozen pigs, ten frozen cows, a thousand kilograms each of various vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, as well as salt, There are also 100 kilograms each of MSG, soy sauce, cooking oil and the like, as well as 100,000 rounds of 62mm bullets."

"Great, this is a real help in times of need, thank you very much!"

After listening to Song Yi's words, Yan Youcai and Yu Haicheng quickly thanked him and smiled unconsciously on their faces. Now they no longer had to go hungry.

Song Yi ignored the two people's expressions and continued.

"These foods are used to trade construction materials, and the bullets are supplies provided to you by our chief. Are your things ready?"

Hearing Song Yi's question, Yu Haicheng smiled and answered.

"Of course, we have already prepared the building materials. We have collected all the materials that can be collected around us. Steel bars, sand, cement, everything. They have been arranged long ago. They can be transported away as long as they are moved to the truck. We also have a few excavators and bulldozers ready, so please feel free to drive them if necessary.”

After listening, Song Yi nodded, then stood up from the sofa and said to Yu Haicheng and Yan Youcai.

"In this case, without further delay, I hope you can send people to move the materials to the trucks we brought for shipment."

"Of course, please rest assured that I will move all the materials onto the truck as soon as possible."

Yan Youcai answered Song Yi's speech first, and then said something to Yu Haicheng.

"Captain, I'm going to direct the workers to move things first."

After saying that, he walked out of the room without looking back and began to gather workers to start moving materials. Song Yi, Zhang Fei and Yu Haicheng were the only three people left in the room.

"Please continue to sit down and drink tea. After all, it will still take a certain amount of time to load the construction materials onto the truck."

"No, the food and supplies we brought have not been unloaded yet. If possible, please allocate a few more people to help us unload the food and supplies."

"Of course, please leave it to us."

After Yu Haicheng finished speaking, he walked to his desk, took out a walkie-talkie, and started to contact the militiamen outside.

"Lin Hai, take your brother who is resting and help unload the food supplies brought by the friendly forces. Go quickly!"


Song Yi and Zhang Fei could hear the sound coming from the walkie-talkie a few meters away, and how excited the people on the other side of the walkie-talkie were.

At this time, the convoy that was parked not far away was worrying about how to unload the food and supplies. However, within a short while, a group of militiamen in military uniforms swarmed over and shouted for help. Among them, they were at the front. It was Lin Hai who was talking to Yu Haicheng.

"Hello everyone, we are here to help unload food. If you don't believe it, you can ask your superiors."

"Okay, let me ask the platoon leader for instructions. Please wait a moment."

The deputy platoon leader responsible for protecting the food directly contacted Zhang Fei with a walkie-talkie, and then received positive news.

"Then I'll trouble you."

As soon as the militiamen saw that everything was okay, they immediately started unloading the food from the truck. They moved very quickly, and there were at least dozens of people coming to help this time, so the unloading speed was also very fast, less than A full truckload of grain was unloaded in thirty minutes.

The unloaded food was all piled up in a temporary warehouse. This warehouse was temporarily built yesterday, mainly to prevent the recurrence of rat infestations like yesterday.

After all the food was unloaded, it was time to load the construction materials. Yan Youcai organized at least a hundred workers to load the materials. Including the militiamen who had not left, there were a total of 150 people to load the materials. Materials and several excavators also came to help, which greatly improved efficiency.

The moving work that originally took several hours was completed in less than an hour. All ten trucks were filled with materials. These materials were enough to build a small airport, and there was still a little left. Of course, with the points Cai Wenjie now has , in fact, there is no need to build an airport yourself, and you can directly exchange it for one. However, in order to find an excuse to send some assistance to the militiamen, the transaction continued.

Of course, these materials are not useless. Cai Wenjie decided to use these materials to rebuild and expand the road, at least to make the road strong enough to pass through behemoths like tanks. After all, although there are no tanks now, it does not mean that there will be no tanks in the future. These will all happen sooner or later. Just something.

After knowing that all the construction materials had been loaded onto the truck, Song Yi said goodbye to Yu Haicheng and prepared to return to the Xinguang gathering place with the goods.

"Don't you want to have lunch before leaving?"

"No, the things here are done, and I should go back. I almost forgot. This is our communication channel. If anything happens, you can contact us. This is the last thing our leader told me. Goodbye."

Song Yi took out a note with the communication channel of the Xinguang gathering place written on it, and formally handed it to Yu Haicheng, then took Zhang Fei and left the command post without looking back.

Yu Haicheng was speechless when holding the note. After this short exchange, Yu Haicheng found that Song Yi was simply a robot. He answered whatever he asked, and would not speak at all except when answering questions. As for Zhang Fei next to him, except for his heroic appearance when eating, he would not speak at all at other times and would not answer any questions.

The two of them were more tight-lipped than each other.

"Well, forget it. It's good to have something to eat. Besides, they also donated 100,000 bullets. We don't have to worry about bullets for the time being. This way, the plan to attack the department store can continue."

Yu Haicheng knew that although someone sent them food to tide them over the difficulties this time, it was impossible to survive every time relying on aid, so he could only mobilize people to obtain food by themselves, and the department store was the nearest point for obtaining supplies. He planned to launch an attack on the department store in a few days.

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