My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 184: Reunion

At this time, the convoy led by Song Yi returned to the intersection that was blocked when they first came. Song Yi, who originally wanted to pass by like this, suddenly discovered something unusual.

In addition to the footprints of the few people he had discovered before, Song Yi also saw the footprints of big cats.

However, because he still had tasks to complete, Song Yi ignored the matter and continued to direct the convoy back to the Xinguang gathering place. Not far from the convoy was the location of the 240 soldiers that Cai Wenjie exchanged.

The second company commander Song Yichen and the third company commander Ji Qinglai took their troops and stationed in a small village next to the only way the convoy must pass. defense, and set up machine guns and other heavy weapons.

"I said, do we really need to do this?"

"Don't worry, this is all arranged by the chief, and it's just for show, to give us a reasonable explanation for our appearance. The role we play this time is that after a large gathering place was breached, we were forced to be separated from the large army. There is no need to be too nervous about a character like this who is a straggler and is inadvertently attracted to a convoy and asks to be taken in.”

Just as the two were communicating, the convoy began to slowly enter their sight. Because this temporary station was upstream of the road, it was easy to see the situation in the distance on the road.

"They are coming, hurry up! Notify the troops below and stop them!"


Compared with Song Yichen and Ji Qinglai's troops, although Song Yi knew that his leader had arranged new clones and that he needed to cooperate in a scene, he did not know how many people Cai Wenjie had exchanged this time. According to him, The idea is that at most one platoon of clones is enough.

But what I never expected was that there were so many clones. When the convoy entered the defense line set up by Song Yichen and Ji Qinglai, it was fired by a heavy machine gun as a warning. The bullet hit a man ten meters in front of the convoy. place.

Moreover, there were more than a dozen rocket launchers aimed directly at their convoy, and clone soldiers who had been ambushing them for a long time appeared beside the road, densely surrounding the entire convoy.

Seeing this, Song Yi directly ordered the convoy not to act rashly.

"All vehicles in the convoy, stop where they are, don't act rashly, infantry fighting vehicles! Don't fire without my order!"


After Song Yi gave the order, he exchanged glances with Zhang Fei next to him, then opened the door and jumped out. Zhang Fei, like Song Yi, opened the door and jumped out together.

Song Yi and Zhang Fei looked at the densely packed soldiers in front of them. They did not panic at all but calmly spoke to the surrounding clone soldiers.

"I am the leader of this convoy, call your officers out, I want to talk to them!"

Because it was acting, Song Yi and Zhang Fei raised their hands in cooperation, indicating that they had no ideas and wanted to talk to their officers.

The nearby soldiers also cooperated with Song Yi and Zhang Fei.

"Okay, but let the people in your convoy get out of the car first. We can only let you see our company commander after we confirm that there are no infected people!"


After Song Yi finished speaking, he gave orders to the intercom.

"Everyone got off the vehicle and lined up for inspection, including the infantry fighting vehicle."


If this was not an act but a real thing, Song Yi would not agree to this condition at all. Instead, he would let the concession tanks use all their firepower to break through the defense line here, instead of asking the soldiers to put down their armed forces and get out of the vehicles to let them go as they do now. People check.

Soon, everyone in the convoy got out of the vehicle and began to be checked. After everyone confirmed that there was no problem, Song Yi and Zhang Fei were taken to a small village above the road, where Song Yichen and Ji Qinglai were. Temporary camp.

After Song Yi and Zhang Fei were out of sight of ordinary people, they began to ask questions to the soldiers leading the way.

"How many of you are there in total? Are all of you clones?"

"Yes, we are all clones exchanged by the chief. We have a total of 240 people here, the number of people in two infantry companies."

The soldier answered Song Yi's question honestly and did not hide anything. After Song Yi heard the soldier's answer, he thought about it and found that his convoy seemed to be unable to pull so many people, and it was still loading the building materials. under circumstances.

"How did you get here, on foot?"

"Yes, we have walked a total of ten kilometers from the place where we first opened our eyes to here. We did not encounter too many zombies during this period. It is quite safe. We are here!"

The soldiers took Song Yi and Zhang Fei to a small village, then pointed to the largest house in the small village and said.

"That is our company commander's temporary command post."

After speaking, he continued to lead Song Yi and Zhang Fei to the house. After the soldier walked to the door of the house, he knocked on the door and then said loudly.

"Report to the company commander! People have been brought here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open from inside, and two people walked out of it, it was Song Yichen and Ji Qinglai.

"Hello, you are Song Yi and Zhang Fei. Let me introduce myself. My name is Song Yichen. I am a clone exchanged by the commander. I am now the commander of the second company. You can just call me Lao Song. This person beside me My name is Ji Qinglai, he is the company commander of the third company, you can just call him Lao Ji."


After the two of them briefly introduced themselves, they began to discuss today's action with Song Yi and Zhang Fei.

"It's like this, the commander ordered us to play a play with you, and then naturally sneak into the Xinguang gathering place, and this time we play the role of the stragglers who were forced to be separated from the troops after a large gathering place was breached, and you play the role of the person who introduced us to the Xinguang gathering place"

After Song Yichen explained this, Song Yi understood, and he nodded and said.

"Okay, do you need me to do anything?"

"It's no big deal, you just need to stay here for a while, and then go out and tell the people in your team that we choose to join your team"

"That's all?"

"That's all"

"Okay, I know, I will cooperate with you"

Song Yi nodded, agreed, and said as if he remembered something.

"I almost forgot, my name is Song Yi, the one next to me is Zhang Fei, we are all in the first company led by the commander himself, I am the deputy company commander, Zhang Fei is the second platoon leader"

"Nice to meet you, nice to meet you!"

Just as the four of them were learning about their respective situations in this temporary command post, the soldier who had just led Song Yi and Zhang Fei knocked on the door.

"Report! A large number of zombies appeared in the distance of the road, should we take the initiative to block them!"

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