My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 180 Mouse

Not only did the main weapon of the infantry fighting vehicle aim at the other side, but even the infantry inside the infantry fighting vehicle quickly rushed out of the infantry fighting vehicle and began to use the vehicle to aim the weapons in their hands at the militia on the wall.

As long as one side's guns go off, this place will instantly become a battlefield. Although there is only one platoon of soldiers responsible for escorting the convoy, they are confident that they can take down the entire construction site with their weapons and infantry fighting vehicles.

Just when the situation on the scene was about to get out of control, Yan Youcai, who had communicated with Song Yi before, rushed out of the construction site and hurriedly stopped both sides.

"Stop! Put down your guns! They are all our own people! They are from the Xinguang gathering place!"

Yan Youcai calmed down the nervous emotions of the militia in less than a moment. Since Yan Youcai returned to the construction site from the Xinguang gathering place, he has been regarded as the second in command here, so he can appease the militia in a very short time.

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After pacifying the militia, Yan Youcai personally opened the gate of the construction site, trotted to the side of the Black Knight, and warmly welcomed Song Yi.

"Welcome to our construction site, leaders, please come in"

"I hope this situation will not happen again"

Song Yi said lightly as he looked at Yan Youcai who was smiling apologetically outside the window

Then the grain transport convoy led by Song Yi also slowly moved the muzzle under Song Yi's order and began to enter the construction site.

"Convoy, move forward! Enter the construction site"


After Song Yi gave the order to the convoy, he looked at Yan Youcai and said.

"I need to see your highest commander, please lead the way"

Song Yi's almost commanding words did not offend Yan Youcai, but felt that it was a matter of course, and hurriedly said.

"No problem, please follow me"

"Thank you"

After all, Song Yi came here on behalf of Cai Wenjie, and the necessary courtesy still had to be observed. Therefore, when Song Yi found that Yan Youcai's attitude was very humble, he did not embarrass him too much.

The black knight driven by Song Yi stopped directly next to the command center mentioned by Yan Youcai. The command center was actually just a small bungalow. Yan Youcai brought Song Yi and Zhang Fei, who had not spoken since just now, directly to the gate of the command center.

"Captain! A distinguished guest is coming!"

Yan Youcai shouted at the door first, and then took Song Yi and Zhang Fei into the command center. As for the two soldiers who came with Zhang Fei, they leaned against the black knight and stood guard.

After the three entered the command center, Song Yi saw Yu Haicheng who was handling the affairs in the construction site at a glance, and Yan Youcai's shouting just now was to attract Yu Haicheng who was immersed in work, because Yu Haicheng had an old habit that could not be changed, that is, once he entered the office state, he would easily ignore everything around him, and he had to be shouted loudly to wake him up.

"Captain! Xinguang Gathering Place has sent someone over."

After being reminded by Yan Youcai, Yu Haicheng finally spotted Song Yi and Zhang Fei, and quickly stood up and came to Song Yi and Zhang Fei and extended his right hand to welcome them.

Song Yi did not put on airs and shook hands naturally.

"Hello, hello, my name is Yu Haicheng, I am the person in charge of this construction site and the instructor of the militia, may I ask who you are?"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Song Yi, and I am the adjutant of Cai Wenjie, the highest officer of Xinguang Gathering Place."

Yu Haicheng nodded after hearing this, then turned to look at Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei introduced himself without any hesitation.

"My name is Zhang Fei! I am the platoon leader of the second platoon of the first company of Xinguang Gathering Place! Nice to meet you!"

After hearing Zhang Fei's self-introduction, Yu Haicheng was immediately shocked, because Zhang Fei was exactly the same as described in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, with a leopard head, round eyes, a swallow chin and a tiger beard.

"This brother is so handsome"

Yu Haicheng couldn't help but comment, then calmed down and invited Song Yi and Zhang Fei to the sofa on the side.

"Please sit down, you two, you've been tired from the long journey, please have some tea"

Yu Haicheng took out the tea leaves that he usually didn't want to drink, brewed a pot of hot tea himself, and then poured a cup for each of them.

"I won't be polite!"

After saying that, Zhang Fei drank the tea leaves in a big gulp, then smacked his lips and muttered softly.

"This tea is really bitter, not as good as my brother's golden pumpkin tribute tea"

As for Song Yi, he said thank you first, and then slowly drank the tea.

Song Yi and Zhang Fei had time to drink tea slowly, but Yan Youcai next to them couldn't bear it, and asked carefully.

"Two officers, are you here to give us food aid this time?"

When Yan Youcai said this, his heart was about to jump out of his chest, fearing that Song Yi would say something that would make him despair. In fact, it was not his fault. In fact, the construction site had been completely out of food since yesterday.

In fact, the construction site should not have run out of food so quickly. According to the original standard, the food at the construction site could have lasted at least half a month, but something happened yesterday that completely cut off the food at the construction site.

The reason is still because of the problem of grain storage. A large number of rats were found in the warehouse where grain was stored. They were scattered throughout the warehouse where grain was stored. There were at least hundreds or even thousands of them. These rats usually hid underground, and then at night when everyone was asleep, they would secretly dig up the floor of the warehouse where grain was stored to steal grain.

Just think about it and you will know what it means for hundreds or thousands of rats to steal grain? Almost overnight, the entire stored grain was reduced by one-third, and the remaining grain was full of rat excrement or footprints.

When people discovered this situation, that is, yesterday, the entire construction site was in an uproar. Losing food was not the most worrying thing. The most worrying thing was whether these rats would be infected with the virus and attack humans. This was the big problem.

Fortunately, after a thorough investigation, it can be determined that the rats that stole grain this time were not infected with the virus, but ordinary rats. In fact, if you think about it, you will know that if it is a rat infected with the virus, it will not steal food, but will attack people openly.

After learning that the granary was visited by rats, Yu Haicheng immediately organized people to start the rat extermination operation. After professional reconnaissance, it was found that the rats' nest was under the warehouse where the grain was stored, so Yu Haicheng directly ordered to smoke out all the rat holes that could be found.

Let the thick smoke force the rats out, and block all the rat holes that could be found, leaving only a few holes for the rats to escape, and set up electric grids at these few remaining escape holes, so that the rats would be electrocuted directly if they ran out.

Using this method, Yu Haicheng eliminated at least 99% of the rats within a day, and the remaining rats escaped through several other hidden holes.

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