My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 171 Resort

The battle far away in SH did not affect Cai Wenjie and Zhou Weiguo's chat, but this time the content has changed from the theft of food to another matter. Read М

"I need your help with something, or more precisely, I need the support of your transport helicopter"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's like this, we received a distress signal this morning"

After hearing Zhou Weiguo's explanation, Cai Wenjie understood why Zhou Weiguo wanted to borrow a transport helicopter. It turned out that the survivors who sent the distress signal were trapped in a resort dozens of kilometers away, and the resort there had long been surrounded by zombies, and they were trapped in a homestay in the resort, which was basically a small hotel.

There were more than 20 people in total, and except for the owner of the homestay, the others were tourists from all over the place. They had been trapped there since the disaster broke out.

What's worse is that the food in the homestay has basically been consumed by them. If they don't want to die, they can only ask for help from the outside world, or go out and fight zombies one-on-one. If they survive, they can find food in other places, otherwise they will become food, of course, food for zombies.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺]

Of course, they are not stupid. No one went out to fight the zombies one-on-one. They used various channels to contact nearby gathering places, such as calling the police, leaving messages on official websites, or directly leaving messages on Douyin, Bilibili, Weibo, etc. @, and of course the most primitive radio contact.

Fortunately, their distress signal was really discovered, and then it was directly transferred to the nearest official gathering place, which is Zhou Weiguo, the closest to the resort.

" @YJ City Stadium Gathering Place, go and save people!"

Such messages are everywhere on the Internet. They all saw the distress signals left by these survivors, and then directly @Zhou Weiguo's stadium gathering place, because it is the closest.

Although it is the end of the world, because the network and electricity are still alive, basically every gathering place has opened its own official account. Weibo, Bilibili, Douyin, all websites with huge traffic have official accounts of gathering places across the country, and Zhou Weiguo is no exception.

So he received a distress signal as soon as he opened his eyes today. His choice for this distress signal did not change much. If he can save, he will save. If he can't save, he will try his best. This is not a saint but his duty, as a soldier of Country Z.

Although Zhou Weiguo has decided to go to the rescue, to be honest, he has too few units to use. If he wants to send a ground rescue force for a distance of dozens of kilometers, it will take at least an hour to reach the resort, and the number of people sent must be at least a company of troops, because the resort is not a place with low traffic.

Because this resort has a good reputation, there are many tourists who come to the resort for vacation. At least the number of people in the entire resort can exceed a thousand, which also means that the number of zombies here must be more than a thousand. If you want to save them, you must eliminate the zombies in the entire resort, so that the survivors can be rescued safely.

But the problem is, what should I do with the defense of my own gathering place in this case? Should we hand it over to the new recruits who have just been trained for a few days? You should know that Zhou Weiguo's entire gathering place has only 200 defensive forces, and 100 of them are new recruits who have just been trained a few days ago.

So Zhou Weiguo thought of a way, that is, to use air power for rescue, using two transport helicopters, one to cover the evacuation of survivors, and one to attract the attention of zombies, so that the survivors can be rescued safely and unnecessary casualties can be reduced.

After listening to Zhou Weiguo's explanation, Cai Wenjie thought about it and nodded.

"Okay, I agree to this. I will send two transport helicopters to help you rescue the survivors."

Cai Wenjie directly agreed to Zhou Weiguo's request and added a sentence.

"How about this, you send me a copy of the information of the resort, and I will help you send troops to rescue those survivors and clean up the resort area by the way."

As for why Cai Wenjie suddenly wanted to send troops, it was mainly because of the system. After Zhou Weiguo finished explaining, the system jumped out directly and threw out a task.

Limited-time mission: Rescue

C-level mission

Mission objective: Rescue the survivors trapped in the resort and escort them to the stadium gathering place before all the survivors die.

Mission introduction: Please rescue the group of 20 survivors trapped in the resort before they are attacked and killed by zombies, and escort them to Zhou Weiguo's stadium gathering place. Please note! With the death of the survivors, the mission reward will also decrease. Once all the survivors are killed, the mission will be judged as failed and no reward can be obtained.

Mission reward:

Points: 5000

8×8 series military vehicle * 2

Because it is a C-level mission, there is no additional reward, and to be honest, this kind of mission is not attractive enough for Cai Wenjie who has more than one million points, but Cai Wenjie still decided to do it, not for anything else but for this 8×8 military truck.

Although the 8×8 is half the load capacity of the 10×10, it is still a good military truck, and it will be more convenient to transport things in the future.

"Are you sure? The number of zombies there has exceeded one thousand, which is not easy to deal with"

"I'm sure! I survived the zombie tide formed by tens of thousands of zombies, and a mere one thousand zombies can't shake me"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. I will report this rescue operation to the central government in full. You work hard and strive for promotion as soon as possible"

"I know, time is tight, I will arrange the rescue team first, and we will talk later"

After saying this, Cai Wenjie ended the communication, and then immediately found the helicopter pilot and Shunliu, and began to arrange the rescue mission.

"This is the thing. I want you to go to the resort 80 kilometers away from us to carry out the rescue mission, and after the rescue mission is over, completely eliminate the zombies there. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"Very good! Shunliu, you immediately assemble your three platoons and go with them. After confirming that all survivors have been rescued, you will cooperate with the armed helicopter to eliminate the zombies there. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"Very good! Go!"


That's right! Cai Wenjie not only summoned the pilots of the transport helicopters but also the pilots of the armed helicopters. Once the transport helicopters confirmed that all the survivors had been rescued, the armed helicopters and Shunliu's three platoons would be responsible for eliminating all the zombies in the resort, leaving no one behind!

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