My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 172 Rescue Operation

Soon the rescue team set out from the Xinguang gathering place and headed for the resort. Read М

The rescue team was composed of two transport helicopters, two armed helicopters, and Shunliu and his three platoons. The journey of dozens of kilometers was completed in less than ten minutes.

The rescue team had arrived above the resort, and the zombies distributed in the resort were instantly attracted by the sound of the helicopter propellers. The attracted zombies began to run to the bottom of the helicopter without exception.

In order to rescue the survivors as soon as possible, the rescue team began to deliberately attract the zombies to a distance according to the plan before departure.

"We will lead the zombies to the other side first, and you will take the opportunity to land next to the building where the survivors are and rescue them as soon as possible!"


In this way, the two armed helicopters began to lower their altitude as much as possible to make the sound of the propellers louder, and then began to move slowly to attract the zombies in the resort to a distance.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’ π“‰π“Œπ“€π’Άπ“ƒ.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

The transport helicopter also took advantage of the opportunity when the zombies were led away and went directly to the place where the distress signal was sent, that is, the B\u0026B where the survivors were, and then began to land.

The survivors in the B\u0026B also saw the scene outside and began to cheer one by one. Of course, this cheering only lasted for a moment, and then they were immediately covered by others instinctively.

"Great! Someone came to save us!"

"We are saved! Hahaha! Woo woo woo!"

As the transport helicopter landed, Shunliu and his three rows of soldiers also jumped out of the transport helicopter, and then began to be alert all around, while Shunliu himself led a squad of soldiers and ran to the door of the B\u0026B and began to knock.

"Listen, survivors inside. I'm from the Xinguang Gathering Area Rescue Team. Open the door quickly!"

Footsteps were heard from far to near in the B\u0026B. Soon, the door of the B\u0026B opened a gap from the inside. A middle-aged man in his thirties stuck his head out and began to observe Shunliu. Before he finished observing, Shunliu grabbed the door that had opened a crack and pulled it out with all his strength.

The result was that the middle-aged man was taken out directly and fell to the ground, while Shunliu said to the soldiers around him.

"Three minutes!"


The soldiers around him immediately understood what Shunliu meant and rushed into the B\u0026B to catch people. No! It should be said that they helped the survivors evacuate quickly!

Shunliu also helped the middle-aged man who fell to the ground, and then took the middle-aged man directly into the transport helicopter, and the soldiers who entered the B\u0026B also took the survivors one by one and quickly boarded the transport helicopter.

The survivors in the B\u0026B followed the soldiers to board the transport helicopter with a confused look on their faces. At this time, a man who looked a little young hurriedly said.

"Wait a minute, my luggage! I haven't taken my luggage yet!"

"Yes, I haven't taken my luggage yet!"

"Please, let me take my luggage, my luggage contains my most important things"

Just when everyone wanted to break free from the control of the soldiers and go back to get their luggage, Shunliu came to them and said

"Why worry about the luggage now? The zombies will be back soon. If you don't want to die, get on the transport helicopter and evacuate immediately!"

After saying that, he left without looking back, and the soldiers took control of the survivors again and took them to the transport helicopter.

Shunliu, who left, called a squad of soldiers and began to give orders.

"You should search the B\u0026B as quickly as possible, and then bring back the luggage of the survivors"


Although Shunliu used tough means to get the survivors on the transport helicopter, he did not refuse their request and sent a squad of people to find the luggage of the survivors.

At this time, the zombies in the entire resort had gathered under the armed helicopter in the distance, and there were several tearers among them, roaring meaninglessly at the armed helicopter in the air.

"It's almost time. I want to ask how the evacuation is going!"

"Okay! I'll contact the evacuation troops now."

The pilot of the No. 01 armed helicopter began to contact the pilot of the transport helicopter.

"I am the pilot of the No. 01 armed helicopter. May I ask if the evacuation operation is over?"

"Shun, the platoon leader, is now guiding the survivors to evacuate. It is estimated that it will take another three minutes."

"Understood! Please evacuate as soon as possible. There are more and more zombies here."


After ending the call, the pilot of the No. 01 armed helicopter said to the weapon operator behind him.

"Wait for three minutes."


After ending the call, the pilot of the transport helicopter on the other side immediately contacted Shunliu outside.

"Shun, the armed helicopter is already urging us, what should we do?"

"I know! After the soldiers bring out the luggage, you can take the survivors to the stadium gathering place first, and we will stay to cooperate with the armed helicopters to carry out the encirclement and suppression operation!"


Because the transport helicopter can carry up to 39 people, the transport helicopter carrying the survivors can be evacuated first. As for Shunliu and his third platoon, they can take another transport helicopter.

Soon, the soldiers brought dozens of large and small luggage from the B\u0026B, and then carried them directly to the transport helicopter where the survivors boarded, and then received unanimous thanks from the survivors.

After doing all this, Shunliu led the soldiers to climb to the top of the nearby building, and began to aim at the zombies in the distance with guns, and one of the two transport helicopters carrying the survivors began to take off slowly.

The noise of the high-speed rotating propellers of the transport helicopter still attracted the attention of some zombies in the distance. These zombies who were keenly aware of the sound began to run in the direction of the transport helicopter.

But before they could run a few steps, they fell directly to the ground and closed their eyes forever, and there was an obvious hole in the heads of these fallen zombies.

And not only these zombies who noticed the direction of the transport helicopter, but also the zombies who had been gathering under the armed helicopter began to fall one by one, and some gunshots could be heard faintly as the zombies fell.

That's right! It was Shunliu and his third platoon who fired cold shots. Because Shunliu was the platoon leader of the third platoon, Cai Wenjie intentionally or unintentionally placed all the soldiers with good marksmanship in the third platoon, resulting in the third platoon's shooting level being significantly higher than the other two platoons. It can be said that every soldier in Shunliu's third platoon is a sharpshooter.

The soldiers held CS/LR30 assault rifles and relied on the scopes on them to accurately kill the zombies gathered in the distance. Moreover, because of the rules set by Cai Wenjie, everyone's rifle had a silencer, so the sound of shooting could not attract the zombies in the distance at all.

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